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gamesguru's Photo gamesguru 03 May 2010

What are opinions from those who have used low doses of adderall with magnesium and antioxidants? Does it help substantially (in the long term) with studying? With focusing? With learning? With fluid intelligence? Ect.

Also how does your brain respond when you halt this sort of regimine?

Feel free to add any other thoughts on the matter.

Please don't tell me to search, I already did and I want more opinions.

Thanks in advance!

chrono's Photo chrono 03 May 2010

Not quite sure exactly what you're asking. Magnesium and antioxidants probably aren't going to have much of an impact on cognition, unless you have a severe magnesium deficiency. They're more for general brain support. I don't believe it's been demonstrated that amphetamine is neurotoxic at therapeutic dosages, but an anti-oxidant is still a good precaution if you're going to be using it for a long time.

Adderall can help with all of those things (except perhaps fluid intelligence?), depending on what your individual psychological and physiological makeup is. Its impact on all these factors has been discussed everywhere.

haha's Photo haha 03 May 2010

The use of Magnesium will deminish the tolerance effects to strong stimulants, this is mediated through the voltage dependent block of NMDA and is the same reason people take Memantine(maybe LTP blocker aswell). The tolerance effects are the same effects that cause habitation and eventual dependence(not strictly true but partly). Magnesium is also acutely depleted by use of amph, as it plays so many roles that a vital to function and health its worth sup.
The antioxidants that I most preffer dont have direct action with free radicals they mediate metal complexs, mitchondria complexs, RNAploymerase, as such they lift your natural capacity to achieve that higher plain of person, Some of the so called antioxidants are strong stims anyway Cocoa,green tea caffeine free extract.

medievil's Photo medievil 03 May 2010

Get memantine.

gamesguru's Photo gamesguru 06 May 2010

Not quite sure exactly what you're asking. Magnesium and antioxidants probably aren't going to have much of an impact on cognition, unless you have a severe magnesium deficiency. They're more for general brain support. I don't believe it's been demonstrated that amphetamine is neurotoxic at therapeutic dosages, but an anti-oxidant is still a good precaution if you're going to be using it for a long time.

Adderall can help with all of those things (except perhaps fluid intelligence?), depending on what your individual psychological and physiological makeup is. Its impact on all these factors has been discussed everywhere.

Thanks, I'll search around to read up on its impact on these factors.

Also, read the below quote. Magnesium appears (according to anecdotal reports) to prevent amphetamine tolerance (to an extent). It has been scientifically documented to reduce amphetamine sensitization, but I don't believe it's been STUDIED and therefore not documented to reduce tolerance.
It has been suggested that all NMDA receptor antagonists block amphetamine tolerance. It is DEFINITELY something worthy of investigation.

The use of Magnesium will deminish the tolerance effects to strong stimulants, this is mediated through the voltage dependent block of NMDA and is the same reason people take Memantine(maybe LTP blocker aswell). The tolerance effects are the same effects that cause habitation and eventual dependence(not strictly true but partly). Magnesium is also acutely depleted by use of amph, as it plays so many roles that a vital to function and health its worth sup.
The antioxidants that I most preffer dont have direct action with free radicals they mediate metal complexs, mitchondria complexs, RNAploymerase, as such they lift your natural capacity to achieve that higher plain of person, Some of the so called antioxidants are strong stims anyway Cocoa,green tea caffeine free extract.

Do you have specific research to back this up? I only see anecdotal reports, and reports on reduction of sensitization by means of NMDA receptor antagonists.

Get memantine.

Does this work more effectively in reducing tolerance?

Also, what are people's recommendations on frequency of use. Right now I'm planning on just using adderall once or twice weekly, just to put in a meaningful study session. I also plan to use magnesium (or perhaps memantine after investigation) to reduce tolerance, and antioxidants to counteract the (perhaps minimal) oxidative stresses induced by amphetamines.
Any suggestions on frequency of use? Does low-dose daily use maintain effectiveness, or does tolerance cause this to diminish?