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secret billionaire cryonics club peforming...

Rib Jig's Photo Rib Jig 16 Jul 2017

could this be a headline some day soon?

well, let's include $100M+ millionaires, too;

certainly a subset of, say, (100) want to NEVER die, have unlimited funds;

certainly its possible they've funded advanced cryonics techniques;

(far far beyond publicly-known levels)




(& will they pay me a visit for bringing this up...?)


PS. are any "dead" hundred-millionaire billionaire heads-bodies unaccounted for...?

Edited by Rib Jig, 16 July 2017 - 07:04 PM.

sthira's Photo sthira 17 Jul 2017

When I look at Trump's head I see the failure of modern medicine to cure male pattern baldness.

Wait, wait! This isn't off topic!

If anyone wants to cure MPB, it'd be Trump, right, with his billions? That's a degenerative disease amongst thousands of other degenerative diseases that human scientists can't handle. Every dead or alive hair follicle on that Trump head is an independently functioning organ that communicates (or fails) with all of the other independently functioning follicle organs, and so "it's hard," say researchers. "We need more time and funding," they say.

So while I think it's future-probable that billionaire people will fund and eventually implement "their own" (said in context) "advanced cryonics techniques" I find it unlikely that that's happening now. Is it, and we just don't know? Shrug. Protect net neutrality: how do we know anything?

As the life sciences have advanced, they've also highlighted the limitations of the humans engaged with it. "Biology is hard" they say, and we agree. "We're underfunded," they say, and we agree. Why would the death sciences (cryonics) be different? It's too mysterious and hard for our brains and dollars, they say. Cryonic advances may be questions like life science questions: solvable one day by AI because humans are too, um, limited to do these hard things.

Look, repairing degenerative aging is now beyond the scope of human capacity. Cancer cures? CVD cures? Arthritis cures? Depression, diabetes, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, bone loss, vision loss, hearing loss, skin matrix degeneration, repairing avasculular cartilage, on and on... It's all too hard for humans to do.

We shall look to machines to solve our problems. And good luck with that, we're told. AI advances into the regenerative medicine and cryonics realms that are meaningful to poor schlubs like me and you are "decades away..."

Or, are they already happening right now?

Meanwhile, keep an eye on net neutrality. Protect thy free flow of information. Once that's lost to us, pfft.

ceridwen's Photo ceridwen 17 Jul 2017

I read an article that said the 1st cryonics patients might be revived within 3 years. Presumably they would have died young with diseases that it is now possible to cure that was impossible when they died?

Rib Jig's Photo Rib Jig 17 Jul 2017

When I look at Trump's head I see the failure of modern medicine to cure male pattern baldness.


Some see a furry dead animal.

But modern medicine did better job for John Travolta.

Compare his 2012 balding to current...


Taking cryogenic conspiracy further,

is it preferred to be preserved

just before legal death rather

than after, & how would a small

club of uber wealthy handle that issue...?

Edited by Rib Jig, 17 July 2017 - 12:18 PM.

YOLF's Photo YOLF 17 Jul 2017

Well, I'll say that it's certainly possible to make cryonics happen and with the right funds, some level of rejuvenation would be possible also. So with that in mind, if there are any billionaires looking to go it their own way, I wouldn't turn down the opportunity to ensure my own survival as a sustainably young individual.


Rib Jig's Photo Rib Jig 20 Jul 2017

Upon further reflection,

revival prior to science "curing" aging

seems illogical...?  And many uber rich

engage in plastic surgery evidencing

aging has not yet been conquered...?!


But still, secret cryonics clubs with

techniques more advanced-radical

than publicly known techniques...?
Am especially wondering about circumventing

legal death to be preserved in a "better" state...

bringing living back to living, not dead back to living...

Edited by Rib Jig, 20 July 2017 - 11:40 PM.