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An Ancient "Heat Shock"/NRF2/Pluri...

albedo's Photo albedo 29 Oct 2020

@ HighDesertWizard

I am not sure what you can do of this as you are very advanced in your research but I pop into the following paper where Sect. 7 gives a link between resveratrol (RES), microbiota metabolism (SCFA), HSP's and cancer. Maybe you can find something useful:

Stokes Iii J, Vinayak S, Williams J, Malik S, Singh R, Manne U, Owonikoko TK, Mishra MK. Optimum health and inhibition of cancer progression by microbiome and resveratrol. Front Biosci (Landmark Ed). 2021 Jan 1;26:496-517. PMID: 33049680.



HighDesertWizard's Photo HighDesertWizard 14 Nov 2021

I post this here because Vince and I will be talking about the "stress response", "hormesis", and heat shock proteins, which, at the time of this post, are not properly understood. We'll also talk about H3K27me3 and JMJD3. Notice that I mentioned these in this thread almost 3 years ago now....


In 2019, I began to chat live with Vincent Giuliano, an independent longevity science researcher and writer at his blog, Anti-AgingFireWalls.com. HIs blog is one of the few that is auto-posted to Longecity.org every time he posts there. At almost 92 years old, Vince is almost certainly the oldest-living blogger about longevity science in the world. He's written about 500 articles about Healthy Longevity for 12 years. Vince is the most remarkable person I've ever encountered. It's an honor for me to say that he is my mentor, my longevity science research collaborator/partner, and my friend.
Our collaboration to try to understand and configure an explanation of rejuvenation processes has been going on for about 2 years. From the outset, we believed that any credible and complete explanation of rejuvenation must, at a minimum, include the following...
  • reference to The Inflammatory Reflex and it's Motor Arm, the Cholinergic Anti-Inflammatory Pathway
  • How can a rejuvenation explanation be considered credible if it doesn't include reference to the most significant mammalian, physiological adaption that increases survival probability?
  • reference to the healthy longevity promoting Stress (aka, Hormetic) Response
  • rather than understanding healthy stress-related interventions as different in kind than purported "True Longevity Promoting Interventions" we take them to be critical to understanding rejuvenation.
  • reference to the most healthy of emerging, proven-to-be-rejuvenating interventions
  • like Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy and Near Infrared Light
  • For an explanation to be complete and credible, it needs to explain these proven intervention techniques too
Vince and I will be giving a talk on November 20 at 4pm, GMT, at a meeting of the London Futurists meetup. The talk is entitled, "Younging: Triggering Ancient Mechanisms for Rejuvenation". It will be accessible real time via Zoom and a live YouTube video feed. (See the meetup link for details.) After the talk, I'll provide a link to the YouTube video here.
From the meetup announcement...

Independent longevity researchers Vince Giuliano and Steve Buss believe that the number and content of scientific-study puzzle pieces have approached a critical threshold. It is now possible, they claim, to assemble a good explanation, in which natural body rejuvenation processes play a vital role. This comprehensive new explanation integrates existing theories and also highlights an age-reversal process they have identified and named Younging.


Vince and Steve believe that this emerging explanation constitutes a paradigm shift for the longevity science movement. Already-proven rejuvenation explanations and interventions can ONLY be properly understood to fit together via understanding recent evidence of ancient, evolutionarily-conserved mechanisms.


Vince and Steve will be happy to answer questions during the meetup and participate in the post-meetup, all-attendees-can-participate discussion.


Edited by HighDesertWizard, 14 November 2021 - 09:37 AM.
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albedo's Photo albedo 21 Nov 2021


I post this here because Vince and I will be talking about the "stress response", "hormesis", and heat shock proteins, which, at the time of this post, are not properly understood. We'll also talk about H3K27me3 and JMJD3. Notice that I mentioned these in this thread almost 3 years ago now....




Was a great presentation from both of you! Keep up with you study!



Kentavr's Photo Kentavr 07 Dec 2021

I think you are wrong.
You can activate heat shock proteins as much as you want, but in the end, most likely, the extracellular matrix will compress your entire body and you will die.
You only increase the alpha coefficient in Gompertz–Makeham law of mortality (responsible for some stretching of the graph), and it really works (!),
But you do not increase the beta coefficient (!) (Responsible for the slope of the curve on the graph).
Please read this entire article (in Russian), and you will understand that heat shock proteins will not be able to significantly prolong your life, no matter how hard you try:
Also please read this information:
Russian biohacker Dmitry Veremeenko reduced his pulse pressure by 4 units with the help of dill seeds, which he took for 3 months, pre-grinding them on a coffee grinder, brewing the ground mixture with a drop of water and drinking the broth strained through cheesecloth.
Currently I also grind dill on a coffee grinder and drink it 5 times a week. I simply brew the ground dill seeds in a thermos mug, and after 1 hour of boiling water, I decant the solution by pouring it into a regular mug.
Believe me, this information is really worth reading it carefully!



Alain's Photo Alain 19 Dec 2021

Dramatic extension of life thanks to indolepropionamide There is only one published study on indolepropionamide and its effect on aging [1]. The team used rotifers, a model microorganism, in which they observed an increase in lifespan unmatched by other molecules. This longevity was also accompanied by better cell repair and increased resistance to injury. It appears that this effect is due to a drastic improvement in mitochondrial function accompanied by a significant reduction in the formation of free radicals. The exceptional antioxidant properties of indolepropionamide are linked to its structure, very similar to that of melatonin, and to its ability to interact with the oxidative phosphorylation chain of the mitochondria. It would appear that indolepropionamide is able to stabilize mitochondrial energy metabolism, by binding to complex I of the respiratory chain, thus leading to a decrease in the production of oxidants. One of its close cousins, 3-indolepropionic acid, is currently in clinical trials to fight Alzheimer's disease. It has indeed the same type of properties, due to their structural homologies, both close to melatonin. Although requiring new studies, in particular in mammals, indolepropionamide is an extremely promising molecule and its derivatives already seem to offer good prospects, particularly in the fight against neurodegenerative diseases. It has it especially since it is an amphiphilic molecule, therefore passing both cell membranes and aqueous structures, and whose bioavailability is excellent.

kurdishfella's Photo kurdishfella 24 Jan 2022

Heat shock proteins by extreme cold or warmth can only be made if you have sufficient stores of nutrients etc
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sensei's Photo sensei 02 Feb 2022

It's MTORC1, everything else is downstream signalling. Well, except for exogenous causes of cellular damage, but that's not ageing, and autophagy/macrophagy should clean up abnormal cells if not deficient because of MTORC1 signalling.
Edited by sensei, 02 February 2022 - 10:43 PM.
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ta5's Photo ta5 17 Sep 2022

I just happened across this new supplement:
ETAS is a proprietary ingredient derived from the tough lower portion of asparagus stalks, which has the unique ability to increase the production of heat shock protein 70 (HSP70).* Double-blind, placebo-controlled research has shown ETAS effectively:
  • Increases quality of sleep*
  • Alleviates occasional stress by improving heart rate variability*
  • Raises cognitive performance, reduces fatigue, and improves the stress response*
The extraction process used to create ETAS results in unique hydroxymethyl furfural derivatives — particularly asfural — that are not contained in raw asparagus extract.