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Best diet for ageless looks??

Do you even lift's Photo Do you even lift 21 Jan 2015

Keto raises your IGF-1. Just drink a lot of water, do your cardio. And moisturize. 


Teakles's Photo Teakles 22 Jan 2015

I know one very simple trick to look young longer - just drink more clear water, it's not a secret :)


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MidwestGreg's Photo MidwestGreg 25 May 2016

I can give you one quick tip. It's a bit offtopic, but for a male it's very useful.


If you do bio-identical testosterone creme - highly recommend it, but you gotta do antiinflammation seriously to avoid elevating your risk of heart attack - put the testosterone creme on your neck and face. It will cause growth of more collagen under the skin and make your face and neck look a lot younger, eliminating a lot of wrinkles and sags....especially helpful with the Turkey Neck men get.


I do 200 mg a day; 50 mg neck, 50 both halves of face, 50 across the forehead. It works quite remarkably, actually.


And, yes, I have to do DIM and I3C to cut down the excess estrogens.


As far as lifestyle/nutrition, not smoking is by far number one. Everything else is a distant fifth. I would also suspect that a diet high in beneficial fats would help a lot: coconut oil, ghee/clarified butter....and that's about it lol.


Very Best, Synchro


Synchro (or others as Synchro has not logged in for awhile)


Can you update on the long term effects (good or bad) on applying the testosterone cream to your face and neck?


kurdishfella's Photo kurdishfella 03 Apr 2021

Meat uses the most chemicals which the american diet has a lot of and they cause things like rise in igf and hgh which growth hormone could be anti aging.Thats why everyone in america is so big. steroids in their food.

kurdishfella's Photo kurdishfella 10 Sep 2021

Avoid burned or raw food besides veggies, fruit etc. Cook using fire instead of stove and steel which affect the food bad ly. avoid microwave and storing it in fridge store in cold areas. avoid meat when sick but eat veggies. etc but not too much so not to give absorption too much of ur energy.

Edited by kurdishfella, 10 September 2021 - 05:35 PM.