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Smi2le News Please read

Poll: Smi2le News Please read (45 member(s) have cast votes)

Smi2le News Please read

  1. Never ordered (8 votes [19.05%])

    Percentage of vote: 19.05%

  2. Would consider ordering (11 votes [26.19%])

    Percentage of vote: 26.19%

  3. They owe me money (10 votes [23.81%])

    Percentage of vote: 23.81%

  4. Would never order heard too many bad things (8 votes [19.05%])

    Percentage of vote: 19.05%

  5. Never had a problem great service (5 votes [11.90%])

    Percentage of vote: 11.90%

Vote Guests cannot vote

LifeMirage's Photo LifeMirage 05 May 2005

I've added Smi2le back to the Listings for the time being.

I have ordered from them in the past to test their service and had zero problems.

Now that they are back and appear to have fixed most of there problems I would like to hear some good feedback.


Edited by LifeMirage, 24 May 2005 - 04:40 AM.

lemon's Photo lemon 05 May 2005

I order from them. That's not to say I havn't had delivery issues though but I've always received my order... eventually.

Jeff Whimore, their new representative, has been very good about responding to my e-mails. I support them because they have been a strong force for driving nootropic prices down industry wide. Bulknutrition simply just tries to compete in the price arena. They are never the value pioneers for nootropics.

Guest_da_sense_* 05 May 2005

I'm somewhat concerned about ordering from them (never ordered before) but if I find something I need I think I would try them (wow how many I's in one sentence :) .

exigentsky's Photo exigentsky 05 May 2005

I want to order their Piracetam Alpha-GPC, but I'm afraid that it does not include enough GPC for the Piracetam. What do you guys think?

haveblue's Photo haveblue 06 May 2005

Ordered. Recieved nothing for one month. No responses to dozens of emails and phone calls. Filed complaint with Paypal. Last day of Paypal dispute process, Smi2le notifies Paypal that item has shipped with "tracking number"(actually, the label was just printed that day, it didn't ship for another 2 days). Recieved box few days later, satisfactory product.

Would NEVER order from again, I don't care how inexpensive they are, its not worth the hassle nor the wait.

ozone's Photo ozone 06 May 2005

Ordered. Recieved nothing for one month. No responses to dozens of emails and phone calls. Filed complaint with Paypal. Last day of Paypal dispute process]printed[/b] that day, it didn't ship for another 2 days). Recieved box few days later, satisfactory product.

Would NEVER order from again, I don't care how inexpensive they are, its not worth the hassle nor the wait.

When was this though? That's what we're trying to determine. We all know he had problems in the past, but how is his service "now"?

haveblue's Photo haveblue 06 May 2005

This was about 3 months ago. I don't care if they've hired Donald Trump, I'm not sending any more money to these loony druggies.

"Intelligence squared...space migration..Start your own government..." "SMI2LE is an equal opportunity employer. Employment is "at will" and may be terminated at the discretion of the employer. Candidates will have to submit urine samples and if no illegal drugs are found in your system you will be disqualified (just kidding)."

Get real.

enemy's Photo enemy 06 May 2005

Ok, they are space cadets, but lemon was right about smi2le bringing new products to the market.

If they can get their act together business-wise and provide good service for their customers, let them revel in their eccentricity.

REGIMEN's Photo REGIMEN 07 May 2005

I'm one of the votes for "they own me some gawdammunney!!!".

I would have to say I would feel much safer sending them my money if they were Christian Fundamentalists. Them boys got real dependable like morals.

asdf_adsf_adsf's Photo asdf_adsf_adsf 07 May 2005

I have been watching the smi2le thing unfold from the start and have ordered a number of times. I guess I'm one of the lucky ones because I always got my order (eventually).
As has been said before, we have a lot to thank Rizzer for in terms of bringing the price of smart drugs down but……

Will I order again? Not until they demonstrate they will not disappear overnight, that they treat their business seriously and that they are more than just a bunch of scattered tweakers.

Before I order again I would like to see the following

1: They have enough business sense not to get raided or put out of business by the government.
Silly little things like Jeff pointing people to his brainmachine site with page about homozon. Is he making any claims about a product he plans to sell curing disease? Could a gov agency use something so trivial to shut them down. No idea, probably not, but little things like this make me think they don’t have to sixth sense to protect them selves. Also the links/connections to an illicit drug culture are a bit to close for my liking. I have no issue with drugs what so ever, I do have an issue with people who have my money getting raided because the FDA or DEA think some thing is up.

2: They can attract enough customers to sustain themselves.
“We aim to attract the savvy customer who knows what he's buying and knows all the other suppliers' prices - someone who wants the best value and does some of the research themselves. Someone who can use the internet and search engines. Someone who knows the difference between something that has money behind it and something that has value behind it. Someone who would rather be more intelligent than more cool. Someone who IS more cool.”

Hey, that sounds like “ME”….

Lets see if my research will lead me in the smi2le direction.

I go to groups and forums…. Rizzer /Smi2le is all over the place and people are saying how great things are and then suddenly things go to shit. Zip, zilch. Rizzer has left the building. With a few exceptions, as far as I can tell nothing has changed. Smi2le is still gone gone gone……a has left a lot of people pissed off.

OK, Lets assume I do get to http://www.smi2le.biz.

Wow they have a site that up to date. Lets do some research.

• WTF is that god awful howling noise. Ahhhh, it’s a message. Must be some hippy space migration alternative reality religion something or other. Each to their own but a business pushing a “message” so strongly is not making me feel good.
• Products & Purity – Wow they have a heap cool stuff. Great. Oh and look purity. Great they post COA’s. “Ask the competition where their COA is.”. Respectful challenge!!!! “A benefit in using Smi²le is that our inventory turns over very quickly, so everything is fresh.”. 4 COAs!!! Inspiring !! one with no date, one 8 months old, 18 months old and the last one 37 months old. Hmmmmmmmm?
• Orders….. Nice I get to write an email and send my credit card via email. Great!!!!!

• Shipping – Affordable!!!! Wow. Looks good.
• Ideals - “In 2004 Out-Caste agents started circulating the rumor that intelligence was the most important factor in human life.”? Leary? Ahhh yes, “The message is simple”. I disagree. The smi2le message is scattered all over the shop. Do they want to sell me nootropics or do they want me to question authority so the intelligence Agents can take me space traveling?
• History – Hmmmmm. Lets see…Former pizza delivery and infamous hacker starts a nootropics business. Gets raided by the DEA and has his funds frozen. He hires his mentor that introduced him to smart drugs at a rave under a bridge. They have moved their offices into an old dope growing operation that is now staffed by dads army. I sooooo want to buy from smi2le now…... safe and secure!!!!
• Links – http://www.brainmachines.com/
“resistence is futile” “Rate your Bioelectric FungFu “trip out”. Yeah.

From the info on the site I can see it’s a stable business that’s run by very balanced people that just wants to sell me nootropics.

3. They show they understand how to run a business selling supplements.
Rather than holding open invite all night parties with lab tours. How about posting photos of their labs and storage areas. I’m interested in ways they can show off superior quality, hygiene, service and price. I want them to show why I should buy from them and not BN or CNW.

At the moment from what I can see they are working hard in getting things moving but also trying to live out some psychedelic dream inspired revolution so that the human race can travel to a hyper dimension beyond our own and live happily ever after, rather than creating a viable business.

To Jeff and or Rizzer,

If you have read this, I know its mostly negative but all I can say is that I wish you the best a hope you do well. I would not have spent the time to write this if I did not want you to succeed. The only thing else I have to say is that you need to work out if you will achieve your ultimate objectives with the image and message you are giving at the moment. Have a good look at your marketing. The customers you are targeting at the moment are the fringe of the fringe. A far cry from “Walmartization”. The message is very simple. Do you want to be a temporary thorn in the side and eventual speed hump of BN et al, or a lasting revolution. I’d prefer the lasting revolution.

magr's Photo magr 07 May 2005

• History – Hmmmmm. Lets see…Former pizza delivery and infamous hacker starts a nootropics business. Gets raided by the DEA and has his funds frozen. He hires his mentor that introduced him to smart drugs at a rave under a bridge. They have moved their offices into an old dope growing operation that is now staffed by dads army. I sooooo want to buy from smi2le now…... safe and secure!!!!

I found this very disturbing.

As you all probably know, they owe me money.

LifeMirage's Photo LifeMirage 07 May 2005

hmm As much as I like being fair anyone feel I should not list his company?

jpars82's Photo jpars82 07 May 2005

I have ordered from him about 5 times since back when he first started up. I haven't ordered from him recently though. My first few orders I received in decent time. The last couple of orders took an extremely long time though, and I haven't ordered from him since. Recently though, I've considered it. Perhaps, he is trying to step up his customer service and delivery times. Anyone ordered from him within the last month? I'm for leaving his company on the list for now. We should see if his service has gotten better. After all, he has brought some great prices and competition to the Nootropic community.

lemon's Photo lemon 07 May 2005


I would leave them on but add a disclaimer.

exigentsky's Photo exigentsky 07 May 2005

I just ordered from him and he shipped it the next day.

haveblue's Photo haveblue 07 May 2005

hmm As much as I like being fair anyone feel I should not list his company?

I think they should be listed, but with a strong word of caution. ..as lemon said.

enemy's Photo enemy 08 May 2005

Yes, list them until they prove themselves to be clowns. Again.

asdf_adsf_adsf's Photo asdf_adsf_adsf 08 May 2005

They disserve a chance. Its in everyone's interest to have a good number of viable suppliers. I say give them a probationary listing. Put a "There be monsters here" warning against them and keep an eye out to see what people report. If they prove their quality and service and then manage to get enough people to look past their inter-galactic hyper-dimensional psychedelic kool-aid trip they are on then great. They definitely aren't making things easy for them selves though.

eternaltraveler's Photo eternaltraveler 08 May 2005

according to this poll there are 6 people on this board (who have participated in this poll) who are still owed money.

I say list them if they can refund these people their money.

eternaltraveler's Photo eternaltraveler 08 May 2005

Those who are owed, how much are you owed, and what products were you supposed to get? I am assuming that you would much rather have your money back at this point, but if you still want the products say so.

The free advertising they get by being listed would more than make up for paying these people back.

If for any reason you feel uncomfortable disclosing this information publicly PM me.

I think smi2le needs to make amends for it's past first. But once that it done we can move forward.

cesium's Photo cesium 09 May 2005

I think smi2le needs to make amends for it's past first. But once that it done we can move forward.

Agreed. Cheating somebody out of their money is the ultimate in sleazy business practices. If they aren't willing to make things right, screw 'em and don't reward them with a listing.

LifeMirage's Photo LifeMirage 09 May 2005

I've heard enough. Removed for now.

pinballwizard's Photo pinballwizard 09 May 2005

The problem they have with a few customers is selling products that are on back-order. I expect people not to have problems if they substitute their credit with products in stock.

jeffwhitmore's Photo jeffwhitmore 10 May 2005

(NOTE: I (Jeff Whitmore) has left Smi2le and cannot guarantee what happens my absence. The preliminary signs are not good, no emails are getting answere and only a couple orders went out)

Hi, this is Jeff at Smi2le. I don't take acid and am not a hippy. And my site at www.brainmachines.com is the product of years of free time, i'm sorry if it offends anyone but it is an accurate portrayal of my worldview and sense of humor.
I think Smi2le can be visionary and still get great products out next day at lowest price. And we're not going to change no matter how many "squares" get cold feet. We make no claims on Smi2le. Zero. We are not afraid.
But what needed to change was customer service and responsiveness. That has changed in spades. All we need now is to restock some of our more popular items and get a very large amount of Homozon and Pramiracetam, and we just got a large uinfusion of capital to become a lasting revolution.
And if Mike owes anyone money, email me and I'll research it and if it adds up I'll refund you, or offer 120% store credit.
Cheers big ears! Jeff 201-766-1086
Edited by jeffwhitmore, 24 May 2005 - 01:57 AM.

exigentsky's Photo exigentsky 11 May 2005

I can only say that thus far it has been a pleasure dealing with Smi2le. Their customer service response time has always been apt and so has the rest of their service. The items I ordered have shipped promptly on the following business day and to my door the next day. But I’m not just pleased with their customer service; their products also sport some of the best prices anywhere and appear to work well.

However, as with everything in this world, Smi2le is not perfect. My complaints regarding Smi2le lie solely in the presentation and marketing aspect of the company. But as any cautious buyer is aware, lavish marketing and presentation do not actually reflect product quality. Anyway, the ordering process with Smi2le is primitive and as far as I know only possible through e-mail or phone. Not having a dedicated online order form with encryption leaves a bad impression because it appears unprofessional. Second of all, the product labels are not very attractive and appear to be printed at home. Obviously, this does not inspire confidence and makes the products appear less desirable. Of course, these are not very important issues (ultimately the contents of the capsules are all that your body cares about) and are inevitable for any young aspiring company without grand cash reserves. But despite this, I feel that it is my duty to be objective and share both the negative and positive aspects of my experience with them.

In short, I recommend Smi2le and I think that whatever problems they have had in the past have been mitigated or eliminated. Perhaps all of you should see if the current Smi2le is anything more than a semblance of its former self.

BTW: If I could change my vote in this poll I would do so in a heartbeat. ;-)

LifeMirage's Photo LifeMirage 11 May 2005

Hi, this is Jeff at Smi2le. I don't take acid and am not a hippy. And my site at www.brainmachines.com is the product of years of free time, i'm sorry if it offends anyone but it is an accurate portrayal of my worldview and sense of humor.
I think Smi2le can be visionary and still get great products out next day at lowest price. And we're not going to change no matter how many "squares" get cold feet. We make no claims on Smi2le. Zero. We are not afraid.
But what needed to change was customer service and responsiveness. That has changed in spades. All we need now is to restock some of our more popular items and get a very large amount of Homozon and Pramiracetam, and we just got a large uinfusion of capital to become a lasting revolution.
And if Mike owes anyone money, email me and I'll research it and if it adds up I'll refund you, or offer 120% store credit.
Cheers big ears! Jeff 201-766-1086

This is very encourging.

I have ordered myself from smi2le in the past with no problems, but I have yet to reorder.

If anyone has not received money back from smi2le, please contact Jeff and report back here.

I want to have as many respected suppliers on the list as possible and will add them back if people are refunded their money.

Thanks Jeff

Yours In Health

chelovd's Photo chelovd 11 May 2005


I ordered Chlorella long time ago, I think I paid around $10 only, but I never got it. I'm not complaining because I got extra capsules of other supplements I ordered and had been delayed. I once got about 20% more of Aniracetam w/ Idebenone. I would like some assurance that service has improved. I was one of those who chose "Would consider ordering"... if things improve.


jeffwhitmore's Photo jeffwhitmore 11 May 2005

Hi guys, I don't want this to turn into a canned presentation of a vendor (but here I go). I hate being sold to and talked down to, and we're not going to do that. All I can say is there are TWO people we haven't paid back that I know of, and my email box has only 4 emails in it down from 5000 in late March when I started. I believe in doing what's right, and I am a 60s person who didn't like it when Mike was doing substandard customer service in the name of Timothy Leary, who I met and consider a hero. But Leary was more reposnsible than anyone for popularizing LSD and making it illegal. The same could happen to ayahuasca and nootropics to a lesser extent. I promise that won't happen with us. But we will NOT take Leary off the site, ever, we will not be acquired by Merck and be renamed Smerk :-) We may update our logo every now and then, but mark my words, we will be instrumental in getting Pramiracetam and Homozon to everyone who wants it at a rock bottom price. I also wanna reinvigorate Dr Freebot.
I respect everyone here and am very sorry for wrongs by Smi2le in terms of late orders. That's all water under the bridge now. Look for great things from us in the near future, we're on the move and all of you will understand soon. I could have started my own company, but I feel like Smi2le was worth saving. It makes it more of a challenge. Thanks for your time.

eternaltraveler's Photo eternaltraveler 11 May 2005

I agree that if the problems truely get resolved they should be allowed back on the list.

jeffwhitmore's Photo jeffwhitmore 11 May 2005

I am confident enough now in customer service that I absolutely DARE any new orders from having any problems, and if any of you witness this, email it here and prove the emperor indeed has no clothes! (Sorry I'm not the Czar of Pramiracetam but I am a native Texan LOL)