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Just took megadose 300mg of Phenylpiracetam

Coffeee's Photo Coffeee 28 Apr 2013

I ordered phenylpiracetam from nootropix.net, going to let you know the effects.

Coffeee's Photo Coffeee 28 Apr 2013

I am into self development within socialization, ended up talking to 1 women, did not lead to phone number. Got some work done, burning a cd that i have put burning for 3 months so far.
Edited by Coffeee, 28 April 2013 - 11:47 PM.

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JohnnyP's Photo JohnnyP 28 Apr 2013

Not trying to be critical but any particular reasoning behind megadosing?

Coffeee's Photo Coffeee 28 Apr 2013

To speed up the mental transformation
Edited by Coffeee, 28 April 2013 - 11:48 PM.

Coffeee's Photo Coffeee 29 Apr 2013

feel alittle bit strange now I dont reccomend this

Coffeee's Photo Coffeee 29 Apr 2013

Well I am good i just had the jitters for about 30 mins while driving could be anything else also poped a creatine pill with it so that could of been it.

Sanguine_Rogue's Photo Sanguine_Rogue 29 Apr 2013

Yea....I'm not extremely familiar with Phenyl yet but I have some on the way and I think that usually 100-300mg *300 being absolute max* is the recommended dosing. I could be mistaken however.

How did the rest of your night fair? I am eagerly looking forward to giving Neuro Blast a shot, and hopefully will have it by thursday or so. And with Phenyl I thought taking it was supposed to be something like 100mg a day and letting the effects build up over time while cycling off of it every so often? I just assumed since it was so much more potent than the other racetams out there that one would take some precautions with it due to choline levels and such.

Definitely would love to hear more about your experience Coffee!

JohnnyP's Photo JohnnyP 29 Apr 2013

Hello, I don't mean to be offensive so please don't take this the wrong way but are you affiliated with Smart Drugs for Thought? I am happy with the overall quality of my purchase (first time I have purchased from them) I am looking to make another purchase but I am a little hesistant because the last time it took a rather long time for it to arrive (maybe I am just too impateient though lol) Thanks for any feedback.
Edited by JohnnyP, 29 April 2013 - 09:40 PM.

Captainhat's Photo Captainhat 01 May 2013

I just ordered three products from Smart drugs for thought, and it is taking a very long time to ship. However, it is totally within the time frame given by amazon. Additionally, amazon has kept me up to date on the shipping. One order iso on route, the other two yet to ship.

Other nootropics sellers seem to ship out targe quickly (order arriving within the days). I think they are just a small time company, and probably don't have the efficiency in logostics down just. I was hesitant to very order, but their website seemed well put together, and the reviews I've seen are positive.

I'm am a little relived to heart that your satisfied with the product. I've ben confused about who to order from. I plan on buying from different vendors in the future.


JohnnyP's Photo JohnnyP 01 May 2013

I just ordered three products from Smart drugs for thought, and it is taking a very long time to ship. However, it is totally within the time frame given by amazon. Additionally, amazon has kept me up to date on the shipping. One order iso on route, the other two yet to ship.

Other nootropics sellers seem to ship out targe quickly (order arriving within the days). I think they are just a small time company, and probably don't have the efficiency in logostics down just. I was hesitant to very order, but their website seemed well put together, and the reviews I've seen are positive.

I'm am a little relived to heart that your satisfied with the product. I've ben confused about who to order from. I plan on buying from different vendors in the future.

Yeah I guess I am just a little impatient because I have experienced much faster shipping from other sources, but their products are legit.

MangekyōPeter's Photo MangekyōPeter 01 May 2013

Does anyone know for usre that the nootropix.net sold Pnehylpiracetam is actual phenylpiracetam? I'd be interested if it's legit

Coffeee's Photo Coffeee 01 May 2013

Does anyone know for usre that the nootropix.net sold Pnehylpiracetam is actual phenylpiracetam? I'd be interested if it's legit

Certificate Of Analysis
Edited by Coffeee, 01 May 2013 - 09:52 PM.

Sanguine_Rogue's Photo Sanguine_Rogue 03 May 2013

Nah I'm not affiliated with any supplement companies, I do work from home tinkering with phones and computers. Yea I have noticed on occasion that an order took slightly longer to arrive than other orders I placed online. I have to agree with Captainhat though, I believe they are a pretty new/small company in the market so they are probably either getting a lot of orders in or are getting everything set up for a smooth operation. Even so, their customer service is pretty helpful and patient, called them up a while back about pramiracetam and the person I spoke to kind of gave me the feeling that he didn't mind spending time helping just one person get familiarized with a item.

How long did it take to get to you JohnnyP? I know that I had a order of mine lost once after they shipped it out, so it ended up taking almost twice the time I was expecting for it to get to me, however they did include a free bottle of Alpha-GPC for the wait.

I did order some CDP choline through them yesterday off of Amazon and it got shipped out today so maybe their shipping times are starting to pick up?

JohnnyP's Photo JohnnyP 03 May 2013

Sorry didn't mean to hijack this thread but it took a week before I got a confirmation of it being shipped and then almost another week before it got to me. But alls well that ends well it got to me and it wasn't fake so can't complain. After having a nightmarish experience with Elevated Labs nothing seems quite so bad lol.

Captainhat's Photo Captainhat 04 May 2013

Sorry didn't mean to hijack this thread but it took a week before I got a confirmation of it being shipped and then almost another week before it got to me. But alls well that ends well it got to me and it wasn't fake so can't complain. After having a nightmarish experience with Elevated Labs nothing seems quite so bad lol.

Okay, so I just got my first shipment of phenylpiracetam. The experience was similar to the stuff I received from awake brain. The other two items shipped out quicker, and will be here tomorrow. They are a legit company, but a little spendy, compared to bulk powders.
From other companies

Coffeee's Photo Coffeee 08 May 2013

here we go folks 99 percent pure Phenylpiracetam


2/1_kiwi's Photo 2/1_kiwi 08 May 2013

So can anyone explain more clearly or give a comparison to other racetams?

-Onset time?
-Dosage variation?
-Physical/mental effects?

Patrick Sylvester's Photo Patrick Sylvester 14 May 2013

what little ive read about phenylpiracetam suggests that the effects intended are more of a psycho-physical / endurance via mental aspects type function. much different type of intention than cognition-enhancing properties of the other racetams. for example cosmonauts dose it for tolerance to the coldness of space and such rather than say long term memory or working memory.

Sanguine_Rogue's Photo Sanguine_Rogue 15 May 2013

Onset time is about an hour.
I dose 100mg, and have only taken up to 200mg of it through adding 50mg through out the day.
And the above poster covered the effects pretty well.

helluva nootro's Photo helluva nootro 30 May 2013

Anyone here tried running with the maximum dosage for a week or so?

Sanguine_Rogue's Photo Sanguine_Rogue 30 May 2013

What's the max dosage of Phenyl? 300mg right? Something along those lines, I wouldn't mind giving it a go but I'll have to order some more Neuro Blast before hand so I don't deplete my stuff with this test. I won't take it on the weekends however

Coffeee's Photo Coffeee 31 May 2013

What's the max dosage of Phenyl? 300mg right? Something along those lines, I wouldn't mind giving it a go but I'll have to order some more Neuro Blast before hand so I don't deplete my stuff with this test. I won't take it on the weekends however

i dont reccomend it. stick to reg dose.

Sanguine_Rogue's Photo Sanguine_Rogue 31 May 2013

Yea on second thought, I really don't want to break the regimen I've got working right now for a test run on lol.

I have used Phenyl with Oxiracetam and Noopept for a grand study session. Definitely will be using it again for the next time I'm preparing for an exam or a serious work day.

helluva nootro's Photo helluva nootro 31 May 2013

Yea on second thought, I really don't want to break the regimen I've got working right now for a test run on lol.

I have used Phenyl with Oxiracetam and Noopept for a grand study session. Definitely will be using it again for the next time I'm preparing for an exam or a serious work day.

I was reading up on something a few days ago to do with megadosing up to 750mg daily for short term on phenyl, found nothing conclusive or substantial though. Combining the three you mentioned sounds interesting, what doses did you take ? Currently taking a break from any stacking regime for a week or so and may look to trial something new. going to look into it a bit more but 300mg daily of phenyl for a few weeks could be doable just to see the results
Edited by helluva nootro, 31 May 2013 - 02:20 AM.

Coffeee's Photo Coffeee 31 May 2013

Next time buy your phenylpiracetam from nootropix.net for a better rate.

Yea on second thought, I really don't want to break the regimen I've got working right now for a test run on lol.

I have used Phenyl with Oxiracetam and Noopept for a grand study session. Definitely will be using it again for the next time I'm preparing for an exam or a serious work day.


Racetams's Photo Racetams 20 Jul 2013

I think i will try a mega dose once it is in stock at my preferred UK vendor. Both Sunifiram and Phenylpiracetam will be tried. Not sure if i can post where they are but lets just say they are just under wiki when you search "nootropics" within the UK google. peace

3AlarmLampscooter's Photo 3AlarmLampscooter 20 Jul 2013

I've dosed 500mg, but not repeated in close succession. Liked it. I'm a stimulant freak...

Introspecta's Photo Introspecta 20 Jul 2013

High dose Phenyl tends to give a pretty bad headache but is taken away fairly easy with ibuprofen. I took a high dose today. Around 450mgs due to tolerance of using it the last 2 days. This will be my last use then i'm taking 2-3 weeks off to hope it brings tolerance down. I really wish I could get the effects I had the first week I tried it. Felt light on my feet. Relaxed yet stimulated at the same time. Colors enhanced like Piracetam. Tolerance is such a bitch with this drug I really wonder why. What is it depleting. Also I notice a significant hangover, lethargy the next day from it but i'm pretty sensitive and notice things like that more so than most. The first time I used phenyl I never experienced any lethargy the day after. Im probably burning my adrenals out with phenyl caffiene and piracetam.

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Sanguine_Rogue's Photo Sanguine_Rogue 25 Aug 2013

Thanks for the throw out @coffeee, but I will stick to SDFT since I have built up a nice base with them regarding service and bugging them with questions.

When I took the megastack to study it was 2 x 15mg capsules of Noopept, 1 x 800mg of Oxiracetam, and 2 x 100mg capsules of Phenylpiracetam with a coffee and extra shot of espresso. Definitely would not use it on a daily basis, it is something that I would/do only take for a serious study session that I expect to take several of hours.

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