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C60 and skin health

renfr's Photo renfr 02 Apr 2013

Has any of the trialers out there got significant effects on their skin from C60 supplementation?
I'm talking about inflammation and regeneration in general, I would like to know your experiences with C60 and if the changes were really noticeable.

niner's Photo niner 02 Apr 2013

I had eczema on my hands for ten years, and while I could keep it under control with topical steroids, I could never get rid of it. After a few months on c60, it is gone. I also had a weird condition in my ear canals that caused skin to slough off after I took a shower. Yesterday I saw my doctor for a routine visit and he said my ears looked better than he'd ever seen them. It was only then that I realized I hadn't had the skin problem for some while. I didn't tell him that I was taking research chemicals that I synthesized in my kitchen, since I didn't want a lecture or other annoyance, but he said "I thought you were going to have that for the rest of your life." I'm not sure of the nature of the ear problem. It may have been due to a fungal infection caused by the use of an antibiotic/steroid ear medication many years ago. The condition did seem to respond to an antifungal, but it didn't go away. My doctor thought it was eczematous, but I was never fully on board with that diagnosis.

I'd like to see what effect c60-oo has on psoriasis. I think it would be worth a try.
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YOLF's Photo YOLF 03 Apr 2013

What is/was your ear canal problem? I get more wax out of my ears than what should be there, it's like a bad athlete's foot infection, the skin or wax just keeps on peeling off. Doctors haven't been able to give me a solution for it and I have an itch in one of my ears that's been there since '06, it's like a low grade persistent ear infection. I have trouble with fungus if I eat too much white sugar, but even when I'm off it my ears are still an issue it seems. I'm getting really close to trying C60. I also have persistent candida on my scalp and face, it seems to be genetic, my dad has similar problems. Perhaps we are related? I've never had eczema on my hands though. What do you mean by slough off? Like it comes off in sheets when you dry or swab your ears? Is it rough when dry?

Neutrogena Norweigian Formula Hand Cream seems to help, I only started using it yesterday though. I'm strongly considering starting on my C60 bottles having heard this, the ear thing can be down right excruciating with the itching and has made me think twice or more about having kids before a gene therapy for it becomes available. I'd like to hear more on this. Let me know if the condition stays improved. Do you go off C60? Does it come back?

I should add that the Hand Cream still leaves me itching, but seems to keep the skin in better condition.
Edited by cryonicsculture, 03 April 2013 - 04:34 AM.

AdamI's Photo AdamI 03 Apr 2013

Cryonicsculture have u tried Lufenuron against ur candida? http://lufenuroncand...ure.owndoc.com/ www.owndoc.com sells it, as well as c60. Dunno if it Works

YOLF's Photo YOLF 03 Apr 2013

Pythium Oligandrum (another owndoc thing) has been on my list of things to try when I find permanent employment again. I like the idea of it over the lufenuron as I can learn to cultivate it and always have a fresh supply. I'm guess it's a good at killing candida too which is sometimes classified as a fungus. Switzerland is a long way off from the US, though that's where I got the C60 that I'm giving my cat.


C60 Cat:

Andey's Photo Andey 03 Apr 2013

I'd like to see what effect c60-oo has on psoriasis. I think it would be worth a try.

I have a little spot that I beleive have a psoriasis nature (I have few close relatives with it) and unfortunatly no sign that C60 affects it.

YOLF's Photo YOLF 03 Apr 2013

I'd like to see what effect c60-oo has on psoriasis. I think it would be worth a try.

I have a little spot that I beleive have a psoriasis nature (I have few close relatives with it) and unfortunatly no sign that C60 affects it.

Where is the spot? Can you take a picture?

Freebytes's Photo Freebytes 03 Apr 2013

I have been using a mild amount of C60oo on my face since the beginning of the year. I have not noticed any decrease in the wrinkles on my forehead (which appeared about a year ago) or in the condition of my skin. My wife said I look younger after using it, but that may be related to the appearance of skin that is more oily due to its use. To test, I asked her about it when I had not used it. She said it was because I had more oily skin at the time she mentioned it. It has had no noticeable impact on my skin at this time. I was using the same amount I would use for oral dosage, though, which was somewhat low.

YOLF's Photo YOLF 03 Apr 2013

I have been using a mild amount of C60oo on my face since the beginning of the year. I have not noticed any decrease in the wrinkles on my forehead (which appeared about a year ago) or in the condition of my skin. My wife said I look younger after using it, but that may be related to the appearance of skin that is more oily due to its use. To test, I asked her about it when I had not used it. She said it was because I had more oily skin at the time she mentioned it. It has had no noticeable impact on my skin at this time. I was using the same amount I would use for oral dosage, though, which was somewhat low.

That's an interesting pic for someone who wants to live along time... Have you tried collagen caps? It takes alot as we produce alot of it each day when we're young, but it really does work. Gets expensive as you get older though.

IIRC we make 25grams of it a day when we're teenagers, half of that when we're 30, so it's not magic unless you can afford to take alot of it, but it does work.
Edited by cryonicsculture, 03 April 2013 - 11:47 PM.

Freebytes's Photo Freebytes 05 Apr 2013

Collagen is obtained through a standard diet, I thought. Gelatin like in gummi bears supposedly has a lot of it. (I just discovered after looking it up, though, that gelatin is irreversibly hydrolyzed.)*

* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collagen

YOLF's Photo YOLF 05 Apr 2013

Oops, my bad, I think I had collagen confused with hyaluronic acid. That's the good stuff. I get 100mg of it in a collagen supplement.

tintinet's Photo tintinet 07 Apr 2013

Oops, my bad, I think I had collagen confused with hyaluronic acid. That's the good stuff. I get 100mg of it in a collagen supplement.

Hyaluronic acid is good for psoriasis? Any studies to support this claim?

YOLF's Photo YOLF 08 Apr 2013

Oh, was saying more that it makes your skin look younger.

Logic's Photo Logic 22 May 2013

Here are a lot of research papers on Fullerenes pertaining to topical use, as well as skin products:

Adamzski's Photo Adamzski 29 Jun 2013

I have not used it topically as I thought there was some problem to do with UV light?
My skin pinch test is at a soft 0 seconds right now but I know that eating a decent diet and not drinking and maybe the combination of this with C60 makes my skin look great. My skins look is not perfect right now but was great a few weeks ago and at a solid 0 seconds skin pinch.