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The LifeMirage & Unique Nutrition files

jaydfox's Photo jaydfox 28 Mar 2006

Steve, it's not like that page is static. I'm not at all surprised that you were able to get the page changed in the last 25 hours. I am curious how you did it, though. Can you edit the Company Management section yourself, through UNI's web account with the BBB, or do you have to call your BBB representative to have them edit it?

Steve, how desparate can you be? That page was public at the time I posted it, and everyone had plenty of time to go and see it for themselves. In fact, that's why I took the screenshot, to:
A) pique everyone's interest and get them to go look, and
B) to capture a record of the page, in case you changed it, which obviously you did.

uniquenutrition's Photo uniquenutrition 28 Mar 2006

So now you're saying Lee Crost is vice president of my company?

eternaltraveler's Photo eternaltraveler 28 Mar 2006

I suggest members go directly to the BBB webpage, rather than read Imminst's incorrect screenshots.

wow. I don't believe you are saying this. I saw the BBB webpage with that information myself.

You guys at Unique Nutrition should coordinate your actions a bit more. This is just getting comical.

uniquenutrition's Photo uniquenutrition 28 Mar 2006

I do find your confusions abit comical as well.

eternaltraveler's Photo eternaltraveler 28 Mar 2006

I do find your confusions abit comical as well.

Could you give a comprehensive statement regarding this whole issue?

29 Mar 2006

So now you're saying Lee Crost is vice president of my company?

No, dear uniquenutrition user, we are reporting on information publicly available on the Internet.

I'm sure the BBB will not be terribly impressed by the way you are manipulating their system. I think you have made a boo-boo with pulling that stunt in light of the amount of controversy surrounding who is running what, etc..

It's all very simple really. A call to the BBB will clear the whole matter up. I'm sure they are aware of changes to their systems. UI may then claim an administrative error but each change on the UI file will be stamped with IP, login account details and time/date.

Unless of course, the elusive LifeMirage obtained access to that account too... ;)

stellar's Photo stellar 29 Mar 2006

Posted Image

opales's Photo opales 29 Mar 2006

I do find your confusions abit comical as well.

I have that BBB page still open in my browser where it says Vice President of Uni is Dr. Lee Crost M.D, so it has been like that within last 12 hrs. Saving the page now for future generations to enjoy [airquote] Steve [/airquote].

I posted that page here

So [airquote] Steve [/airquote], care to explain why Lee Crost is listed as the VP? Care to explain why you act like that page never listed Lee as the VP while you obviously knew that it did? Does not it strike to you as odd too that at most within hours of the changes to the page you come here to claim that it never was like that?
Edited by opales, 29 March 2006 - 05:53 AM.

jaydfox's Photo jaydfox 29 Mar 2006

Okay, in case anyone didn't follow the exchange I've quoted below, between myself and uniquenutrition (Steve Sliwa), there it is, in all Steve's deceptive (and somewhat infantile, but that's a judgment call) glory.

I have confirmed with the Chicago BBB that the information on the report, including management details, cannot be edited by BBB account principals. The woman I spoke with confirmed that Steve put in a request to the BBB to have Lee Crost's name removed, and they complied. They have a record of it, and they can confirm it to anyone who is interested. You can call the Chicago BBB directly, their contact information is listed on their website:

Or, if you would like to talk to the supervisor who actually handles Unique Nutrition's account (the woman I spoke to), you can PM me and I can send you the details, including the contactname@chicago.bbb.org email address. She asked me not to post it publicly, since she's not a media contact (they have different personnel for media contacts), and she thought that it would be inappropriate to post her email address on a public, searchable website. She said she would be more than willing to field questions from any of our users, so PM me if you're concerned about Steve's deception (or my Posted ImagedeceptionPosted Image, if you're more willing to believe Steve at this point) and have any doubts about whether Lee Crost was listed as Vice President.


Also of import is that "Dr. Lee Crost M.D. - Vice President" is listed under Company Management as "Additional company management personnel".


3. Lee Crost, presently employed at Sherwyns, is NOW noted as Vice President.


Lee Crost is not a member of my company.

I suggest members go directly to the BBB webpage, rather than read Imminst's incorrect screenshots.

Sincerely Steve Sliwa
Unique Nutrition


Wow, nice work Steve. But do you really think that changing the page and then posting that I faked the screenshot is going to be bought by anybody?


Sure Jaydfox let everyone believe everything you say and not question it.


Steve, it's not like that page is static. I'm not at all surprised that you were able to get the page changed in the last 25 hours. I am curious how you did it, though. Can you edit the Company Management section yourself, through UNI's web account with the BBB, or do you have to call your BBB representative to have them edit it?


So now you're saying Lee Crost is vice president of my company?


uniquenutrition's Photo uniquenutrition 29 Mar 2006

Oh i guess I forgot to mention his name was an error on the report so I had it removed.

I never said it wasn't here just that it was incorrect.

Sincerely Steve

jaydfox's Photo jaydfox 29 Mar 2006

Oh, okay, I get it now... So you specifically asked them to add "Dr. Lee Crost M.D. - Vice President" to your report, then realized "Oh yeah, he doesn't actually work for me!", and called to have them remove his name?

How silly of me not to realize that there was just a simple misunderstanding. I mean, if I hadn't pointed out that Lee Crost was listed on your BBB report, you might have forgotten that you had "incorrectly" asked to have it put there in the first place... That would have been embarrassing.

You should thank me for pointing out this "error".

jaydfox's Photo jaydfox 29 Mar 2006

BTW, this was hilarious:

Oh i guess I forgot to mention...

Thanks Steve, you've made my morning.

uniquenutrition's Photo uniquenutrition 29 Mar 2006

Good Point.

Thank you Jay Fox.

We wouldn't want any untrue rumors going around would we?

Sincerely Steve

jaydfox's Photo jaydfox 29 Mar 2006

I never said it wasn't here just that it was incorrect.

Actually, the following implies otherwise:

Sure Jaydfox let everyone believe everything you say and not question it.

Sounds quite a bit like you're accusing me of posting fake information. Of course, I already know what your response will be: You weren't saying that people shouldn't believe me because I was faking the screenshots, only because the screenshots were outdated and contained incorrect information which has since been corrected.

But that's not the point, Steve. The information was there, and you had it put there by request. You can't disclaim it now as a mistake. You intentionally put that information there, and now you don't get to imply I'm a liar to try to get out of it. Like I said before:

You made your bed, now lie in it.

Spin it any way you like, I'm perfectly willing to believe that Lee Crost isn't VP (yet). But people need to know that you wanted to claim he was on your BBB report, though with everything going on with the LifeMirage scandal, I can't imagine why you'd want to continue to associate your name with his.

jaydfox's Photo jaydfox 29 Mar 2006

Good Point.

Thank you Jay Fox.

We wouldn't want any untrue rumors going around would we?

Sincerely Steve

You're quite welcome.

Brainbox's Photo Brainbox 29 Mar 2006

Confusion is created to distract. No use to continue all this. It only will add more noise, which is probably the intention of the accused.

Please wrap it up, provide an overview of the evidence currently present. Personally, I've seen enough evidence. Most of us will probably agree.

Lets move on.


uniquenutrition's Photo uniquenutrition 29 Mar 2006

Confusion is created to distract. No use to continue all this. It only will add more noise, which is probably the intention of the accused.

Please wrap it up, provide an overview of the evidence currently present. Personally, I've seen enough evidence. Most of us will probably agree.

Lets move on.

I think this will continue for quite some time.

lanky's Photo lanky 01 May 2006

I think this will continue for quite some time.

Maybe this has been said before - I'm new here. But, for a nootropics retailer, you sure aren't very smart.

"This" will continue as long as you keep trolling these forums. Give it a rest. Go create yourself another alter-ego and have yourself a clean slate.

doug123's Photo doug123 01 May 2006

I don't want to post on this topic at all. But I want to suggest that all these LifeMirage/Unique Nutrition type topics be consolidated; into maybe just one called "LifeMirage/Unique Nutrition Update" with links to the "Catcher" where these type of files could be stored.

Topics such as:

The LifeMirage & Unique Nutrition files
Open Invitation to Steve Sliwa and LifeMirage
LifeMirage IP vandalization of Wiki
A few personal thoughts...
LifeMirage = Misrepresenting?

Couldn't these easily be linked from one single topic; perhaps with a topic name similar to what I suggested above?

I think most regular visitors already know what happened -- and it's getting to the point where it is making everyone sick. That "personal thoughts" topic has perhaps the biggest sh*t fight I have ever seen on the web -- and being among the primary targets makes it bother me a little bit personally. Also -- when people insinuate that this event was a "Company versus company thing," that baffles me. If you want to give me credit for finding the connection between Edward AKA LifeMirage, Unique Nutrition, and Steve Sliwa -- okay; I guess I will take it...but unfortunately, that would be doing the Leadership's work an injustice. This event has probably taxed their resources the hardest...if we don't move on soon, they might raise the membership fees.

This whole dilemma taxed the resources of this entire community -- how many hours of deliberations has this topic generated? Let's change the topic...please...

I think everyone wants to move on. I am not suggesting to erase these topics or to forget what just went down in front of our eyes...but I would like to see the focus change onto more positive matters.

jaydfox's Photo jaydfox 01 May 2006

But I want to suggest that all these LifeMirage/Unique Nutrition type topics be consolidated; into maybe just one called "LifeMirage/Unique Nutrition Update" with links to the "Catcher" where these type of files could be stored.

Topics such as:

The LifeMirage & Unique Nutrition files
Open Invitation to Steve Sliwa and LifeMirage
LifeMirage IP vandalization of Wiki
A few personal thoughts...
LifeMirage = Misrepresenting?

Couldn't these easily be linked from one single topic; perhaps with a topic name similar to what I suggested above?

This is a good idea. We could pin one topic that links to all the others, and let them fall back into the past so they're not "active", but they're not inaccessible either.

That "personal thoughts" topic has perhaps the biggest sh*t fight I have ever seen on the web

You should get out more. I think this was one of the few threads on ImmInst where the quality of the thread actually paralleled most of the s*** out there on the web. It was uncharacteristic for ImmInst, of course. If there was anything outstanding (in the sense of standing out) about it, it was the revelation that Lee Crost denied being LifeMirage.

doug123's Photo doug123 01 May 2006

You are right, I do need to get out more. I am only taking one class this quarter, so I do have some extra time on my hands.

Yes, but it is not too often folks throw out murder accusations, tell folks to "go to hell you piece of sh*t," saying "you don't even have any degree" as an insult...etc. It generates a bit of negativity, I think.

Just my opinion.

doug123's Photo doug123 01 May 2006

Let me clarify what I was trying to say; again.

It seems most people already know the basic chronological sequence of topics. Didn't it go:

LifeMirage = Misrepresenting? Feb 5 2006
A few personal thoughts... Feb 25 2006-
Open Invitation to Steve Sliwa and LifeMirage Mar 8 2006
The LifeMirage & Unique Nutrition files Mar 12 2006
LifeMirage IP vandalization of Wiki Mar 22 2006

I think it would be helpful for some people too to know the dates these topics were started.

And I was just kidding in a friendly manner about raising the fees here; Jay. But you have to admit that since the beginning of this particular...saga...it has taken a lot of your time...which, considering you are a father and have a family, I am sure is valuable. I would be pleased if the Immortality Institute could produce its own magazine or something -- like the on-line magazine scottl wrote his meditation article for -- but have pieces by members of this Institute -- without the barrage of silly advertisements that sully the message. The topics could be about...I don't know...life-extension, nootropics, who knows?

jaydfox's Photo jaydfox 01 May 2006

And I was just kidding in a friendly manner about raising the fees here; Jay. But you have to admit that since the beginning of this particular...saga...it has taken a lot of your time...which, considering you are a father and have a family, I am sure is valuable.

I assumed you were kidding.

And yes, it did take up quite a bit of my limited time. That's behind us now for the most part, and at least some good did come out of it, despite all the bad.

And in the spirit of kidding, wouldn't it be "...about raising the fees here, Jay"? [tung]

doug123's Photo doug123 01 May 2006

I assumed you were kidding.

And yes, it did take up quite a bit of my limited time. That's behind us now for the most part, and at least some good did come out of it, despite all the bad.

And in the spirit of kidding, wouldn't it be "...about raising the fees here, Jay"? [tung]

No, I meant it as a semi-colon...was that a literary mistake? Yes! It was. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semicolon

I often mix up the use of a dash -- and the semi-colon; the dash can be used far more dynamically.

Thank you for the pull up. I guess I really am a retard, just like Eddy said. That seems to be one conviction all of his screen names seem to agree upon.


jaydfox's Photo jaydfox 02 May 2006

I have come to use the dash quite extensively in the last year, after reading an article on the various uses of the members of the dash family:
em dash: — or --
en dash: –
hyphen: -
minus sign: − (the counterpart of plus: +)

Edit: This list is not exhaustive, of course, but consists of the most useful and frequently used dashes.

jaydfox's Photo jaydfox 02 May 2006

This is of course quite off-topic, but I'll rectify that at some point by splitting the topic as needed.

mitkat's Photo mitkat 02 May 2006

saying "you don't even have any degree" as an insult...etc.

LOL, thank you for reminding me of this gem, as a lad working towards several degrees I find that to be pretty hilarious :)