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Which type of sport makes you live longest

rezin's Photo rezin 08 Dec 2014

This is a nice overview on which type of sports actually add to your life duration.


 The study showed elite athletes had a lower chance of dying at a given age than nonathletes, but how much lower depended on VO2 max. Endurance athletes had a 43 percent lower chance of dying at a given age than nonathletes. Team athletes had 33 percent less risk, while power athletes whose sports don't require a high VO2 max, only got a 10 percent protection [source: Kujala et al.].

→ source (external link)


Mind's Photo Mind 08 Dec 2014

Many people have asked the question whether elite athletes just have better genetics, and that is why they live longer. Basically, they ARE elite athletes because of their genetics, not because of training. Their VO2max is higher because of their genetics.


I am an average athlete. With my genetic profile, no matter how hard I practice, I will never be as elite as a "natural born athlete", and I will probably not live as long (without biotech help). However, even non-elite level athletic activity is strongly correlated with increased healthspan. Everyone should exercise NOW because it is the best and cheapest thing you can do to stay healthy. Exercise.....save money you might otherwise spend on nearly useless supplements, and fund more research (LongeCity, SENS, Methuselah).


I find sports are the most fun type of athletic activity - because sports are social as well. Otherwise, I like being outside shoveling snow, chopping wood, hiking, gardening, etc... Good exercise, accomplishing something, low impact, fresh air, etc...


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rezin's Photo rezin 08 Dec 2014

Many people have asked the question whether elite athletes just have better genetics, and that is why they live longer. Basically, they ARE elite athletes because of their genetics, not because of training. Their VO2max is higher because of their genetics.


I am an average athlete. With my genetic profile, no matter how hard I practice, I will never be as elite as a "natural born athlete", and I will probably not live as long (without biotech help). However, even non-elite level athletic activity is strongly correlated with increased healthspan. Everyone should exercise NOW because it is the best and cheapest thing you can do to stay healthy. Exercise.....save money you might otherwise spend on nearly useless supplements, and fund more research (LongeCity, SENS, Methuselah).


I find sports are the most fun type of athletic activity - because sports are social as well. Otherwise, I like being outside shoveling snow, chopping wood, hiking, gardening, etc... Good exercise, accomplishing something, low impact, fresh air, etc...


I disagree with you! I was U19 world champion in rowing myself, not as good as olympic athlete, but I performed on a professional basis (up to 18 sessions per week). There are too many different genetic types of people performing on an extremely high level. To my mind, success is 40% physical and 60% mental. The physical traits are determined by genetics and training (I'd say 50/50), but the mental component is only to a small point genetic and can be trained VERY well. Which leaves me with the conclusion that the most important component of success is being able to cope with the mental stress and push yourself beyond physical limits.


//edit: Just bragging a bit :P 


Edited by rezin, 08 December 2014 - 09:18 PM.

StevesPetRat's Photo StevesPetRat 19 Dec 2014

I'm guessing that sex is probably the best longevity enhancing exercise. Not being facetious for a change.

rezin's Photo rezin 19 Dec 2014

I'm guessing that sex is probably the best longevity enhancing exercise. Not being facetious for a change.


If you're doing it right :D


platypus's Photo platypus 19 Dec 2014

Avoiding base-jumping and proximity wingsuit-flying will also increase your odds to licing to a ripe old age..


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Thew's Photo Thew 29 Dec 2014

I'm guessing that sex is probably the best longevity enhancing exercise. Not being facetious for a change.

I guess you're right. Haha.
