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Why did inositol give me panick attack ?

C. Jerem's Photo C. Jerem 27 Jan 2017



I'm dealing with panic disorder since 10 years, and been on venlafaxine since 7 years. 


I recently read the studies on inositol, and wanted to try. 


The first 3 days i took 2 g, wich did nothing. 


And yesterday i took 14g like in the studies, 2 hours later i experienced one of the biggest panic attack of my life : sweating, agitation, vertigo, muscular tension etc


Why did this happen ?




gamesguru's Photo gamesguru 27 Jan 2017

because you have atypical anxiety.  inositol is more effective than some SSRIs:



Improvements on Hamilton Rating Scale for Anxiety scores, agoraphobia scores, and Clinical Global Impressions Scale scores were similar for both treatments. In the first month, inositol reduced the number of panic attacks per week (mean and SD) by 4.0 (2) compared with a reduction of 2.4 (2) with fluvoxamine (p = 0.049). 


and what's next? i suppose theanine makes you nervous around the ladies?  ah i remember the days before tea ruined me.  what i wouldn't give to be able to hold down some small talk without seeming all weird and desperate


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C. Jerem's Photo C. Jerem 28 Jan 2017

I have read this study. 


PeaceAndProsperity's Photo PeaceAndProsperity 28 Jan 2017

For me inositol is a hit and miss. The one day it seems to help with 5HT2A hyperfunction but the other it seems to actually exacerbate such issues.


Duchykins's Photo Duchykins 06 Feb 2017

You had a near-miss with serotonin syndrome.  


Guess people don't know that high serotonin spikes can cause symptoms that can mimic anxiety attacks.


Never take such a high dose of the stuff again.  You might not be so lucky next time.  This time, you only had the mild symptoms of serotonin syndrome.


Just because you have an anxiety problem does not mean you necessarily have a chronic problem with low serotonin.  You might actually have the opposite.  Or neither.


This experience might actually indicate that serotonin has nothing to do with your anxiety problem

Edited by Duchykins, 06 February 2017 - 07:05 AM.

PeaceAndProsperity's Photo PeaceAndProsperity 06 Feb 2017

It's interesting to note that the 5HT2A receptor has anti-anxiety effects (from my own experience) so blocking it can exacerbate anxiety. That's to my knowledge anyway. But inositol seems to sometimes be able to increase function of the 5HT2A receptor. As I said, inositol is a hit and miss. Sometimes it exacerbates high serotonin, sometimes it lowers it.


C. Jerem's Photo C. Jerem 23 Feb 2017

I finally don't know if it is inositol the problem. 


I took finasteride the same week. And finasteride can also cause panic attacks. 


My symptoms were : panic, anxiety, high cardiac bpm, diarrea, pelvic pain, extreme coldness with shivers ...


PeaceAndProsperity's Photo PeaceAndProsperity 23 Feb 2017

I finally don't know if it is inositol the problem. 


I took finasteride the same week. And finasteride can also cause panic attacks. 


My symptoms were : panic, anxiety, high cardiac bpm, diarrea, pelvic pain, extreme coldness with shivers ...

Serotonin syndrome?


Duchykins's Photo Duchykins 24 Feb 2017

I finally don't know if it is inositol the problem. 


I took finasteride the same week. And finasteride can also cause panic attacks. 


My symptoms were : panic, anxiety, high cardiac bpm, diarrea, pelvic pain, extreme coldness with shivers ...


Which sounds like serotonin syndrome, except for the cold and shivers but that may have actually been a fever.  High fevers can sometimes make you shiver and feel cold ... I have some personal experience with this in the ER, lol.  The real flu.  Not fun.


Inositol isn't the special problem.  Your special problem is you are playing with your serotonin.  Which is what inositol does.


Finasteride does affect serotonin indirectly via playing with your sex hormones.   You should also look up how finasteride potentially interacts with serotonin reuptake inhibitors ... it's not pretty.


You're doing too many different things in a short amount of time, so it's going to muddy the waters when you try to identify what the hell is happening to you.


What exactly are you trying to accomplish?  I mean, what are you trying to treat, and why do you think you have the thing you are trying to treat?

Edited by Duchykins, 24 February 2017 - 03:32 AM.

C. Jerem's Photo C. Jerem 24 Feb 2017

How long can a serotonin syndrome last ?

I'm on venlafaxine 37.5/day.

I took the last finasteride pill the 22 Jan.

I took the inositol the 26 Jan. And crashed the same day.

One month later I'm still not fine.

PeaceAndProsperity's Photo PeaceAndProsperity 24 Feb 2017


I finally don't know if it is inositol the problem. 


I took finasteride the same week. And finasteride can also cause panic attacks. 


My symptoms were : panic, anxiety, high cardiac bpm, diarrea, pelvic pain, extreme coldness with shivers ...


Which sounds like serotonin syndrome, except for the cold and shivers but that may have actually been a fever.  High fevers can sometimes make you shiver and feel cold ... I have some personal experience with this in the ER, lol.  The real flu.  Not fun.


Inositol isn't the special problem.  Your special problem is you are playing with your serotonin.  Which is what inositol does.


Finasteride does affect serotonin indirectly via playing with your sex hormones.   You should also look up how finasteride potentially interacts with serotonin reuptake inhibitors ... it's not pretty.


You're doing too many different things in a short amount of time, so it's going to muddy the waters when you try to identify what the hell is happening to you.


What exactly are you trying to accomplish?  I mean, what are you trying to treat, and why do you think you have the thing you are trying to treat?



Are you saying like myself that inositol doesn't necessary reduce serotonin but may do the opposite?



Chee Hong Tart's Photo Chee Hong Tart 24 Feb 2017

You had a near-miss with serotonin syndrome.  


Guess people don't know that high serotonin spikes can cause symptoms that can mimic anxiety attacks.


Never take such a high dose of the stuff again.  You might not be so lucky next time.  This time, you only had the mild symptoms of serotonin syndrome.


Just because you have an anxiety problem does not mean you necessarily have a chronic problem with low serotonin.  You might actually have the opposite.  Or neither.


This experience might actually indicate that serotonin has nothing to do with your anxiety problem

can i get serotonin syndrome from taking high dose of inositol?


PeaceAndProsperity's Photo PeaceAndProsperity 02 Mar 2017

Yes, I can now confirm that reduced activation of the 5HT2A receptor can cause anxiety. Panic attack? I guess it's just a more severe form.

This is why you should take inositol slowly.


C. Jerem's Photo C. Jerem 05 Mar 2017

And How does finasteride interact with snri?

C. Jerem's Photo C. Jerem 20 Mar 2017



C. Jerem's Photo C. Jerem 22 Mar 2017

2 months later i'm still on venlafaxine 37.5 an still have diarrhéa ... Can it last so long


PeaceAndProsperity's Photo PeaceAndProsperity 22 Mar 2017

2 months later i'm still on venlafaxine 37.5 an still have diarrhéa ... Can it last so long

Yes it can. You have high serotonin. Either get a serotonin antagonist sold for treating irritable bowel syndrome and such or drop the crappy "medications" you're on.



C. Jerem's Photo C. Jerem 22 Mar 2017

Oh fuck i'm scared now. I'll stop it tonight. Will i recover ?



PeaceAndProsperity's Photo PeaceAndProsperity 22 Mar 2017

Oh fuck i'm scared now. I'll stop it tonight. Will i recover ?

It's a very normal side-effect of serotonin increasing agents, so long as you continue to take them. I believe there are serotonin receptors in your intestines and hence the issue. Serotonin toxicity happens in the heart and brain as far as I know. Stay away from shitty pharmaceuticals. SSRI = nono.


C. Jerem's Photo C. Jerem 22 Mar 2017

How to deal with those panic attacks ? 

Venlafaxine is an SNRI !


PeaceAndProsperity's Photo PeaceAndProsperity 22 Mar 2017

How to deal with those panic attacks ? 

Venlafaxine is an SNRI !

Panic attacks I believe are mostly related to noradrenaline whereas serotonin causes anxiety more. So, stop taking the shitty drug? I meant to write SRI and not SSRI. The first S stands for selective which your drug is not



C. Jerem's Photo C. Jerem 23 Mar 2017

I've stopped it yesterday . Will see what happens. 


PeaceAndProsperity's Photo PeaceAndProsperity 23 Mar 2017

I've stopped it yesterday . Will see what happens. 


Abruptly? Isn't that dangerous? Obviously speak with your doctor first, med withdrawal can be lethal sometimes.


C. Jerem's Photo C. Jerem 23 Mar 2017

I was on 75 for 10 years, and then switched to 37.5 five months ago. My doctor tol me i can stop from 37.5 to zero. 

I was on 75 for 10 years, and then switched to 37.5 five months ago. My doctor tol me i can stop from 37.5 to zero. 


Ames's Photo Ames 23 Mar 2017

I don't trust Inositol. I consistently notice memory issues after taking it (in pill form after taking it for two days once, and now when it is in energy drinks.).

Edited by golgi1, 23 March 2017 - 07:07 PM.

C. Jerem's Photo C. Jerem 05 Apr 2017

What do you think about Buspirone ?  It is a 5ht1 agonist, will lower serotonin no ?


Xptriate's Photo Xptriate 15 Apr 2017

good chance your problem is from finasteride.

join solvepfs.com you will find hundreds of stories like that. no one know what is fucked. diarrea is one of the most common symptom and one  of the most persistent


one pill is enough to fuck you up permanently.


and inositiol really doesnt mix with fin, i suspect because of involvment with IP3 and CA2+ pathway


I for instance have had Myoclonies from inositol,after 3-5 days on it. i couldnt fall asleep on it.


your problem likely has nothing to do with serotonin syndrome.

Edited by Xptriate, 15 April 2017 - 03:30 AM.

C. Jerem's Photo C. Jerem 15 Apr 2017

Yes i had a lot of myoclonies at the beginning. 


I have restarted effexor LP 75. I was so fucking depressed. 


I have secondary hypogonadism from one pill of finasteride !


C. Jerem's Photo C. Jerem 14 Jun 2017

June, and not cured ... still have depression, anxiety, loose stool ...


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PeaceAndProsperity's Photo PeaceAndProsperity 14 Jun 2017

And you are not taking any supplements at all?
