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An IQ Test To Determine Patriotism

Brafarality's Photo Brafarality 09 Oct 2011

I have become so terribly bored of seeing ignorant people correlate their ignorance and supposedly 'conservative' values with true patriotism and love for the United States that I really think an IQ test should be given to every one of them to determine whether they really are patriotic and whether they really do love this nation:

IQ Test Determines Patriotism

If you are a flag waver doing a menial or blue collar job then:

(i) if you have a below average or low IQ, the you are OK, since you cannot do better. Keep waving the flag and dont feel hypocritical about it;

(ii) if you have an above average or high IQ, then you are NOT a patriot and confuse flag waving and unenlightened Love It Or Leave It discussions with true civic duty and the need for all Americans to fully actualize their potential for themselves and for their country.
You are false. Go back to college. Go to medical school, law school or engineering school. Major in fine art, physics or molecular biology. The United States needs everyone to reach their maximum potential this century to continue leading the free world. It does not need people espousing ignorance and underachieving as if that is some form of patriotic 'conservatism'. It is not. You are actually hurting this country. Great job.

In summary, it is a bit of a catch 22. You are either a dumb ass patriot or an intelligent traitor who only thinks he is a patriot.

Conclusion: never stand still, for now, for the next century, at least.

Final comments: I realize this does not apply to every openly patriotic person, and that I have made some very general assumptions recently, on fashion and musical tastes and what they do and do not say about a person, which I have ragged on in so many posts, and so I am demonstrating a bit of a double standard here. Sorry!
But I just wanted some bright people (which this place has in abundance) to hear this.
Edited by Brafarality, 09 October 2011 - 01:55 PM.