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adrenal fatigue

tao81's Photo tao81 20 May 2008

Hi first off all I want to say sry if i didn´t post this topic in the right secion.(I´m a nooby here and didn´t know where else to post it)
So here is my question:
I think i may suffer from adrenal fatigue-so what should i do?I heard some people substitute with cortisol to get rid of it-but before I would do this i want to be sure that i´m affected what parameters have to be tested to be sure that one have adrenal fatigue?
thx alot and sry for my terrible english.

FunkOdyssey's Photo FunkOdyssey 20 May 2008

The most important thing to realize about adrenal fatigue is that its just a manifestation of an underlying problem. You can take a physiological dose of hydrocortisone and feel better, but you're just putting a band-aid on it. I do not believe adrenal fatigue exists as a distinct & independent medical disorder.

Even if you do read James Wilson's book Adrenal Fatigue, and buy into the entire idea to the hilt, even he tells you that you'll never resolve it without addressing the underlying problem. This could be a chronic viral infection, chronic infection with l-form (cell well deficient) bacteria, food allergies, or extreme, constant stress. What you need more than hydrocortisone is an open minded doctor that is willing to run a gazillion tests on you, CBC/Chem, complete thyroid panel, ANA, lyme's disease, common autoimmune antibodies, common food allergies, etc, etc. Good luck.

P.S. Also we are making a huge assumption here that you even have a problem with your adrenals / cortisol levels at all. Odds are you're barking up the wrong tree. I consider myself extremely medically knowledgeable and I have misdiagnosed myself with more things than I can count. This is why you need to have extensive testing performed to begin ruling things out. Doctors aren't infallible either (in fact, they are often clueless) but you need them to sign the lab slips and the prescriptions.
Edited by FunkOdyssey, 20 May 2008 - 12:29 PM.
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