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Public opinion on longevity

Lazarus Long's Photo Lazarus Long 08 Aug 2013

Sadly a majority of Americans still fear living longer but the hidden stat is that the tide is shifting.


Live to 120? Poll find most would say no thanks

Associated Press LAURAN NEERGAARD 57 minutes ago

WASHINGTON (AP) — Ninety birthdays maybe, but not 120: Americans hope to stretch life expectancy another decade or so, but they're ambivalent about a fountain of youth.

Scientists are researching ways to slow the aging process, creating treatments that might one day let people live far longer. It works in some laboratory animals, although there's no way to know if it ever will work for people.

But with interest in the field growing, the Pew Research Center explored public attitudes, and found most Americans — 56 percent — wouldn't want a treatment that let them live to 120.

Tuesday's survey found most people consider the ideal life span between 79 and 100 years. The median was age 90. Americans born today can expect to live, on average, to nearly 79.
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Florin's Photo Florin 08 Aug 2013

It's too bad this report didn't ask the most important question: how many decades do you want to live in good health?

The full report contains much more info than reported in the popular press.

Lazarus Long's Photo Lazarus Long 09 Aug 2013

Thank you for providing the link.

The default assumption for the good health question is: all of them. Everybody generally wants to be in good health till the day they die.

That basically can happen and used to more than today.

My uncle died of a massive heart attack during a nap after lunch and a full morning round of golf.

It didn't make any of us happy but it was kind of how he wanted to go.

One aspect of advanced intervention medicine is that people don't die as easily as they used to.

In principle that is a good thing but in practice it can prolong a lot of suffering in certain cases.

I would much rather see cryo provided as a voluntary option in place of prolonged hospice care in many instances. Certainly any state or country that legalizes euthanasia should accept the logical alternative of voluntary cryo instead of the use death inducing drugs.

Lazarus Long's Photo Lazarus Long 09 Aug 2013

Another interesting article that pertains to this issue in a way is in the NY Times section for the Boomers. The story is about a specific woman and her choices, not a statistic.

In fact when you look at that page you will see links to a few articles about dying. My generation is definitely being forced to come to grips with the issue. If it isn't the premature loss of friends and family it is long term care for aging parents. And it is most certainly our aging selves we see everyday.



Dying With Dignity and the Final Word on Her Life

Published: August 5, 2013

From the time she was a teenager, Jane Lotter, a lifelong resident of Seattle, loved to write — jingles for a greeting card company; news and features for a local real estate magazine; a weekly humor column in the now defunct Jet City Maven; and, most recently, a comic novel, completed shortly before her death last month.

Those best acquainted with her describe Ms. Lotter as a woman who had great spunk, knew her mind and, even at the age of 60 and dying of cancer, was wise beyond her years. So last spring, when she told her family that she was planning to write her own obituary, they weren't too surprised, though they’d never heard of anyone doing that.

As her daughter, Tessa, said, “Of course you are.”

The good part about writing it yourself is that you know the material best and get the final word on your life.
On the other hand, a poorly written obituary would be a disastrous legacy for a writer.
The paid obituary, which was published on July 28 in The Seattle Times, began:

“One of the few advantages of dying from Grade 3, Stage IIIC endometrial cancer, recurrent and metastasized to the liver and abdomen, is that you have time to write your own obituary. (The other advantages are no longer bothering with sunscreen and no longer worrying about your cholesterol.)”

The rest of the article

JohnD60's Photo JohnD60 10 Aug 2013

These surveys are flawed in at least two respects. 1. There is no breakdown by age of the respondent. This would be fairly easy to fix. My guess would be that the older respondents would give a higher number. 2. And this is speculative. What the respondent is asked and what the respondent hears are two different things. The question is "what age would you like to live to?", what the respondent hears is "what age would you like everyone in society to live to?". The respondents just imagine a burden up them if everyone that is now 60, lived another 60 years. OMG, they would always be kids to these people, and they would be obligated to support them via Social Security and other government transfer programs. Perhaps if the question were "what age would you like to live to, assuming everyone else dies at their current rate"

Florin's Photo Florin 10 Aug 2013

Actually, there is an age breakdown, and the respondents are asked how long they'd personally like to live versus how long everyone else should live to. The full report contains this info.

robosapiens's Photo robosapiens 10 Aug 2013

They framed it in such a way as to induce the tithonus error.

Why not ask : How soon would you like to get sick and die?

Florin's Photo Florin 11 Aug 2013

Here's the strangest part of this survey: 38% of respondents want medical treatments that would allow an average person to live at least 120 years but only 9% want to live more than 100 years and only 4% want to live more than 120 years.

Another thing to note is that some survey questions haven't been publicly released. Perhaps one of those questions asks specifically about how long people would like to live in good health.
Edited by Florin Clapa, 11 August 2013 - 03:02 AM.

Lazarus Long's Photo Lazarus Long 12 Sep 2013

There is a second study that looks at race with respect to radical life extension. It is actually phrased that way too. It has an interesting counter intuitive result. The largest group against radical life extension are whites. Another public opinion study worth the read.


Racial and ethnic groups view “radical life extension” differently


Blacks and Hispanics (46% each) are somewhat more inclined than whites (34%) to say they would want treatments to dramatically extend life.

A Pew Research Center survey released earlier this week explored the public’s attitudes on an intriguing question: If new medical treatments could slow the aging process and allow people to live decades longer, to 120 years and beyond, would they personally want to have such treatments? The survey found that about four-in-ten U.S. adults (38%) would want to have such treatments, but a majority (56%) would not.
Posted Image
There were some differences on this question among demographic groups. For example, men are somewhat more inclined than women (43% vs. 34%) to say they would want medical treatments that would dramatically extend their lives. Younger adults (ages 18-49) express more interest in receiving such treatments than adults ages 50 and older (42% vs. 34%).
Continue to article: http://www.pewresear...on-differently/

Edited by Lazarus Long, 12 September 2013 - 02:45 PM.

Layberinthius's Photo Layberinthius 13 Sep 2013

To be honest I have no clue what is going on with those statistics. I'm actually sick to death of public opinion. Peoples opinions stink and what goes through their minds is enough to make you want to throw up sometimes.

So no I dont think that they even care about living forever/longer. There are so many delusions and beliefs going on out there, running like little virus programs in the minds of every human being who walks and talks that we may never know the true extent as to what the public wants.

And to be honest, WHO CARES about them, as far as I'm concerned I would be far more happier living in an isolated and enclosed society in which all of the members value long lives than to tuff it out and try and live with the stereotypical pop culture idiots of todays society.

I just wished something like that existed.

When you base 50% of your society's population upon a petrochemical fertilizer and the evergrowing ever expanding needs of a cant-stop-fucking-or-our-economy-will-die society you know your society has completely lost its marbles and you should consider checking out.

Its time to start considering getting into isolated groups I think, if our beliefs and value systems are going to survive the next 50 years I think we will have to take a few insurances out on computer systems, mirroring scientific data, stockpile noopept, and start growing aquaponic food in secret, then for the people who can afford to, buy and protect lab equipment necessary for the ongoing research that will be required in our future.

Thats my opinion, and I know it stinks.
Edited by Layberinthius, 13 September 2013 - 04:17 AM.

N.T.M.'s Photo N.T.M. 15 Sep 2013

It just shows how gallingly shallow the average person is. It's depressing really.

A941's Photo A941 17 Oct 2013

So this was done in the USA, right?
As far as I know the average American is a christian, a large part even believes in the rapture and similar stuff, so what they want is not death but they see death as a way to get to the "next life", and living a 120 years doesnt make sense if you want to go to heaven where everything is better.

My conclusion on this is:
-No one wants to die in a final way
-Many People are Morons, even Mormons
-Religion: The massive Roadblock on mankinds way to the stars

Florin's Photo Florin 17 Oct 2013

Actually, 54% of atheists think that radical life extension would be a bad thing versus 51% of theists. There's no big difference.


Julia36's Photo Julia36 18 Oct 2013

Well no-one wants to get sicker.

I wonder of we convey the advantages of immortality?

If we were a church type movement we would be out in the streets and paying for media stations. (Do they still have a use?

The evangelist thinks it sin not to tell people the good news.

Cryonics s still way to costly, but if it was a one-off of $1000 most zillions of people would sign up.

It cold even be done free, with add-ons paying for stuff.

lemonhead's Photo lemonhead 18 Oct 2013

Another interesting article that pertains to this issue in a way is in the NY Times section for the Boomers. The story is about a specific woman and her choices, not a statistic.

In fact when you look at that page you will see links to a few articles about dying. My generation is definitely being forced to come to grips with the issue. If it isn't the premature loss of friends and family it is long term care for aging parents. And it is most certainly our aging selves we see everyday.

Dying With Dignity and the Final Word on Her Life

Published: August 5, 2013

From the time she was a teenager, Jane Lotter, a lifelong resident of Seattle, loved to write — jingles for a greeting card company; news and features for a local real estate magazine; a weekly humor column in the now defunct Jet City Maven; and, most recently, a comic novel, completed shortly before her death last month.

Those best acquainted with her describe Ms. Lotter as a woman who had great spunk, knew her mind and, even at the age of 60 and dying of cancer, was wise beyond her years. So last spring, when she told her family that she was planning to write her own obituary, they weren't too surprised, though they’d never heard of anyone doing that.

As her daughter, Tessa, said, “Of course you are.”

The rest of the article

Thanks for the article, Lazarus. What a great lady.

The pictures of her in the photobooth with her husband are eerily similar to some I took with a boyfriend I had in college, except my boyfriend didn't have a beard and I wore my hair back from my face.
Edited by lemonhead, 18 October 2013 - 02:52 PM.

lemonhead's Photo lemonhead 18 Oct 2013

To be honest I have no clue what is going on with those statistics. I'm actually sick to death of public opinion. Peoples opinions stink and what goes through their minds is enough to make you want to throw up sometimes.

Thats my opinion, and I know it stinks.

Is that what's making me throw up all the time? I thought it was GERD.

Actually, your opinion made me laugh a bit.

I think being a hermit with a bunch of books and a cat makes a lot of sense. Try reading The Dispossessed if you want an exposition of how a bunch of intelligent, like minded people can get together to form their own society and it still isn't that great. Lots on the theme of the conflicting needs for isolation and contact both on an individual and societal level.


Back to the original discussion. I think a lot of people can't envision a future of being old without being sick, tired and physically unattractive. If they could, they would perhaps be more interested in life extension. I had a student that smoked cigarettes specifically because he did not want to get old. I think Vonnegut said something tongue-in-cheek about his Pall Malls being a 'classy way to commit suicide'; of course he lived to 84 and died from a fall.

When I went shopping for some supplements, my offspring asked me why I wanted them and I said facetiously, 'So I can live for ever'. The child's reply -
'You don't want that, you've already seen too much'. More wise than me, that one. Sometimes I think what we really need is a SENS for the soul.

Layberinthius's Photo Layberinthius 06 Nov 2013

To be honest I have no clue what is going on with those statistics. I'm actually sick to death of public opinion. Peoples opinions stink and what goes through their minds is enough to make you want to throw up sometimes.

Thats my opinion, and I know it stinks.

Is that what's making me throw up all the time? I thought it was GERD.

Actually, your opinion made me laugh a bit.

A good laugh as in lauging with me?
Or a bad laugh as in laughing at me?

Difficult to tell online :)

I think being a hermit with a bunch of books and a cat makes a lot of sense. Try reading The Dispossessed if you want an exposition of how a bunch of intelligent, like minded people can get together to form their own society and it still isn't that great. Lots on the theme of the conflicting needs for isolation and contact both on an individual and societal level.

Imagine a world where nobody discriminates based upon sexual preference, nobody fights, but they hate sometimes (defensive), they haggle, they argue but they never fight.

I live in an isolated island called Australia, its not pretty, people are racist and discriminatory, worshipping sex, money and booze. Do you know why they act like this? Because they've watched so much television from California that they've become addicted to the american dream and have laid waste to their own country (millions of hectares of native forest) simply for the sake of being a cookie cutter California.

Thats what I mean by people being stupid and thats why the peoples opinions stink, the public make BAD descisions.

Take a look at North and South Korea for example, one is completely isolated the other is globally intertwined.

North has no food, very little valuables, little science and technology, very little democratic politics, many people and is for all intents and purposes dependent upon the outside world for handouts.

And has a high sucicide rate.

The South is independent, global, has a huge economy, has technology, sciences, a GREAT education system and a great manufacturing sector.

And has a high suicide rate.

Back to the original discussion. I think a lot of people can't envision a future of being old without being sick, tired and physically unattractive. If they could, they would perhaps be more interested in life extension. I had a student that smoked cigarettes specifically because he did not want to get old. I think Vonnegut said something tongue-in-cheek about his Pall Malls being a 'classy way to commit suicide'; of course he lived to 84 and died from a fall.

When I went shopping for some supplements, my offspring asked me why I wanted them and I said facetiously, 'So I can live for ever'. The child's reply -
'You don't want that, you've already seen too much'. More wise than me, that one. Sometimes I think what we really need is a SENS for the soul.

Its not about being old or sick, its about putting up with the horseshit of surviving in society, human beings are inherently lazy but we are forced to do work because we need it inorder to feed ourselves, inorder to survive.

Human beings are inherently lazy, so build a society based upon being lazy, to accomodate that, and it will be a sucess.

Just look at Australia, some of the laziest people I know are contracted to work 40 hours a week and only do 10 hours a week of actual work.

But its not all roses, the people who dont do work are actually offsetting the workload for somebody else, so you always get that one guy who is doing the work for the lazy ones, its predatory.

Even geniuses want to day dream, but people are inherently lazy. Stupid people make stupid descisions like drink booze and then they wonder why their brain is mush at the age of 43.

Stupid people are predatory and will go to great lengths to bully you into doing their work for them.

Stupid people make bad descisions and will drag the economy down because they need a new liver, on mass, repeated a million or so times.

Stupid people kill the smarter ones for the sake of a few dollars because they cannot see that the value of a life is higher than their next fix of cocaine. (Respect is shown to those who have serious drug problems, but seriously if you are doing drugs then you are causing misery to someone else, EVERYTHING IN LIFE is a 2 way street.)

Its STUPID people that we need to castrate out of society, but that will NEVER happen because they are so easy to fool, to become slaves to the smarter ones. So therefore I propose a society which invites only the tallest people in the world, statistically the taller a person is the smarter they are. (Yes I pulled that one out of my arse)

And yes I am completely delusional, yadda yadda yadda, what ever, its never been tried before, we've tried everything else except for this.

It doesnt matter what your sexual preference is, doesnt matter what your age is, doesnt matter what your skin color is, all that matters is wether or not you are taller than the average person. If you are, then you're in my club.

Craniology should have never been disproven and then forgotten about, I believe it does have some slight merit in todays world, just take a look around you. Taller people i've found make BETTER descisions, not FASTER descisions but BETTER ones, because they think for longer on a problem, that is being misinterpreted as being slow and stupid, but in reality its actually very deep thought.

If a smart person takes into account everything that affects him or her, then that is a smart descision.

If a stupid person takes into account only THEIR selfish needs then that descision only serves to help him/her and disregards OTHERS from the picture entirely, INCLUDING nature and the planet that we survive on. And it is THAT which I am trying to avoid.

People think that because you make a descision quicker therefore you must be smarter, no, its the opposite.

Evolution has shown that taller people are better descision makers, well then why the hell are we letting shorter people make descisions for us for? Its obvious that an entire economy that is based upon fossil fuels was a BAD idea, yet nobody seems to notice or care????

Being taller is a great marker for having the proper nutrients when growing up but not necesserially the greatest upbringing, my upbringing was HORRIBLE and yet even with a large chunk of my brain capacity gone I can still manage to make smarter descisions than nearly EVERYBODY around me?

Nutrition when growing up is a serious issue that as a society we have COMPLETELY ignored in favor for drugs/sugars/good feelings. Yes sure we've made supplements, but are we all giving them to the kids? No? Then you have a serious issue. The mere fact that you haven't thought about giving your kids nutritional supplements is a cause for concern, EVERY child should have the right to grow up fully prepared for what awaits he/she out there.

I've found that shorter people in general, the average person, is happier aswell, much more of a risk taker than I am, that is NOT a good thing because making terrible descisions will get you KILLED, and will get other taller people killed aswell,.

SO why am I living in a society that favours these kinds of people when I want to live forever? Why not make my own society whereby common sense, awareness of surroundings, knowledge, understanding, hope for the future, longevity, are all favoured virtues? Because short people come in and try to fuck it up every single time. BECAUSE THEY ARE PREDATORY. Then bitch and moan about being discriminated against because they're short.

Well fuck you short people! I'm gonna go make my own damn society, with hookers and blackjack.

And by the way, why is it that we value technological progress but we shun and hate people who favour genetic progress? Hitler did some bad shit but SO ARE WE by not propagating the right genes along the line.

I DO NOT descriminate against sexual preference, skin color, race, or political viewpoints, personal viewpoints, ideas, moral standings, yet I cannot seem to bring myself towards having sex with a shorter woman and watching as my offspring gets stupider and stupider as each generation goes on.
Edited by Layberinthius, 07 November 2013 - 12:22 AM.

Layberinthius's Photo Layberinthius 07 Nov 2013

In summary:

Taller people i've found make BETTER descisions, not FASTER descisions but BETTER ones, because they think for longer on a problem, that is being misinterpreted as being slow and stupid, but in reality its actually very deep thought.

If a smart person takes into account everything that affects him or her, then that is a smart descision.

If a stupid person takes into account only THEIR selfish needs then that descision only serves to help him/her and disregards OTHERS from the picture entirely, INCLUDING nature and the planet that we survive on. And it is THAT which I am trying to avoid.

People think that because you make a descision quicker therefore you must be smarter, no, its the opposite.

The average human brain processes information at the same rate as everybody else, NOTE that I am talking about AVERAGES here and not abnormally high or low rates of intelligence, and we all come to a conclusion AT THE SAME RATE as everybody else does, so therefore the logical conclusion that people who spend more time thinking about something are therefore smarter is valid, because they are patient, they are more willing to wait for an answer, and more willing to be correct, with the RIGHT answer at the end. Because they have thought every possible scenario through.


Just take a look at yet more dribble coming from public opinion.

Ed Bullmore, professor of psychiatry at Cambridge, where he specialises in brain imaging, measured the efficiency with which different parts of the brain communicated with each other.

He found impulses travelled fastest in smarter people and slower in those who were less intelligent.
He said: ‘High integration of brain networks seems to be associated with high IQ.

YES, the MORE CONNECTIONS you have the better you are able to correlate differing ideas, viewpoints, information into making a conclusion.

But if you spend only a second on the idea then you WILL forget things.

The speed of impulses is constant in the areas of the brain responsible for thought, it differs in other areas of the body and brain but it is still the same sluggish speed in the one area of the brain responsible for thought.


It is a BAD descision for the average human being to even listen to such a horrible source of information such as the daily mail, yet it exists. The bad descisions are still continuing.

And that is the long answer as to why people are not interested in longevity, they are interested in the HERE and NOW, they DO NOT CARE about the long term future, ALL they care about is FUCKING, MONEY, POWER, DESTRUCTION and LAUGHING at other peoples misfortunes.

They are selfish, predatory, manipulative, backstabbing, cowardly, terrible descision makers and HORNY AS HELL and they will continue to propagate their genes until this entire god damn planet is a seething pile of dead bodies.

You asked what could be worse than the holocaust? How about an apocalypse of 7 BILLION DUMB people?

The worst descision that any tall person EVER made was feeling sorry for a shorter person, shorter people have used that to THEIR advantage for hundreds of thousands of years.

And YES I am FULL OF SHIT, and HIGH on Noopept!
Edited by Layberinthius, 07 November 2013 - 12:50 AM.

Layberinthius's Photo Layberinthius 07 Nov 2013

I'll give you an example, how many hollywood actors can you say are taller and have a genuine on film presence of being smarter? I wonder just how many tall writers there are, how large their brains are.

Hollywood would have you believe that a short, skinny, hot, sexy woman on screen is an apsolute genius, can pull outstandingly impossible moves, break the laws of physics, reload a gun in 5 seconds or less and go home to cook dinner.

But ask any of the actors why they do it, they do it for the paycheque, the fame.

We are being conditioned to believe that the average person is the smartest one, but its not. If the average person makes an average descision then you will get a mediocre answer to ANY question that you ask them, or a preprogrammed one, and they are making bad descisions every single day based upon preprogrammed answers or really bad un-thought out descisions.

And have a guess where the pre-programmed answers come from, thats right, tall people, people who dedicate their ENTIRE LIVES to thinking. INTP's

It is unfair, we are doing all of the work thinking yet shorter people reap the benefits and it will not last for very much longer because there is a limit that has been reached and passed.

And even though I cannot completely connect the dots, I still see the patterns and the traits of an entire system that has been built up to collapse upon itself simply because shorter people are hornier and more willing to take risks (get laid, contract an STD) than taller people are.

I see things that other people do not all of the time, because I take the time to observe the smaller things. This has been my conclusion after 17 years of deep thought on the matter of western society as a whole, I begun this thought process when I was 12 years old. With the simple question, why am I shunned from society?

The answer is that if you spend time thinking about a problem then life will pass you by, that is a good way to think if you are going to live forever because you have all of eternity to solve a problem. but its a BAD way to be thinking if you are going to live a life today, and the average person today makes that bad descision every single day of their lives.

THATS why they aren't interested in longevity, its because they are living IN THE MOMENT, living FOR NOW, and NOT for Tomorrow.

I am different to them because I live for tomorrow, and not for today, and that is exactly the one reason that this society will collapse. And that is EXACTLY what taller people do, they see further ahead, they plan ahead, they protect the group, they have been doing this for thousands of years. and it has been completely ignored in society.


I for one welcome our new insect overlords, they have a better social structure anyway.
Posted Image
Edited by Layberinthius, 07 November 2013 - 01:32 AM.

lemonhead's Photo lemonhead 07 Nov 2013

Well, I thought I was laughing with you until you started bashing short people.

Personally, I think the world would be better off if there were more short people, as they require fewer calories to sustain themselves.

Layberinthius's Photo Layberinthius 07 Nov 2013

Well, I thought I was laughing with you until you started bashing short people.

Personally, I think the world would be better off if there were more short people, as they require fewer calories to sustain themselves.

Short people get jealous too much, then make it their lifelong goal to try and ruin my life.

Its no picnic being tall either, imagine a hoarde of dumb people clamouring over you looking for the tiniest thing they can use to trip you up, then they go running towards an authority figure looking for 'justice' for being 'wronged' in some way, you can maybe understand why i hold these viewpoints if you've lived my life.

I want height descrimination to be gone, but short people HATE tall people, at least its true here in Australia, and not enough people care about us, short people think we have too many ADVANTAGES of being tall, short people hold stupid viewpoints like we're somehow given EVERYTHING to us. That we must have some kind of lucky horseshoe stuck up our asses.

it gets boring after the 100th or so Job application. The 6th year at education when you're transitioning from Junior to High school they really start to dig into you and tear you apart, strip away any sort of hope for the future and self worth at all and scheme little plans to try and get you killed on a regular basis.

Not to mention the hundreds of times that I've had to break up a potential fight because someone wanted to start one with me, IN PUBLIC, just because they see me as a challenge.

Short people are INSANELY jealous.

Ontop of that, women are turned on insanely by your presence. Even if they have a boyfriend they will gladly have sehks with you no matter what. Which is really insane when you think about it, because all I want is a stable relationship! I would NEVER have sex with someone I didnt know. It wouldnt be emotionally possible for me to have someone cheat on their boyfriend either. Dating when you are tall is just CRAZY because you never know if a chick wants just your dick or your brain.

Try living a year in those shoes and not turn towards thinking that short people are just NUTS.
Edited by Layberinthius, 07 November 2013 - 04:12 AM.

A941's Photo A941 18 Nov 2013

I live in Europe and I never experienced such Problems, the only Problem I have is that i will ocassionaly hurt my head in really old Buildings, or cars which clearly have been built for people from the 16th century :-)
But maybe you are taller then me, Iam 198cm, that would be between 6ft 5in and 6ft 6in, as far as i know.

Mind's Photo Mind 18 Nov 2013

They framed it in such a way as to induce the tithonus error.

Why not ask : How soon would you like to get sick and die?

Most relevant post in this thread by far. Do the same survey and ask not only would you like to live to 120 but also how soon would you like to get sick and die. There would be a huge disparity which would illuminate the real issue.

The poll, as taken, doesn't tell me a whole lot.

Marios Kyriazis's Photo Marios Kyriazis 19 Nov 2013

They framed it in such a way as to induce the tithonus error.

Why not ask : How soon would you like to get sick and die?

Most relevant post in this thread by far. Do the same survey and ask not only would you like to live to 120 but also how soon would you like to get sick and die. There would be a huge disparity which would illuminate the real issue.

The poll, as taken, doesn't tell me a whole lot.

Better still, ask these questions and I guarantee 100% support for longevity:

1. Do you want to live the last years of your life being incontinent of urine or faeces?
2. Do you want to have dementia?
3. Do you want to depend on others to clean your bottom, or to turn you in bed?
4. Do you like spending many years in continual pain?
5. Do you like being so weak that you are unable to get up from a chair on your own?


All are age-related conditions caused by the fact that we age. If we cure aging, we will necessarily also cure all age-related degeneration. A small side effect of this would be that we will also live radically longer.

Mind's Photo Mind 20 Nov 2013

Not a great article, but another move into the mainstream media. The title seems rather negative, but the content is just a review of what is currently happening in anti-aging efforts AND mentions the Immortality Institute. The author is oblivious to the fact of non-aging animals and plants already in existence. In the end, when I read between the lines, seems the author is afraid of change/the future. Same as most people.

lemonhead's Photo lemonhead 22 Nov 2013

Not a great article, but another move into the mainstream media. The title seems rather negative, but the content is just a review of what is currently happening in anti-aging efforts AND mentions the Immortality Institute. The author is oblivious to the fact of non-aging animals and plants already in existence. In the end, when I read between the lines, seems the author is afraid of change/the future. Same as most people.

The author is a moron; see

ImmInst should sponsor a debate between him and Aubrey de Grey and make it a pay-per-view event. I'd gladly pay $10 to watch.

Florin's Photo Florin 25 Nov 2013

Here's the strangest part of this survey: 38% of respondents want medical treatments that would allow an average person to live at least 120 years but only 9% want to live more than 100 years and only 4% want to live more than 120 years.

Perhaps the 38% want to live longer with the understanding that they will do so with the help of medical treatments that will help them avoid decrepitude.

Anyway, another interesting stat that I've been able to derive from this survey is that about 44 million people in the United States (15% of a total population of 300 million) want to live to at least 120 with the help of new medical treatments that slow aging, and they believe this will be possible before 2050.

38% (114 million) want to live to at least 120 with the help of new medical treatments
39% of those 114 million (44 million) believe this will be possible before 2050 (see last question of the section of Chapter 1)

Talking about radical life extension via advancements in medical treatments might not be such a bad idea, but the problem is that it hasn't worked so well in the past. Maybe the funding problem needs more emphasis and better demographic targeting is required. Information from this survey could be used to determine how to do the latter.


Ekaterinya Vladinakova's Photo Ekaterinya Vladinakova 01 Dec 2013

As long as those against the technology will not interfere with our goals, I am not overly concerned.
I am concerned to some degree, since we need funding, and we will need good public support to get this faster.