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grey hair nutrition - liver detox?

Stefanovic's Photo Stefanovic 18 Aug 2014

I got grey in a short periode of time and checking out my last bloodwork, I noticed that the liver alt levels were a bit high, magnesium was 72 and should be between 70 and 103. So still in within the normal range but kinda low.

I was thinking a 7 day liver detox might be a good plan, but I can't really find a diet plan online. If anyone would help me out...


niner's Photo niner 18 Aug 2014

It's very easy to get a slightly high ALT.  It happens all the time.  I wouldn't attempt anything called a "liver detox".  It's not likely to help, and might hurt, possibly a lot.  You might want to take supplemental magnesium, or more of it if you already are taking it.  Was that RBC magnesium, or something else?


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drew_ab's Photo drew_ab 19 Aug 2014

I don't know the answer to your question, but I'd like to hear a bit more since I have become (or am becoming) gray very quickly! :(  Blood donation was the most recent interesting thing that I heard suggested as a way to halt your gray hair.  Not sure if there is some merit or if it's totally bogus.


Stefanovic's Photo Stefanovic 19 Aug 2014

I have become gray in just a few months time and it's like almost 100 percent near my ears and on the sides, much less on top of my head. I've started taking wheatgrass two weeks ago but it's definitely to early to have results.


Dan1976's Photo Dan1976 08 Oct 2014


- tyrosine
- biotin
- catalase
- resveratrol
- copper sebacate

Stefanovic's Photo Stefanovic 20 Oct 2014

Thanks I have ordered a few of them ( paba, tyrosine, copper sebacate and B complex containing biotin although biotin alone didn't work, it should probably be part of a stack)
