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Dead or Alive?

Oakman's Photo Oakman 25 Feb 2019

Some strange things going on with cells that have entered apoptosis. The're alive!!




What does this mean for therapies that reduce cells in this state?


HighDesertWizard's Photo HighDesertWizard 26 Feb 2019


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HighDesertWizard's Photo HighDesertWizard 27 Feb 2019

I made the post above solely on the basis of an educated hunch that Heat Shock had to be involved in this process of "cells cheating death..."


Also, it turns out...

  • The authors of the study referenced in the opening post created a set of terrific study graphic images to illustrate the process.
  • They established these images as an Infographic that is very cool.
  • In image #2, they graphically depict their view of the evidence which suggests that Heat Shock Protein expression is key to this cell-cheating-death process.




Edited by HighDesertWizard, 27 February 2019 - 03:14 AM.
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Oakman's Photo Oakman 27 Feb 2019

Thanks for the explanation of your initial post. Although rejuvenation is possible, and HSPs help kick that off, the process appears fraught with danger to the cell, like cancer.
