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New Study shows Vit. E/C can be harmful

fieyaa's Photo fieyaa 22 Jun 2004


Interesting read.. wonder if it will be duplicated in more studies..

Mind's Photo Mind 22 Jun 2004

Doea anyone else have any thoughts on this? Seems to me that E, C, and beta carotene, have long long histories of health benefits. They are essential nutrients. From my limited knowledge, it seems the benefits from these vitamins still outweigh this supposed risk of higher "bad" cholesterol. I am not even sure there is such a thing as bad cholesterol, just too much LDL can be bad for your heart health.

lynx's Photo lynx 23 Jun 2004

Well, even if you do get higher LDL, it won't oxidize as easily. Oxidized LDL will clog your arteries, but absent oxidation, it is just another part of the symphony of life.

So what they are saying is that hepatic lipid peroxidation reduces LDL secretion. But we know that the liver will produce LDL anyway, with/without anti-oxidants. The fate of the LDL, in a body deficient in Total Anti-oxidant Status, is to be oxidized, then it will accumulate in the artery walls, causing plaque, obstruction, ishcemia, blockage, disfigurement/disease/disabiltity/death.

So, by some twisted logic they say that we should look for anti-oxidants that don't enter the liver, as if ApoB100 were the only molecule sensitive to oxidation/reduction chemistry. There are so many reasons to have high anti-oxidants in the liver that their suggestion is ridiculous. Truly an absurd piece of reasoning.

here is the full study
