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daimewaku's Photo daimewaku 28 Aug 2005

I got some desmopressin from IAS a few weeks ago. Tonight I been having problems trying to study so I thought I'd give it a try for the first time. One spray in each nostral, and one hour later I still feel nothing and still having problems studying. I been taking Hydergine and Piracetam, and since I been taking those it's helped considerably but for moments like these when I really need the edge I thought this stuff was supposed to help. Anyone else not affected by this stuff or is it just me?

johnmk's Photo johnmk 28 Aug 2005

I have some and will report back within a few weeks my results. I dosed one spray in each nostril a week ago and noticed nothing, I might try double that next time.

daimewaku's Photo daimewaku 28 Aug 2005

I would try double right now if I knew for sure it would work but I fear the water toxicity/rentention. When can I drink something?

johnmk's Photo johnmk 28 Aug 2005

Water is now a poison to you, you may never consume it again!

OK, all joking aside, I think you don't need to worry -- just don't over-do it. I'll leave that subjective.

mnosal's Photo mnosal 30 Aug 2005

Desmopressin is going to make absorbing information more efficient. The effect is not as noticable as something like Modafinil. Try 2 sprays per nostril prior to a study period or lecture. If you don't notice better retention after a few uses, I'd say drop it and try Pyritinol @ 600mg in its place.

I was using Vassopressin(same) for about 6mos and due to an availablilty issue, tried substituting Pyritinol. I've never gone back to Vasso/Desmo since as the effects were similar and the price of Pyritinol is SIGNIFICANTLY cheaper :)

olav23's Photo olav23 31 Aug 2005

I've heard anecdotally that the original Vasopressin (animal based) worked a lot better then the new synthetic based form, but the old version had a larger subset of side-effects...

Anecdotally of course ;)

daimewaku's Photo daimewaku 02 Sep 2005

Desmopressin is going to make absorbing information more efficient.  The effect is not as noticable as something like Modafinil.  Try 2 sprays per nostril prior to a study period or lecture.  If you don't notice better retention after a few uses, I'd say drop it and try Pyritinol @ 600mg in its place.

I was using Vassopressin(same) for about 6mos and due to an availablilty issue, tried substituting Pyritinol.  I've never gone back to Vasso/Desmo since as the effects were similar and the price of Pyritinol is SIGNIFICANTLY cheaper ;)

Ok, I'll try the double spray in each nostril tomorrow. Any idea how much I can drink during the duration? I'm always a thirsty mtf. I appreciate everyone input.

mnosal's Photo mnosal 02 Sep 2005

I was cautious as well, usually took 1 16oz bottle of water to lectures (4hrs) and sipped that throughout. After 4hrs I resumed normal consumption with no ill effects.

Water intoxication, while seious and potentially deady, is not easily achieved. As long as you don't strenously excersise while on Desmopressin(4-6hrs) and consume an excess of 1Liter during the duration of effect, you'll be fine.

daimewaku's Photo daimewaku 04 Sep 2005

Awesome! Most relevent information I've had about this stuff. Earlier today I did as directed. Experienced a bit of sinus pressure and some drowsieness. I'm too sure if I noticed a memory diffrence but I seemed to of been a bit more creative. I wont buy this again, that is for sure!

vastman's Photo vastman 04 Sep 2005

I use to use Vassopresson a couple decades ago... Use to get the pure stuff from Merk... Was awsome. I felt a much stronger impact on recall using the original formula and much less from Desmopresson. Then again, I'm 20 years older so it;s kinda hard to say for sure.... but I use to love the original... it came in a vial and I would empty an afrin bottle and use it during intense data dependent meetings. It was definately kick ass...

pycnogenol's Photo pycnogenol 04 Sep 2005

I used to use Sandoz Diapid Nasal Spray years ago, circa 1988, and that stuff really worked!
Didn't pee for a few days, though. Just kidding, folks.
Edited by pycnogenol, 05 September 2005 - 02:43 AM.

daimewaku's Photo daimewaku 05 Sep 2005

I used it again today, studied my arse off and felt kinda drowsy after spraying. I nursed one glass of coolaid within 4hrs and still pee'd within that time. I think the stuff I bought from IAS was some bunk stuff. Did I get burned from them or is this stuff just inefective to my body? I'm going to try what you mentioned mnosal and get some Pyritinol. Thanks everyone for their input!

mitkat's Photo mitkat 05 Sep 2005

hmmm....i wonder why it's not doing the trick. daimewaku, what is your height/weight? nothing totally unaverage? just trying to figure out what the problem is...maybe you're just not gonna react to it.

pyritinol - i've had great results with, even at 500mg a day.

daimewaku's Photo daimewaku 05 Sep 2005

I'm 6'1", 200lbs(18%bf) healthy 27yr old male.

lady3jane's Photo lady3jane 10 Sep 2005

save yourself the time and money and listen to mnosal as i did.

i picked up some Desmopressin and used it while prepping for exams (mostly pre exam cram). i have to say it does work. i believe the dosage is 2 pumps per nostril. i would sometimes exceed this. my experience with it is that this stuff is "brain crack". while it does it's job as expected, it was too much for me.

after having already ordered and received my Desmopressin and read mnosal's post, i finished the Desmopressin and have replaced it with Pyritinol which, if using the same example, is more like chewing on a coca leaf. as well, there doesn't seem to be too much to worry about if you "over do it". plus, it's SO much cheaper. this is the one nootropic i really don't want to go without. while the racetams can be likened to a polish of a car, Pyritinol is like a turbo.

(fyi, i am in no way making a parallel between street pharmaceuticals and nootropics, just an analogy)

daimewaku's Photo daimewaku 10 Sep 2005

Well it surely didnt work for me as you say it does(Desmopressin). Perhaps I just have an immunity to this. I have been taking pyritinol recently and its awesome for being focused. I race sport bike motorcycles and it seems that now, I have an uncanny ability to determin what speeds and how far to lean in on corners, etc since I been taking it. Still CRS after studying, it has to be an all day event. sux for me.

johnmk's Photo johnmk 10 Sep 2005

I wish there were bulk source for Pyritinol. Perhaps I just haven't looked hard enough. Has anyone found such a source? Uniquenutrition sells a small-ish amount (30g or so) for around $16. I'd like to buy much more than that though. :-/

daimewaku's Photo daimewaku 11 Sep 2005

Hey yeah that pyritinol is nice, it works quick - it's not like you have to take it many weeks before it kicks in. I felt a focus diffrence within the hour of consumption.
By the way - FYI - a small side effect from the Desmopressin is that my nadsaq felt a bit like I had recently been kicked. Thats all I got from it and nothing else!

mitkat's Photo mitkat 11 Sep 2005

whoa...combine that with nefiracetam for a ball-bustin' combo. [thumb]

johnmk's Photo johnmk 12 Sep 2005

nadsaq, nasdaq? Are you speaking of your testicles or a technology stock index?

daimewaku's Photo daimewaku 12 Sep 2005

Talking about my stock that is rising! Yes, I was trying to be cute saying "My Testicals". The desmopressin gave me a discomfort in my testicals.

mitkat's Photo mitkat 28 Dec 2005

Can someone tell me what the negative long-term implications are of taking Desmopressin? I know everyone always says short-term, short-term, but what is the bigger problem? Besides being dang expensive.

edit: Ah, water retention problems. Is that the main problem?

purerealm's Photo purerealm 28 Dec 2005

I don't think it's really supposed to be used as a nootropic, but rather for bedwetters. I was going to buy desmopressin because the lifestyle I live suppresses vasopressin release often but I was told that it's not as effective as vasopressin which has been removed from the market. Syntopressin was also supposed to be as effective if not more. (if they're not the same thing)

mitkat's Photo mitkat 29 Dec 2005

I dig the whole "intended use" scenerio. I was just wondering if besides that, was there a problem with it long term.

People who have used vaso/desmo - how imprinted are those memories? Can you still remember those ideas/memories as distinctly? I'd like to hear some anecdotal reports from anyone who's willing to talk - how good are they burned in there?

teak's Photo teak 05 Jan 2006

Any guidelines for dosage in relation to memory and cognitive effects?

I think one medical study used 20mcg 3 times a day (60mcg ED). Have also seen 20-40mcg 3 times a day (60-120mcg ED) suggested, while IAS suggest 20-40mcg 15min before recall or concentration is required.


Dose-dependent effects of DDAVP on memory in healthy young adult males: a preliminary study.

Beckwith BE, Till RE, Reno CR, Poland RE.

Psychology Department, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks 58202.

Although several studies have demonstrated the efficacy of the vasopressin analog DDAVP in enhancing human memory, no previous study has reported the dose-response relationship of DDAVP to memory in healthy young adults. The present study was undertaken to explore the dose-response curve for DDAVP on recall of implicational sentences. Five doses of DDAVP (0, 5, 15, 30, and 60 micrograms) were administered intranasally to healthy young adult male volunteers. Results demonstrated a facilitation in cued recall after treatment with the 60-micrograms dose and a general impairment in recall after treatment with the 15-micrograms dose. These effects were independent of subject's weight, vocabulary ability, and concentration of salivary cortisol.

PMID: 2381872 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

So is that saying a 60mcg dose did improve memory recall, but 15mcg actually made it worse? So too low a dose could actually have a negative effect on memory?

Also wonder if it's refering to per dose or the overall ED dose? Like it needs to be 60mcg each dose or it just needs to be 60mcg ED, so could do 20mcg doses 3 times a day.

purerealm's Photo purerealm 06 Jan 2006

Uniquenutrition's pyritinol is 50 grams for 50 bucks

power.bulls.x's Photo power.bulls.x 06 Jan 2006

lol the more desmo/vaso stay away from the freezer the more it loose its efectivness :)
1 week out the freezer and you got an efectiveless water solution.

mitkat's Photo mitkat 10 Jan 2006

No one else has any desmo experiences they wish to share? I'm interested in how well those memories are really burned in there.

nancy_axel's Photo nancy_axel 25 Nov 2008

I got some desmopressin from IAS a few weeks ago. Tonight I been having problems trying to study so I thought I'd give it a try for the first time. One spray in each nostral, and one hour later I still feel nothing and still having problems studying. I been taking Hydergine and Piracetam, and since I been taking those it's helped considerably but for moments like these when I really need the edge I thought this stuff was supposed to help. Anyone else not affected by this stuff or is it just me?

Does one get tolerant to Desmopressin? People with Diabetes Insipidus use this all the time (or used to, before desmo went tablet form) -- why don't they feel similar effects? Has anyone used this long term enough to know whether downregulation occurs..

medicineman's Photo medicineman 25 Nov 2008

I got some desmopressin from IAS a few weeks ago. Tonight I been having problems trying to study so I thought I'd give it a try for the first time. One spray in each nostral, and one hour later I still feel nothing and still having problems studying. I been taking Hydergine and Piracetam, and since I been taking those it's helped considerably but for moments like these when I really need the edge I thought this stuff was supposed to help. Anyone else not affected by this stuff or is it just me?

Does one get tolerant to Desmopressin? People with Diabetes Insipidus use this all the time (or used to, before desmo went tablet form) -- why don't they feel similar effects? Has anyone used this long term enough to know whether downregulation occurs..

very good question.... i cant imagine that no tolerance develops to it. id say it would be really slow though....

the same with insulin. diabetics, for example, usually increase their dose in units in god knows how many years.....

i cant imagine anything with no tolerance to it,, but id definitely say it takes waaaaaay longer for it to become ineffective.... the anti-diuretic action though,,, i dont know about the memory enhancing aspect