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What drug to make me more emotional perman...

Coffeee's Photo Coffeee 25 Oct 2015

What drug to make me more emotional permanently?


Jenn Stars's Photo Jenn Stars 25 Oct 2015

Well it depends on if you have an emotional dosorder, or such as a tumor, or a mental illness. I know I have done several researches that include how people actually develop into personas that have little emotional states. and, even how people tend to be over emotonal. It can be said that some of it is inherited, or it may come from being devoid of nutrients as children. There is a lot of debate that children that are voided of actual physical affection and nuture become natually like the people that are caring for them. The oxytocin that we receieve when our brains are developing makes us into the loving people that we grow into. Constant exposure to love hormones makes the brain easier to access good emotions. Then there are the few unfortunate people that have PTSD that can drastically change a persons loving nature into not so caring anymore. Almost always PTSD causes severe brain changes that can cause the person to not feel because they are being voided of the necessary hormones to thrive. Therefore causing a sever disturbance with their vitality and health. One thing that should be taken into consideration, is that some common foods and common nutrient sources causes emotional disturbances. Soda for one, alcohol is another, and too many supplements or medications is also a cause. Please look into natural alternatives for your issue. Coffee itself is highly nutritous, tea is good, and water with lemon. I live on a diet that is mostly without added sugar, lots of vegetables and fruits, and I take supplements. Remember, our bodies thrive on a multiple amount of nutrients. We are not meant to take the same one supplement every day. I switch between supplements, and also do not drink anything bottled. Natural progesterone may be an alternative since with men little exposure can actually cause testosterone to rise, which in turn can cause vitality and good feeling. If your problem is with PTSD or emotional, or mental illness, I am a firm believer in cognitive therapy and physically changing my surroundings. Look into a good hobby or passion :-) Research hormones and regeneration of the brain.


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Sleepdealer's Photo Sleepdealer 26 Oct 2015

Why did you start this thread when you already had a thread going on about this?


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PeaceAndProsperity's Photo PeaceAndProsperity 26 Oct 2015

Why did you start this thread when you already had a thread going on about this?


I am annoyed by this as well and I wonder why he didn't just ask in the thread I had already made, and why he didn't read through it as it contains valuable information.
