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Future Israeli Transhumanists Conference

liorrh's Photo liorrh 01 Dec 2005

what do you mean by corner? a software backend? a domain? webspace? there are alot of free hosting sites with web servers. we can do without domain for starters.

ilia's Photo ilia 01 Dec 2005

If there is anything that ImmInst can do to help please say so

I was wondering if we could have a general list of Israeli ImmInst members' e-mail addresses, so we could send invitations to all and facilitate interactions between us?

Infernity's Photo Infernity 02 Dec 2005

Here are the E-Mails, Ilia...


Edited by infernity, 24 January 2006 - 06:42 PM.

ilia's Photo ilia 02 Dec 2005

Thank you, Adi. I though there were more of us :)

Infernity's Photo Infernity 02 Dec 2005

You're welcome...

Maybe there are more [huh] (?) ... These are all I recalled :\ are there more?


ilia's Photo ilia 02 Dec 2005

I am pretty sure there are more (i remember reading a post by "boogaboo" who also seems to live in Israel, and also Tshelsey). And there must be many more who just haven't written in this subforum. Is there a possibility to make a search in the members' list? When a person signs up, he has to specify country.

Infernity's Photo Infernity 02 Dec 2005

Added them.

If you recall any others- let me know, and I'll add.


ilia's Photo ilia 02 Dec 2005

Great. We have a "minyan" :)

liorrh's Photo liorrh 08 Dec 2005

I can't Jan 12th

it will help me if we set a date abut now because my January is starting to fill up.

Infernity's Photo Infernity 08 Dec 2005

Dudes, I know it isn't a Friday, but what do you think about January the 1st or the 2nd??

It will be very good to me...


ilia's Photo ilia 08 Dec 2005

I guess Sunday, January 1, can be ok. It is on Hanuka, and studies at Bar-Ilan end at 16.00 (to light the candles), so rooms will be available from that time. On the other hand, on Fridays, we could meet at my workplace at the Schottenstein Center for Cellome Research (in Bar-Ilan), without any disturbances. How about December 30? – it is both a Friday and Hanuka. Or else, on Friday January 6, after the Hanuka?
BTW, Is David back from India?

liorrh's Photo liorrh 11 Dec 2005

all the above dates are good for me, tentatively.

Infernity's Photo Infernity 11 Dec 2005

Grr the thing is, school is really pressing me :\

30 December might be good too, I personally really prefer it on Hanuka...

David isn't back yet.
Grr Ilia, I need your number.


liorrh's Photo liorrh 25 Dec 2005


whats up guys?

Infernity's Photo Infernity 26 Dec 2005

I spoke with Ilia... *sigh*.. I will be around in the Hanuka holiday, but it obviously won't be then... David is not yet back from India I think, and we did nothing too arrange something. It shall need more time, I hate to admit that a lot more time. After the Holiday we start having all the last exams of the semester and shall work hard.. and after the semester ........ We start studying intensively to the final exams in math, history and language and after that- the exams.


liorrh's Photo liorrh 26 Dec 2005

ok, anyone that doesn't have time won't come. if you'd wait for time for something... well its all about priorities and understanding how starting something like an official israely antiaging/immortality soceity will help. it will help, big time.

ilia's Photo ilia 27 Dec 2005

I have just received a letter from David, saying that he is going to be out of the country for a long time. Friday, January 6, will apparently also not work. So perhaps we could meet on the Friday afterwards: January 13? What do you guys think?

liorrh's Photo liorrh 28 Dec 2005

I'm good.

Blablaman's Photo Blablaman 31 Dec 2005

I think I'll be able to make it. Can anyone give me a ride from Tel Aviv Uni? It will greatly simplify things.

ilia's Photo ilia 11 Jan 2006

Hi, All.
Would it be possible for you, guys, to attend the first informal ImmInst/WTA meeting on



This building is near “Shaar Gea” (the bus stop to Bar-Ilan from kvish gea) – next to the Technology Building and Cancer Research building. If you would like to drive in, you can enter Bar-Ilan through “Shaar Harechev” (entrance to BI from Keren Hayesod St., Givat Shmuel), but please e-mail me beforehand your car license number to: ilia.stambler@gmail.com, so I can make an entrance permit for the car.

Refreshments will be served.

Best, Ilia.

W: 03-534-46-75 / 531-83-49 (tel at the Schottenstein Center, where it will take place).
Edited by ilia, 12 January 2006 - 08:15 AM.

Infernity's Photo Infernity 12 Jan 2006

The date is set, we can't delay this anymore.

I'll do all my efforts to join. I hope to see you all there, I hope I can make it.


Infernity's Photo Infernity 17 Jan 2006

I'll see you guys there. Dad will come with me.
Is David back yet? He said he has some relations to people that should take part in this. Do we have organized plans?

This Saturday I'll sit and write down few topics to talk out.

Should I tell of this to others and try to have more people in this, or should this be an already immortalists meeting? Do we meet to clear up how we are going step next- to develop the cognizance of what we are dealing with and how to act; or is it for the sake of explaining what some don't know and could be taken advantage to expose this to others?

What are the goals of this first meeting. this must be answered before.


Bruce Klein's Photo Bruce Klein 18 Jan 2006

Adi & Ilia, this is an excellent initiative!

Do you have a digital camera with which to take pictures in order to upload here afterwords?

liorrh's Photo liorrh 18 Jan 2006

well... first thing is to informally meet each other. this weill help us know aour strengths and resources. than we can talk about plans to make immortality happen and how can we help that.

ilia's Photo ilia 18 Jan 2006

I also think the first meeting should be an informal one for immortalists/transhumanists, where we could get to know each other and make suggestions about our future plans and activities. I believe, at a later stage, larger “lecture-type” events will be also possible (I could even try to get an auditorium for that). But this is for a later stage.

David, unfortunately, won’t be back until March. Hopefully, he will be able to participate in our future meetings. But all Israeli WTA members have been notified, and an Israeli WTA posting list has been created.

The photo-documentation of our meeting is a great idea.

Hope to see you.

Infernity's Photo Infernity 18 Jan 2006

Hmm I see.

Well, sure we could photo-document. Anyway, I ask it to be posted on the full-members board only.

Those who shall participate the meeting and are not full-members can ask for the photos if they'd like.

Edited by infernity, 20 January 2006 - 11:31 AM.

Bruce Klein's Photo Bruce Klein 20 Jan 2006

Adi, as a compromise, perhaps we may post photos that include you to the ImmInst Full Member forum, while allowing other photos to be posted here?

ImmInst Leadership would like to help support this event by reimbursing the organizing committee (Adi and Ilia) up to $50 of refreshment costs. Verification of costs after the event may be sent by email to bjk@imminst.org. Verification method may be by digital pictures of the food served, purchase receipts made, etc.

ilia's Photo ilia 21 Jan 2006

Thank you, Bruce.

Hopefully, the Israeli cell will further develop as an active and contributive part of the vibrant vital organism which is ImmInst.

Infernity's Photo Infernity 23 Jan 2006

Well, sure, photos that don't include me can be posted here, doesn't bother me..

And thank you dear. I ain't sure anyone will have to pay much forthe event itself but, um I'll see.

I see you have got a signature now :)


iddo's Photo iddo 23 Jan 2006

Hello Everybody,
I finally found this forum after Ilia gave a link to it in his last e-mail.

I will repeat my previus e-mail to the group here:

I am afraid Fridays are very busy days for me so I will probably not be able to come.

I will be happy to read a summery of the meeting afterwards and I already agreed to help translate some stuff for the Israeli WTA.

Diza suggested to write a bit about myself so here it is (you can forward this to the rest of the group):

Iddo Genuth, 28, from Jerusalem. B.A. philosophy & cognitive science from HUJI, M.A. philosophy of science from HUJI, currently starting a P.H.D. in philosophy of science on the relationship between science and tech.
A reporter for the Israeli English web site IsraCast on science and technology in Israel (you are welcome to take a look - some of the subjects we write about have some importence to the current issue):


Iddo Genuth, Science & Tech reporter
IsraCast (http://www.isracast.com)
RSS feed (http://www.isracast....ed/tech_rss.xml)