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Rapamycin+rifampicin+allantoin=longest pha...

Decimus's Photo Decimus 13 Jul 2017

There are several interesting points in this study: http://longevityrepo...a-drug-cocktail

1) Metformin+rampaycin (both at "optimal" doses) did not increase life span beyond what each compound could individually achieve.

2) "Suboptimal" dosing of these drugs seems to help circumvent the problem which often occurs of decreased life span when two or more "longevity compounds" are combined.

3) Combining longevity compounds with "mechanic overlap" could decrease life span, while combining those without it might greatly increase life span.
Edited by Decimus, 13 July 2017 - 06:18 AM.

Benko's Photo Benko 13 Jul 2017

What does mechanic overlap mean?


tintinet's Photo tintinet 14 Jul 2017

I presume it means their mechanisms of action are at least partially shared.

Benko's Photo Benko 14 Jul 2017



male_1978's Photo male_1978 06 Dec 2018



Next the researchers tested triple combinations of the various compounds. As testing all combinations would be impractical (220 different lifespan tests would be necessary) the researchers decided to first try the combination of the 3 most successful compounds so far (rapamycin + rifampicin + Psora-4).


I am a bit wondering about the math here. They tested 5 chemicals  and there are only ten (10) different options to choose a subset of 3 of them  :cool:  : 123, 124, 125, 134, 135, 145, 234, 235, 245, 345  . It shouldnt be too hard to try out every combination here.

