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Guardian Ageing Population Symposium

AdamSummerfield's Photo AdamSummerfield 23 Mar 2013

The Guardian newspaper is having a symposium on the effects of an ageing population on society and how to solve it. Importantly, politicians will be present. There is an open registration, perhaps anybody in London on 2nd May could attend, to represent a pro-curing ageing view that other wise we all know will not be presented?


I personally cannot attend as, ironically, I have a Biology of Ageing exam that day.

YOLF's Photo YOLF 05 Apr 2013

Hmmm, I would think your professor would allow you to postpone the exam given the subject matter.

Mind's Photo Mind 05 Apr 2013

I wish I could go there. Solution=cure aging. That's all folks.

Marios Kyriazis's Photo Marios Kyriazis 06 Apr 2013

I will try to go to the next one. BTW Adam, the exam in the biology of Ageing, is it part of a degree/course you are doing?