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brain growth

angelfire's Photo angelfire 19 Feb 2006

There are traits that are inherited, such as painting , singing and other of the artistic side, and you will notice that usually with in the family group where all those traits or tendencies are supported, randomly men or women from the family will inherit such, with adecuate support you will have an outcome in such. if instead you get forced to set such aside in order to follow other things (like make a living) those traits will not develop, (I support Montessori system of education).

Now, through history, boys in  the family group had always been favor, 'cause most often that not women were considered a liabilty , some cultures would drown female new born when they were considered detrimental for the family group

Also noted that higher education was always focus to the male mambers , since women were mainly for helping in the family group and eventually married, so economically were not an advantage, whuile man would be integrated with their wifes into their originall family group, an asset, comprende amigo????

This may all be true.
But there is substantial objective repeatable scientific basis, using CAT scans etc..., showing that the structure of male and female brains are physiologically different.
Men are, on average, always going to be better at visual spacial, women at verbal. No amount of training or upbringing will enable men to distinguish split notes in ear ear... The brains simply can't do it. Likewise, women can not use the same three parts of the brain for visual spacial, only two.

velocidex's Photo velocidex 19 Feb 2006

The reason men have larger brains is because of a larger area associated with visuospatial processing, corresponding to better skills in that area.

alexoverhere's Photo alexoverhere 19 Feb 2006

jensen found that g correlated with nerve conductance velocity (NCV, a purely physiological measure). e.g. http://psycprints.ec...chive/00000019/. this does not make it "limiting factor," though, since it's a correlational result. also, i don't think this is very interesting. NCV is not necessarily something fixed. IQ and g go up with 1) amount of education, 2) how early you start school, and 3) nutrition and technology.

also gardner's position raises the question of what the definition of intelligence is. "the capacity to solve problems or to fashion products that are valued in one or more cultural setting" (gardner & hatch, 1989). that's one of his definitions. do you agree with it?

note that just because principal components of IQ tests load differentially on math, verbal, spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, etc. dimensions, this does not necessarily show there are multiple intelligences (as opposed to aptitudes). it could be that effort placed in each dimension increases your aptitude, and thereby IQ scores, in that dimension.

it's somewhat obvious that your potential ultimately is limited by your genes. this isn't to say exercising your brain won't increase your aptitude and IQ scores in a given domain. on the contrary, i think that aptitude and IQ scores increase as a function of brain exercise, but that the right definition of intelligence isn't something we can easily measure with an IQ test -- it's your ability to increase your aptitude in any domain.

Gardner, H., and Hatch, T. (1989). Multiple intelligences go to school: Educational implications of the theory of multiple intelligences. Educational Researcher, 18(8).

simple's Photo simple 19 Feb 2006

Well folks, I think that once again we have separated ourselves from the original question, Is there is a way to increase brain "capacity" and ultimately know the difference ? or be aware of it ?

tracer's Photo tracer 19 Feb 2006

Awww... c'mon guys... I can feel the apoptosis in my skull right now... and it's all due to reading this thread! Brain growth indeed! Harumph!

IMHO, when trying to advance humanity and ourselves as humans, one should check one's ego, bogotry, rasism, misogynism and political correctness at the door.

I believe this for two reasons: One - It just gets in the way of a good discussion if the participants don't say what they mean. Two - because we are most, if not all, smart enough to see past semantics (read "politically correct BS") and decipher the meat of an argument or statement.

simple's Photo simple 19 Feb 2006

Well lets go back, is there is a need to increase our brain capacity in order to be smarter ?