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The above is an ad! Advertisements help to support the work of this non-profit organisation. To go ad-free join as a Member.

COMPLETED: Ad contest

caliban's Photo caliban 19 Dec 2012

We are conducting an open competition for a pro-life extension advertisement that can also be used to draw people to LongeCity.
Ads can be in any format except 'vertical' (The height of the ad must not be significantly greater than its width).
Ads should be simple images of a common graphic file-type. No flash or scripts.

Ads can be entered in two categories (or both)
A: 'meme' -- this ad has a powerful message in itself. It works as an image to convey something about life extension.
B: 'click'. -- this ad attracts 'clicks' it makes the viewer intrigued or curious about following the link in the ad. Obviously, the interest should be life-extension related (no misleading ads)

Ads can be send via email to info@longecity.org or posted in (this thread). More than one entry can be submitted per person but minor permutations of the same entry may be treated as one. By submitting an ad, contributors warrant that they own the full rights to the ad and pledge to donate the full rights to use the ad to LongeCity, should the ad be selected.

Submission deadline: Jan.21st 2012.
The winning entry will be selected by the LongeCity Membership.

Prize: 2x$100 (per category) transferred to a paypal account.

Droplet's Photo Droplet 30 Dec 2012

Could you please post the height and width of that picture in pixels and millimetres? I may or may not think of something but I only have primitive means of doing stuff here. Thanks. :)

AgeVivo's Photo AgeVivo 09 Jan 2013


jdgauchat's Photo jdgauchat 10 Jan 2013

Hi guys. I came up with this ad for the meme category. I still have to pay for the rights to use the image in the background, so please before to use this for an ad let me know. The text and the graphic design may be modified if you like.


AgeVivo's Photo AgeVivo 12 Jan 2013

No more entries? I answered to start, but wasn't thinking there would be 2 entries only. Please give it a try!

Mind's Photo Mind 12 Jan 2013

Here is my theme. It could be made a little better, if I had a little more time and a better working knowledge of GIMP.

Attached Thumbnails

  • ad contest smaller.jpg

AgeVivo's Photo AgeVivo 12 Jan 2013

This is a from a street demonstration (advocacy) fro research against aging.
A good positioning in terms of mass advocacy: bioology of aging research is the best solution against age related diseases.

AgeVivo's Photo AgeVivo 12 Jan 2013

or this one, less on diseases and more on death.

I prefer the previous one (on diseases and decrepitude) because when it comes to death many people think that trying to postpone death per se if playing Good, and/or that if we postpone death by 10 years there will still be death. So what counts is "healthy ageing". At least if we want to have some messages that can be supported by large, mainstream leaders

Droplet's Photo Droplet 14 Jan 2013

I really like Michael Farrington's entry and not just for the adorable kitty. :) They are all great entries though and JDinsky and Mind's contribution make you think. They are all great visual things for a site.
Edited by Droplet, 14 January 2013 - 07:08 AM.

Adaptogen's Photo Adaptogen 14 Jan 2013

What about a gif/timelapse of a young person aging very quickly. or an old person getting younger

Then a slogan.. life extension is here- halt aging now... or something. i will keep thinking. if anyone wants to try and make the image for this please do..we can share profits ;)

caliban's Photo caliban 16 Jan 2013

Only a few more days to submit an entry!

Please don't force us to guess and indicate if you are submitting for the 'meme' or the 'click' category when posting.

b0gger's Photo b0gger 16 Jan 2013

Posted Image

Droplet's Photo Droplet 16 Jan 2013

I think they're all great but b0ggers really gets the attention, especially the sex at 120 bit...I reckon that'll make many curious. :)

Mind's Photo Mind 16 Jan 2013

Sex definitely sells. If we want people to click....

caliban's Photo caliban 19 Jan 2013

b0gger and interesting submission, but not something we could use - the transition is too fast and it advertises the Longevity Party which LongeCity cannot do. Maybe you could pull out one or two of the slides and submit them separately?

Adaptogen's Photo Adaptogen 19 Jan 2013

okay i have another idea, but don't really have the know how to create it.

Idea= cycling images of centenarians and supers, with their ages. Then at the end flash something like, "history will be broken, you could be the next supercentenarian" Longecity.org

http://commons.wikim...JRiudavets3.jpg 114, oldest man to die in europe
http://commons.wikim...:OniePonder.JPG 112, oldest Floridian
http://commons.wikim...hat_society.jpg 114, top 40 oldest people ever
http://commons.wikim...alment_1895.jpg 122, longest confirmed human life span in history
http://commons.wikim...n_(closeup).jpg Saint, reports say she was 125 at time of death
http://commons.wikim...ldean107yrs.jpg, 107
http://commons.wikim...oris_(2001).jpg Mathematician 111
http://upload.wikime...chingYuen.jpeg- alleged lifespan of 197-256 years

all images are open source from wikimedia commons
Edited by Adaptogen, 19 January 2013 - 01:36 AM.

choco's Photo choco 20 Jan 2013

Ok guys, I am going to implement some ideas and hopefully deliver be4 the end of the deadline. :) Also, I request permission to use the Immortality Institute's label.
Edited by choco, 20 January 2013 - 02:17 AM.

AxiomaticBadger's Photo AxiomaticBadger 20 Jan 2013

In before the lock :D
Hope it's acceptable. (and not too big :P)

Posted Image

choco's Photo choco 20 Jan 2013

I completed my banners and sent them to info@longecity.org
Let the best ad win!

caliban's Photo caliban 21 Jan 2013

Last day today

caliban's Photo caliban 23 Jan 2013

Thanks for all who submitted here and via mail.

Members vote here.

gray.bot's Photo gray.bot 31 Jan 2013

Sex definitely sells. If we want people to click....

Oh damn I'm to late for the competition.

I could have simply uploading pictures of myself...

Droplet's Photo Droplet 31 Jan 2013

Sex definitely sells. If we want people to click....

Oh damn I'm to late for the competition.

I could have simply uploading pictures of myself...

:laugh: :laugh:
Edited by cryonicsculture, 06 August 2014 - 05:13 PM.

caliban's Photo caliban 09 Feb 2013

Many thanks to all those who contributed. Sometimes with these contests the quality span is very great. In this instance, there is something in all the submissions, and there weren't to many, so let me address them in turn (just from my perspective):

Mind: Thanks for contributing and motivating people to contribute also.

AgeVivo: Apologies! Your first, and -in my view- strongest submission was overlooked for inclusion. You should have protested! The photos from the demo are inspiring but not ready to be used as an ad.

Michael: There was a bit of discussion about this. Many thought the idea (cat & slogan) really great, but the execution (dead looking cat, clutter, readability) needs refinement.

Choco: You clearly have some distinct graphic design skills, which sets your entries apart from all others. While the 'fit' was not ideal for this contest, it would be great if you could consider future contributions.

b0gger: As stated above in #16, a really interesting submission that would require some editing.

AxiomaticBadger: In terms of Member votes, you are runner-up, congratulations! However, the submission is not yet quite ready for actual use - the text is difficult to read, and perhaps the theme (showing options for fun things to do in life) could be developed more clearly.

ALL OF THE ABOVE: You are welcome to submit a revised (or entirely new) version. Considering that we have at least another prize unclaimed, we can used that as a reward if we end up using the ad.

... and the winner is: gallery_12_33_134794.png link

Congratulations jdkasinsky, your entry got the highest ratings from Members and is also suitable for actual use.
The only small tweaks required would be to (1) make the white text a bit more readable. (2) eliminate the watermark.
If you could please apply these, Shepard will be in touch to transfer you the prize money of $108.

all entries here

Mind's Photo Mind 09 Feb 2013

Congratulations jdkasinsky!
Edited by Mind, 09 February 2013 - 01:33 PM.

AgeVivo's Photo AgeVivo 09 Feb 2013


Oh indeed my proposal was forgotten: root.png

Please look at it. I didn't apply for money, but because I believe that telling that "aging is the root of most diseases today" is a message that has the best chance to bring longevity research to the forefront => Please use the image/modify it/etc as you want. Don't hesitate to make it yours and advertize it as much as you want.

Note: look at your screen from the side: "aging" is hidden in the background of the image.

jdgauchat's Photo jdgauchat 09 Feb 2013

Thanks, guys! Awesome. It means a lot to me. I will be working on the image this weekend. I need someone to contact me (Caliban?) to send the new image and work on the details. Shepard, please send me a private message. The money will be used to renew my membership and to pay for the royalties of the image.

I feel like I should thank the Academy :-D

Keep doing the good work guys. And, as I always say, what you are doing is great, but we have to bring back Imminst, we need to share the immortalist philosophy with everyone, not hide it behind just life extension. Sorry, I had to introduced some politics here, couldn't help myself :cool:


choco's Photo choco 10 Feb 2013

Why my banners do not appear in the list ! :P
Also please suggest YOUR exact preferences in size if you need any modification of my current work.

ksbalaji's Photo ksbalaji 21 Feb 2013

Congratulations jdkasinsky!
It is a nice ad. Your comment on the usage of the prize money is also nice.
But would you consider a suggestion?
Before finalising, I request you to reconsider the word WILL in you ad.
May be a WOULD ? Or something else to inject an element of hope?
The word WILL gets me scurrying for hope elsewhere. Anyway, it makes an impact!
A change if considered, could give a great touch to this longecity.org ad.