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Long term selegiline

panhedonic's Photo panhedonic 29 Jan 2014

Hi friends,

I've been meaning to start this thread for a long time. I've been taking selegiline for about two years (5mg/day, sublingual) and I plan to stick with it for now. I'd like to exchange experiences with you if you've taken it for over one year, or plan to, or have relevant information about staying on it for a long time.

I know some of you will point out that 5mg SL is a lot, but there's only one study that says that bioavailability increases, and even that one is somewhat vague. In any case, I took my BP daily for months and it didn't change the slightest bit, despite having a completely unrestricted diet that includes aged cheese and red wine.

Selegiline has worked very well for me, keeping me this side of anxiety attacks and debilitating negative thoughts. I feel also very motivated, but then again I always was a wired individual :)

Not sure about its nootropic properties, but let's say that I have a good feeling about that.

Thanks in advance for sharing your thoughts/experiences.
Edited by panhedonic, 29 January 2014 - 03:52 AM.

explorador's Photo explorador 29 Jan 2014

When coming off selegiline there may be a period of very reduced motivation until your system balances again.

jrmp's Photo jrmp 29 Jan 2014

How old are you and what other supplements were you taking? Also were you taking selegiline drops or dissolving the tablet in your mouth?

panhedonic's Photo panhedonic 29 Jan 2014

Sorry I havent' given complete info before:
I'm a 45yo male, and I take B complex, C, D3, a multi every other day, inositol, lecithin, bacopa, artichoke, forskolin, fish oil, some ALA/ALCAR, some creatine, some taurine, zinc, selenium, iodine, a lot of plants (ginger, cocoa, coffee, beries, nuts, seeds, cinnamon, grape seed extract, pomegranate, etc)

I take now Jumex pills and I dissolve them in my tongue. I got used to the bitterness.

jrmp's Photo jrmp 29 Jan 2014

Were you doing CILTEP also?

I have done selegiline over the course of a month and a half at doses ranging from 1mg to 4mg a day ( mostly at around 2mg maximum) because of my age (22) and I was scared because the seemed to be a lot for my age. I was doing CILTEP prior to that and i felt that i could do better with just selegiline and green tea, and the occasional 4-5mg of adderall.

But yes i also found selegiline helpful. I want to do it again, but i dont feel im in the right age to do it.

panhedonic's Photo panhedonic 15 Feb 2014

Anybody with long-term experience? I know some in this forum took it for a while. I'd appreciate your opinions. I'm not alone in this, no?


Kurzweilian Artilect's Photo Kurzweilian Artilect 15 Feb 2014

I am currently taking a CILTeP stack and will be starting Selegiline soon; 28 years old. No long term experience, but in for answers.

ovecta's Photo ovecta 15 Feb 2014

I was taking selegiline over a long period (4 months @ 10 mg daily) however i stopped about two months ago, it was great at the start I noticed increased motivation and it helped alot in controlling depression and negative thoughts, after maybe two months i started to notice a gradual numbing effect of emotions which continued to worsen, I was also more aggressive than normal and it became much harder to be social as a result.
Also exercise started to also become harder as i would get these horrible throbbing headaches afterwards, orginally I didn't think it was the selegiline causing them but ever since i stopped i can exercise for much longer and at high intensities without a worry of getting a headache after.

Here's the odd thing, when i stopped taking selegiline (cold turkey) I was slightly worried of any withdrawal effects I might experience but all i noticed was a slightly increased need for sleep which lasted only one week, the second week was great! I was back to my old self again and felt emotions of happiness and empathy for others i hadnt felt in months and socializing felt wonderful, there was no crash at all it was like a cloud had been lifted, that's the best way I can describe it.

​My advice for you would be to start at low doses and see how you feel, pay close attention to how your behaviours change, personally for depression I have been using tianeptine for the last month and its been great with minimal side effects.

Check out this study just released this month comparing it to lexapro in treating major depressive disorder, added benefit of improving cognition not impairing it.

panhedonic's Photo panhedonic 01 Apr 2014

I'm about to hereby declare that I'm the only Longecity member that took Selegiline for over a year. :ph34r:

I know that is not the case, but I'm yet to hear someone else's experience... and this is the second thread I start (by accident) about this.

I see this thread is active now: http://www.longecity...this-long-term/


comischa's Photo comischa 22 May 2014

Hi panhedonic-


I've been taking 2.5 mg selegiline (sublingual) for 17 months now (34F). It's been great in that there have been no side-effects that I've noticed, and I've had a noticeable lessening of my fairly severe depression. Prior to selegiline, I'd been on Prozac for 13 years, and I consider the AD effect for me from selegiline to be about the same as Prozac, maybe a little less (but my current selegiline dose is pretty tiny). All things considered, I couldn't ask for too much more, though I'm considering upping my dose to increase the antidepressant effects. I'm not sure that I've noticed a decline in efficacy lately, but it's a maybe. Hard to tell.


My blood pressure is a bit on the low side naturally, but the lowering of BP from the selegiline has been negligible.


Not much more to it...for reference, other things I take regularly are cordyceps, fish oil, vitamin d, black cohosh, melatonin, lutein, and sometimes pramiracetam, valerian and a few other random herbs/vitamins/nootropics.


Hope that helps!

Edited by comischa, 22 May 2014 - 01:10 AM.

panhedonic's Photo panhedonic 25 Jun 2014

Comischa, thank you.


Anybody else? Still I'm the one here who took Selegiline for the longest time? Can't be.


In any case, I'm doing well, same as before: blocked negative thoughts and feelings, improved mood, motivated, all else unchanged.


noot_in_the_sky's Photo noot_in_the_sky 26 Jun 2014

I have been taking selegiline for over 2 yrs now, may be 2.5yrs, I started when I was 21 @ 1mg/day. Personally I haven't seen any negative side effects, and the positive onces as it has already been said before had been better mood.  The only thing that happen was in the beginning, I was taking it every single day which affected my sleep, but now I take the weekends off and it works great.


I have try selegiline from 1 - 2mg/day, and I notice the best effect was from 1.5mg/day.


An other thing I have notice is that Sunifiram and Tyrosine seem to work for longer periods of time with a small dosage.


It may be that ovecta have such a bad effect, because of the high dose he was taking.  The highest recomended dose I read has been 5mg/d, and when selegiline is taken in high dosage it inhibits MAO-A which breaks down seratonin, so you will have more seratonin just as with SSRI. This may be the reason he feels emotionless.


As for the headaches when exercising, I belive that selegiline does cause a drop in blood pressure. However, me personally haven't had this problem when exercising.

Edited by noot_in_the_sky, 26 June 2014 - 01:00 PM.

SteveF's Photo SteveF 20 Jul 2014

I'v been taking it for 22 years. 14 years the citrate form. I took it only for life extension. Its slow acting. I'd give it a year to see benifits for aging. I'v known 2 people with depression that took 10mg dosages and within a week it cleared up. I was forty when I started, I drank heavily and partied almost daily for 38 years till  2 years ago. At 21 I gave up pasterized milk and most sugar products but ate everything else. I had a bad back that would cramp up on me and was slightly sore every day. After six months of taking deprynyl the back felt a little better, after 12 months the pain was gone and I could stress my back and the next day it wouldn't cramp up. In the rat studies it showed that the skeletal structure realiagned on deprenyl. Now at 63 I have no back or any other pain and feel 25. I have been trying eating different diets on and off for the last 10 years. Mainly raw vegan but then after 9 months I go off it for a year or so then try something else or go back to it again. When I was 100% raw vega I didn't drink. 3 years ago I even lived just on raw milk only nothing else for 4 months in a row, no problem and I felt good. A good diet when drinking, no cleaning or cooking just guzzle 1 1/2 gal of milk a day. Must be raw or the pasturized stuff will make you sick. google, milk cure pdf .


I had no side effect exept the 1st month, I dreamed more and was hornier, That all past. I think it  has really helped me repair my abusive life style, I can't imagine how bad I might feel now without it. One of the benifits of deprenyl is the increase in neural connections in the brain as demonstrated it the dissected rat studies. So maybe it balanced off the ones I was killing with the booze. LOL


I think the 99.99% pure citrate form could be better because the powers to be have eliminated that source worldwide and stopped the originator of it by jailing him for 13 yr., I wonder why? If anybody knows how to get it or a lab to make it let me know. Dr. Dean doesn't think it makes a difference, I'm not so sure.



Edited by SteveF, 20 July 2014 - 09:06 AM.

noot_in_the_sky's Photo noot_in_the_sky 22 Jul 2014

SteveF, what dosage have you been using trough the years?


panhedonic's Photo panhedonic 23 Jul 2014

Steve, that helps a lot, thank you. Gives me confidence that I can keep taking it. I also want to know what your dosage has been.


8bitmore's Photo 8bitmore 23 Jul 2014

[...] In the rat studies it showed that the skeletal structure realiagned on deprenyl [...]


Thanks for a great summary overall - anyone's got a link for that deprenyl/selegiline vs skeletal structure study?


SteveF's Photo SteveF 23 Jul 2014

I started with the dosages recommended by Mr. Kimball. Starting at 1 mg at 40 and then increasing each 5 years 1 more mg till 10mg a day at 80. I got up to 5mg per day. Lately I read from Dr. Knoll the inventor of deprenyl that he now recommends just staying at 1mg. I don't know why. Since I get 5mg sublingal pills I take one every several days.


As far as the bone study, I haven't been able to find it. But I remember reading it and my back did improve and I had tried many other things like yoga and exersize which didn't help.


I have a slightly swollen prostrate and psoriasis the last 6 years that runs in my family that deprenyl hasn't helped. Which could of been the result of drinking.


Anipryl is the animal version of deprenyl. It can be gotton from your vet for old dogs. They seem to give much higher dosages per body weight than recommended for people and it works amazanly good for existing dementia. Google, Anipryl testimonials.




8bitmore's Photo 8bitmore 23 Jul 2014

I started with the dosages recommended by Mr. Kimball. Starting at 1 mg at 40 and then increasing each 5 years 1 more mg till 10mg a day at 80. I got up to 5mg per day. Lately I read from Dr. Knoll the inventor of deprenyl that he now recommends just staying at 1mg. I don't know why. Since I get 5mg sublingal pills I take one every several days.


As far as the bone study, I haven't been able to find it. But I remember reading it and my back did improve and I had tried many other things like yoga and exersize which didn't help.


I have a slightly swollen prostrate and psoriasis the last 6 years that runs in my family that deprenyl hasn't helped. Which could of been the result of drinking.


Anipryl is the animal version of deprenyl. It can be gotton from your vet for old dogs. They seem to give much higher dosages per body weight than recommended for people and it works amazanly good for existing dementia. Google, Anipryl testimonials.


Thanks for trying to find the study in question, I had a go as well via pubmed but I need more specific keywords to narrow it down, there's a lot published on deprenyl over the last 30+ years! Also appreciate hearing about the less than spectacular results in relation to prostate and psoriasis - good to keep things in perspective ( also: I strongly recommend hefty dose of wholesale organic turmeric powder (the curcumin extracts are not effective for this purpose in my experience) to attenuate immune response in regards to psoriasis and high ginger intake due to natural affinity for killing off errant cells in prostate area, see http://www.ncbi.nlm....pubmed/21849094 )


FW900's Photo FW900 24 Jul 2014

I started with the dosages recommended by Mr. Kimball. Starting at 1 mg at 40 and then increasing each 5 years 1 more mg till 10mg a day at 80. I got up to 5mg per day. Lately I read from Dr. Knoll the inventor of deprenyl that he now recommends just staying at 1mg. I don't know why. Since I get 5mg sublingal pills I take one every several days.


As far as the bone study, I haven't been able to find it. But I remember reading it and my back did improve and I had tried many other things like yoga and exersize which didn't help.


I have a slightly swollen prostrate and psoriasis the last 6 years that runs in my family that deprenyl hasn't helped. Which could of been the result of drinking.


Anipryl is the animal version of deprenyl. It can be gotton from your vet for old dogs. They seem to give much higher dosages per body weight than recommended for people and it works amazanly good for existing dementia. Google, Anipryl testimonials.




Human selegiline is cheaper (90 5mg tablets for less than $15 usually). Why would anyone pay $60 for 30 tablets of the dog stuff? Also, less quality control compared to human drugs.


SteveF's Photo SteveF 24 Jul 2014

The anipril is interesting for the results people got with thier dogs. It shows the power of turning around old dogs that just stood in a corner and piss and didn't know where they were at, to dogs acting normal again.


Where do you get it for 90/$15?


FW900's Photo FW900 24 Jul 2014

The anipril is interesting for the results people got with thier dogs. It shows the power of turning around old dogs that just stood in a corner and piss and didn't know where they were at, to dogs acting normal again.


Where do you get it for 90/$15?


AllDayChemist under the name Selgin. Be extremely careful with the payment options. I suggest you use a prepaid debit card but you need to make sure you can use it internationally. Most cards meant for instant use (e.g, Vanilla), can only be used for US domestic payments and will not work on ADC.


I think banks are able to issue temporary prepaid debit cards that work internationally.


SteveF's Photo SteveF 24 Jul 2014

Thanks for the referal. I might try it. I've been getting mine from 4rx.com. There is specific bitter taste to seligine I'd like to see if it is there.




The anipril is interesting for the results people got with thier dogs. It shows the power of turning around old dogs that just stood in a corner and piss and didn't know where they were at, to dogs acting normal again.


Where do you get it for 90/$15?


AllDayChemist under the name Selgin. Be extremely careful with the payment options. I suggest you use a prepaid debit card but you need to make sure you can use it internationally. Most cards meant for instant use (e.g, Vanilla), can only be used for US domestic payments and will not work on ADC.


I think banks are able to issue temporary prepaid debit cards that work internationally.




Michael Rian's Photo Michael Rian 27 Jul 2014


The anipril is interesting for the results people got with thier dogs. It shows the power of turning around old dogs that just stood in a corner and piss and didn't know where they were at, to dogs acting normal again.


Where do you get it for 90/$15?


AllDayChemist under the name Selgin. Be extremely careful with the payment options. I suggest you use a prepaid debit card but you need to make sure you can use it internationally. Most cards meant for instant use (e.g, Vanilla), can only be used for US domestic payments and will not work on ADC.


I think banks are able to issue temporary prepaid debit cards that work internationally.



Do you need a prescription to order it from that website?  I am going to see my Doctor on Monday, and Selegiline is on my list of meds to talk to him about. 


noot_in_the_sky's Photo noot_in_the_sky 28 Jul 2014

You don't need a prescription for AllDayChemist.


NeuroGeneration's Photo NeuroGeneration 03 Mar 2015

For those who mentioned they were long-term deprenyl users, can you please update us and let us know if you're still using it, at what dosage, the benefits, any tolerance, and the negatives / concerns? I'm considering trying it out again at 1mg sublingual, but am concerned about long-term effects, as well as short-term issues like numbing of emotions or aggression. 


I'm also most interested in it for the motivational aspects, and secondarily for the libido enhancement. Any comments on your personal long-term accounts for these two benefits (and any others) would be very helpful. Thanks!


SteveF's Photo SteveF 03 Mar 2015

For those who mentioned they were long-term deprenyl users, can you please update us and let us know if you're still using it, at what dosage, the benefits, any tolerance, and the negatives / concerns? I'm considering trying it out again at 1mg sublingual, but am concerned about long-term effects, as well as short-term issues like numbing of emotions or aggression. 


I'm also most interested in it for the motivational aspects, and secondarily for the libido enhancement. Any comments on your personal long-term accounts for these two benefits (and any others) would be very helpful. Thanks!


Over 23 yrs. Impossible to tell individual long term benifits because of all the other stuff I'd tried plus other times I took nothing but 16 oz of booze a day and food, but always deprenyl. I still take 5mg sometime everyday sometimes not.  No aggresion or difference in emotions, motovations or labido in all those years but that could be just me, I'm mellow.  I now just eat all organic, don't drink booze and make my own distilled water and taking a dozen suppliments which I can't tell whats doing what yet. At 64 I still feel 21 no aches or disease or doctors drugs. I drank heavily so long and worked outdoors for 38 years in freezing weather so my face has wrinkles but no sagging skin in face, neck or arms. So you fiquire what good it did me negating a bad life style of fun partying. Take it but don't judge it for at least one yr, there are no bad effects unless you drink coffee, that gave me stiff necks, who needs coffee when you feel normal?



Edited by SteveF, 03 March 2015 - 07:19 AM.