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Anyone know how to lower UREA?

Guardian4981's Photo Guardian4981 20 Sep 2013

My first set of labs my Urea came in at 29. Doctor said to try to drink more water, which I always do...

So I tried making some changes. I cut down my protein from 200 grams a day to 150, I upped my carbs from 100 grams to 200 grams. I also had more water, drinking at least a gallon a day.

6 months later got labs done again, and Urea was 28, only 1 point improvement, though I guess I am thankful it hasn't went up more.

I have had aggravating symptoms for a few years now, mostly dry skin, fatigue, malaise, light headed when standing up, and occasional cold hands/feet. The doc measured my blood pressure which was normal sitting and rose a bit when standing which is normal as well.

I once suspected a thyroid problem since my TSH was 3.5 which isn't great, however the labs showed my triglycerides were actually pretty low (48). I also do not experience any constipation or hair loss.

The high urea would indicate potential kidney malfunction, however every other kidney marker including creatinine and electrolyes were right where they should be. I find it odd urea is high yet creatinine is not.

I have tried taking a small dose of Armour thyroid, this actually seemed to only make me feel worse, namely tinnitus and my feet tingled.

I think my symptoms are from the high urea, if I have a day where I literally eat no protein I feel better, but obviously this is not solution I should be able to eat a reasonable amount of protein and feel fine. I lift weights alot so if anything my bodys protein needs should be higher not lower.