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Safe ayurveda supplements and herbs for my...

vigor08's Photo vigor08 01 Jun 2014

Hello from Greece!

My brother, 35 years old is suffering from psychosis about one year now. The main and strong symptom is a fear that he will never be healthy again. He has problem sleeping. He may sleeps very late at night or at the morning. He took a lot of psychiatric drugs in the last year but noone could helped him. I am searching the whole Internet for alternative treatments. I decided after 1 year searching to focus to ayurveda therapies and specialists.

Is there someone who had positive experiences from ayuerveda to tell me which ayurvedic herbs and/or therapies (e.x. shirhodara massage) are suitable.

If someone doesn't want for some reasons post in this topic he/she can pm me.


I can give more Info for my brother's situation if it is useful.

Thanks in advance and i hope to have always a Healthy body and mind !


Liquidfire's Photo Liquidfire 01 Jun 2014

Have you checked around on Examine.com?


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vigor08's Photo vigor08 01 Jun 2014

Liquidfire thanks for your Info . I did't know it. I will explore this. 


GoingPrimal's Photo GoingPrimal 03 Jun 2014

Shirhodara is the pouring of sesame oil onto the forehead, right? It's supposed to be very relaxing, it certainly couldn't hurt.


I've used ashwagandha quite a bit, and find it very relaxing. Traditionally it was simmered in some milk for a few minutes and drank, but capsules will probably work fine as well.


Panchakarma would be a great help I'm sure, but you do need to be with an ayurvedic practitioner for that one.


Is your brother's nutrition and lifestyle on point? Plenty of veggies, organic cuts of meat, not just eating prepackaged crap food all day right? Is he getting near-daily exercise? Consuming caffeine late in the day or just in the mornings?


If diet and exercise are in line, look into a good magnesium supplement, as well as a quality cod liver oil supplement. 


medievil's Photo medievil 03 Jun 2014

I advice to not focus on one kind of therapy, every type including medication have unique treatments that synergetically may ne required for recovery.


vigor08's Photo vigor08 03 Jun 2014

Hi GoingPrimal :)

First of all, i have to thank you for your time spending for reading my topic.

Yes, shirodhara is this method you have described. Yesterday i talked with a therapist here in GREECE and it told me that this ayuervedic therapy method is suitable for my brother's situation.

My brother's nutrition was very bad for years. If i can remember well from his school days. He was eating almost every day fast food. He never drank and smoked.

Because he is staying in home many hours he eats more heatlhy now. Before the psychotic episode he was drinking coffe at afternoon for many days as he told to the doctors. His friends were drinking too and he was drifted.

Unfortunately, i am doing big big effort to convince him to must go for exercise at least 3 days in week but it is so difficult because the drud he feels tired and without much power maybe from the drug he is taking (aloperidin 5 mg).
He is going (after an interruption for many months), again for dancing to a Cultural club, 2 times a week but he is dancing for a short time.But i think it is good for his gradual Social inclusion.

What magnesium supplement you think is the best ? Why you suggest cod liver oil and not an omega 3 supplement ? Do you think is more effective ?


vigor08's Photo vigor08 03 Jun 2014

I advice to not focus on one kind of therapy, every type including medication have unique treatments that synergetically may ne required for recovery.


Alias22, I will agree with your view. The purpose of the topic is not to have suggestons from others for one ayurveda therapy only if you mean this, but for all the ayurveda solutions (including massage,herbs,nutrition and drugs).

I am not interesting for the time for drug therapies from west medicine.

Maybe the experiences from homeopathy could be useful but homeopathy has, as i know from Professional doctors, about 300 or more homeopathy drugs and it is difficult and protracted to find the suitable drug. The doctor must be very experinced and wants to have the best solution for the patient. It is too hard to find such a doctor. I did homeopathy for 4 years for stress and i have't saw any positive result. Maybe the wrong doctor maybe the wrong homeopathy drugs.




Muad'Dib's Photo Muad'Dib 03 Jun 2014

Check out this thread  




YoungSchizo's Photo YoungSchizo 04 Jun 2014


I advice to not focus on one kind of therapy, every type including medication have unique treatments that synergetically may ne required for recovery.


Alias22, I will agree with your view. The purpose of the topic is not to have suggestons from others for one ayurveda therapy only if you mean this, but for all the ayurveda solutions (including massage,herbs,nutrition and drugs).

I am not interesting for the time for drug therapies from west medicine.


I've got Manasatva, Brahmi and Ashwagandha laying around, bought it when I had a psychosis a while ago. Didn't properly try them though, just a couple of days so can't draw a conclusion.


I had found a great scientific page where Ayuverdic drug were tested (with results) but unfortunately I can't find it anymore.


Maybe these two pages may help you out: 

1. Ayurvedic & Western approaches to the treatment of Schizophrenia

2. Ayurvedic Organic Treatment For Schizophrenia


GoingPrimal's Photo GoingPrimal 05 Jun 2014

Good finds YoungSchizo.


Vigor08, I suggested cod liver oil only because it also has some vitamin D and A, two fat-soluble nutrients lacking in many peoples diets. The more important part is the Omega 3s, so regular, but high quality, fish oil will work as well. I'm not sure which brands are available to you in Greece, but ask around and see if you can find one that is of quality.


As for magnesium, I'd suggest magnesium threonate, mag citrate or a topical magnesium spray. Epsom salts (magnesium sulfate) work well also, but require actually soaking in a bath.


Out of curiosity, have you and your brother considered yoga?



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Flex's Photo Flex 17 Jun 2014

I really dont want to play Doctor, but Aloperidin alias Haloperidol is problematic.


Couldnt You ask the Doctor if it is possible to choose another one ? At least risperdal, which is a hammer as well. I tried it for a short period and can confirm that the motivation is hijacked and the anxiety to a good extend increased through this types of meds.

One of the problematic thing on haloperidol is, that it increases tardive dyskinesia more than other antipsychotics.


I dont know what do you exactly looking for, but I hope I can help a bit with this.

Ok here some suggestions from what I know (but for safetys sake i dont guarantee anything. better talk allways with a Doc for consultion) :


- try or look after, something antioxidant while using antipsychotics. Because on of the mechanism that causes tardive dyskinesia is oxidative damage.

Antipsychotics are on their self prooxidant to the brain. 


Ashwaghanda is according a study capable to reduce it to a good extend. Maybe N-acetyl cysteine too, but thats just my theory.. 

Of course there are other plants, just look at ncbi/pubmed


- The problem with Ashwagandha and other exotic herbs is, that some of them do thinn the blood. 

Per se not a problem, but if you take Ashwaghanda(an anticoagulant) with e.g. cucurma( a cox 1and2 blocker) you could "maybe" get spontaneus bleeding or inner bleeding. Dont want to advertise, but the Sensoril extract of Ashwagandha doesnt seem , at least to me, to thinn the blood.


- be careful about your sources of these herbals. Ordering e.g. direct from india doesnt mean to be safe because of high ammount of pesticides or heavymetals. 


- I know and tried 2 chinese herbs which have an antipsychotic action.

The milder one is polygala tenuifolia with afaik a stronger action a serotnine receptors

- And the other is corydalis yansuhuo, which contains tetrahydropalmatine (THP) a molecule which is, afaik, more active at dopamine receptors.


-For calming I would suggest mellisa officialis extract, salvia officialis extract or sole rosmarinic acid. It impairs the degradation of gaba

Which calms the mood.

At least i have good results mixing this with ashwagandha for sleep.


Stronger than this would be Kava kava, its a natural valium but without causing addiction. It is said that a liver damage could occur, but this is controvers afaik only the aerial part is hepatotoxic but it is not sold anyway.




Edited by Flex, 17 June 2014 - 01:52 AM.