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The Rhodiola Revolution [Book Review]

jroseland's Photo jroseland 07 Jan 2016

After reading this book, I'm very sold on trying Rhodiola itself. I've concluded after reading this book, writing a 3000 word article and spending many hours scouring Pubmed looking at studies that Rhodiola as a Nootropic has a biological risk-reward trade off tantamount to Piracetam or ALCAR - some of my favorite all time Nootropics.


A lot of the book is on the topic of the interplay between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. One of the interesting points it makes is that when these systems are not functioning optimally it negatively effects our Hueristic decision making. To quote the book:

"The vagus nerve also is a major conduit for mind-body interactions— so the next time you experience a “gut reaction,” you’ll know that your vagus is speaking to you."(693-694)

A lot of times you hear really high performance people talking about how they owe a lot of their success to following their gut. Yet a lot of people who aren't so successful blame their impulsiveness or poor instinctual decision making. I would assert that the difference between these two kinds of people is the elasticity of their respective nervous systems and this book explains a lot of strategies to improve this.


The book includes several interesting surveys to try to determine the health of your own stress management, here's how I scored:

Quiz I: How High Is Your Stress Level?

Scored 6 - Low side of the Moderate range

Quiz II: How Well Do You Replenish Your Energy Supply?


Scored 12 - Breaking even

Quiz III: How Sensitive is Your Stress Response System?

Scored 1 - Mildly overactivated

So I'm actually not doing a great job of replenishing my energy supply but my stress level is relatively low and my stress response is pretty balanced, so I'm getting by ok. I'm pretty productive and happy but there's definitely some room for improvement! My weaknesses that the book's surveys pointed out are primarily that

I don't exercise consistently enough.

I need to devote some more time to having fun outside of my work.

While I have some good friendships (some are with you people who follow Limitless Mindset) and my relationship with my family is quiet good, I lack really close relationships with the people physically nearby me. This is my own fault because I'm constantly moving to new cities in new countries, so I should more carefully consider this biological trade off in exchange for cultural novelty.


One study indicated that Rhodiola is actually something of a language learning hack, in a placebo controlled study, foreign students taking a Rhodiola derived drug improved language ability by 60% learning Russian. я немного говорю по русски. Es una idioma muy deficil que appender! If it helped them learning Russian, it can definitely help you!


One of the cool things the book covers is the interesting history of Rhodiola which is intertwined with the history of the Russian space program and connected to some iconic moments in the space race.


The book is NOT just about Rhodiola, it's about the class of Adaptogens which include Eleuthero, Schisandra and Ginseng. So I think it could have been appropriately named the Adaptogen Revolution, while Rhodiola is probably the best option for increasing performance.


Why would I want to buy and read a book about Rhodiola instead of buying and taking Rhodiola?

I would say if you are an otherwise healthy person that just wants to take Nootropics for performance enhancement, just take Rhodiola. It's pretty inexpensive and it's very safe.


However, if you have some health issues like depression, being overweight, sexual performance or are facing the specter of heart disease I'd recommend getting the book as it contains some real specific protocols for dealing with these issues. For example a really potent weight loss cofactor of Rhodiola is Rhododendron Caucasicum.


A book like this, is maybe a good gateway drug to encourage someone in your life (who is maybe a little bit older) to get into Biohacking. You know if you talk to a younger person about Biohacking, they will Google it, watch a few Youtube videos and be like heck yeah, this looks cool! I'll try it. However, if you talk to an older person, they are probably going to be VERY skeptical, they are going to be paranoid about side effects and they are going to be resistant about changing their habits. A book like this can change their minds and assuage their doubts.


Barfly's Photo Barfly 18 Jan 2016

Thank you for the info, sounds pretty interesting.


Years ago I have tried now rhodiola and noticed nothing unfortunately, can you recommend some particular rhodiola brands or products you have had success with?


Also would you be so kind to share your dosage protocol and do you cycle rhodiola for best results (does rhodiola lose effect with prolonged use?)?


Thank you for all the help !


platypus's Photo platypus 18 Jan 2016

LEF Rhodiola works for me, even messes with my sleep so I don't take it daily..


aconita's Photo aconita 18 Jan 2016

From Croatia you may look for rhodiola powder from Bulkpowders (http://www.bulkpowde...in-polvere.html).


Use this code (KM177536) when registering in order to get 5€ discount on your first order (15€ minimum). .


What matters most is rosavine contents which is 4% in the Bulkpowders product, quite an high content compared to most rhodiola on the market.


I am not sure if they do ship to Croatia but you'll find it out quite fast.


Wagner83's Photo Wagner83 19 Jan 2016

As I said on an other thread I have experienced very positive effects from taking one 250mg cap of the Rhodiola from therootofthematter.

I take it it in the middle of dinner and enjoy the effects later on in the evening and even more so in the next two-three days. I use it once in a while .

You don't want too much rosavins , salidroside or mg per cap .

Gaia herbs has a nice extract too , no % of salidroside though.

Edited by Wagner83, 19 January 2016 - 11:45 AM.

jroseland's Photo jroseland 20 Jan 2016

Thank you for the info, sounds pretty interesting.


Years ago I have tried now rhodiola and noticed nothing unfortunately, can you recommend some particular rhodiola brands or products you have had success with?


Also would you be so kind to share your dosage protocol and do you cycle rhodiola for best results (does rhodiola lose effect with prolonged use?)?


Thank you for all the help !

Recommended dosage protocol is 200 milligrams about 30 minutes before the first meal of the day.


I've been taking Powder city Rhodiola for the past month. I will publish a review on my Youtube channel after some more self experimentation.


The Beauty of Peace's Photo The Beauty of Peace 22 Jan 2016

Rhodiola, unfortunately, disrupts my sleep. 


Wagner83's Photo Wagner83 23 Jan 2016

I'd check dosage and brand . Do you take it with a meal?


IP3's Photo IP3 05 Feb 2016

"Years ago I have tried now rhodiola and noticed nothing unfortunately, can you recommend some particular rhodiola brands or products you have had success with?"


Please try to do my experiment, rhodiola that worked for me was  VERY hygroscopic, after week or two on free air it transform into something that looks like sealing wax. It also have sweet odour, like honey, (others powders smells very harsh more like lemon and powdered pine wood).


Unfortunately my shop change supplier, and that rhodiola is no longer avlilable. 
