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Do you think plastic surgery should be ban...

Poll: Plastic Surgery Banned?! (111 member(s) have cast votes)

Do you think plastic surgery should be banned?

  1. Yes (10 votes [8.85%])

    Percentage of vote: 8.85%

  2. No (103 votes [91.15%])

    Percentage of vote: 91.15%

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ImmortalityFreedom's Photo ImmortalityFreedom 23 Jul 2009

Share your opinions about plastic surgery, here are some of the effects of plastic surgery.




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Hotel heiress, Nicky Hilton, didn't have eye lids growing up. Now she has them, in addition to smaller looking nose. There is a surgery called blepharoplasty that can remove excess skin from the eyelids.
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niner's Photo niner 23 Jul 2009

You have "freedom" in your name and you want to ban plastic surgery?

I'm not sure what you're trying to prove with pictures of post-op swelling, bad makeup, and bad lighting.

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immortali457's Photo immortali457 23 Jul 2009

You have "freedom" in your name and you want to ban plastic surgery?

I'm not sure what you're trying to prove with pictures of post-op swelling, bad makeup, and bad lighting.

Really....yea we all know Katie Holmes looks like crap. NOT.

ImmortalityFreedom's Photo ImmortalityFreedom 23 Jul 2009

You have "freedom" in your name and you want to ban plastic surgery?

I'm not sure what you're trying to prove with pictures of post-op swelling, bad makeup, and bad lighting.

I may have freedom in my name, but to stop someone from messing up their lives using plastic surgery just because their boyfriend/girlfriend left them is going to leave them depressed for the rest of their lives. What is free about someone doing stupid then suffering from depression and extremely low self esteem due to the surgery? There isn't, that is why plastic surgery should be banned, now, I've been looking at tons of plastic surgery photos, and the majority of the Now photos seem worse than the before. Now we all know Michael Jackson, Plastic surgery just made things worse. The plastic surgery industry just wants to make millions of dollars, and they are going to keep ruining lives from regrettable decisions people make. Plastic Surgery is one of the worst things a natural healthy person can do to themselves, unless they have a condition where they don't have eyelashes, plastic surgery is good for that. But I think that plastic surgery should be banned from healthy natural people and be used to just treat birth defects.

cyborgdreamer's Photo cyborgdreamer 23 Jul 2009

I may have freedom in my name, but to stop someone from messing up their lives using plastic surgery just because their boyfriend/girlfriend left them is going to leave them depressed for the rest of their lives. What is free about someone doing stupid then suffering from depression and extremely low self esteem due to the surgery? There isn't, that is why plastic surgery should be banned, now, I've been looking at tons of plastic surgery photos, and the majority of the Now photos seem worse than the before. Now we all know Michael Jackson, Plastic surgery just made things worse. The plastic surgery industry just wants to make millions of dollars, and they are going to keep ruining lives from regrettable decisions people make. Plastic Surgery is one of the worst things a natural healthy person can do to themselves, unless they have a condition where they don't have eyelashes, plastic surgery is good for that. But I think that plastic surgery should be banned from healthy natural people and be used to just treat birth defects.

Plastic surgury is risky and shouldn't be taken lightly. But it also helps a lot of people improve their body image. Unless/until safer and less invasive proceedures are invented, plastic surgery is the only way people can people can take control of certain physical features. If a person feels strongly enough about it, and they make a rational, well-thought out decision to have surgery, they should have the option.

forever freedom's Photo forever freedom 24 Jul 2009

I may have freedom in my name, but to stop someone from messing up their lives using plastic surgery just because their boyfriend/girlfriend left them is going to leave them depressed for the rest of their lives. What is free about someone doing stupid then suffering from depression and extremely low self esteem due to the surgery?

But the concept of freedom itself is to let people decide by themselves what they want or don't want to do with their lives. Government regulation -what takes people's freedom away- is the result of this mentality: let's ban this and let's ban that because people are too stupid to know when to use/buy/do this and when not to do it.

Plastic surgery can be very helpful to many people that can think a little and plan things well.

TheFountain's Photo TheFountain 24 Jul 2009

What are you going to tell a person who has a crooked nose? Not to get septoplasty because it will depress them in the future? we must accept the consequences of freedom as well as the freedom itself. Personally I think people in sweden and france are more free than people in the U.S but there doesn't seem to be any large number of them suffering the unforeseen consequences of plastic surgery. Maybe it's a cultural thing.

ImmortalityFreedom's Photo ImmortalityFreedom 24 Jul 2009

But the concept of freedom itself is to let people decide by themselves what they want or don't want to do with their lives. Government regulation -what takes people's freedom away- is the result of this mentality: let's ban this and let's ban that because people are too stupid to know when to use/buy/do this and when not to do it.

Plastic surgery can be very helpful to many people that can think a little and plan things well.

Oh, so the freedom for someone to do something stupid and ruin themselves? No, that is not freedom, someone should at least have a permit or some phsycyitrist before they proceed dead on with a surgery. Your thinking to simple, it's not that simple, freedom has a lot of barriers.

And "TheFountain", if someone had a big nose or anything like that, there is no reason to get plastic surgery, Michael Jackson claimed that his father called him "Big Nose" and beat him, that was the reason he got plastic surgery most likley, but let him Rest In Peace. People are born the way they are, there is no shame in that.

TheFountain's Photo TheFountain 24 Jul 2009

People are born the way they are, there is no shame in that.

Then by that measure let us not try to alter our body chemistry with supplements, or our facial hair growth by shaving or WAXING or anything at all. Let's just let the current of the ocean swallow us whole and forget we even existed. Okay?

I've heard your argument 10 thousand times already. It's quasi naturalist crap. We alter a lot of aspects of our lives, our faces is are just an extension of this. Who the hell are you or me or anyone else to determine what 'natural' is?

We are products of nature. Thus our products are products of nature. Including, but not limited to plastic surgery.

Choose for yourself, and let other's choose for themselves.
Edited by TheFountain, 24 July 2009 - 04:20 AM.

advancedatheist's Photo advancedatheist 24 Jul 2009

I wonder if plastic surgery has dysgenic effects because it sends false signals of genetic quality to potential mates. I think we have good evolutionary reasons for considering some unmodified people more "attractive" than others; yet plastic surgery can give less than genetically optimal people better reproductive opportunities than they would have had otherwise.

TheFountain's Photo TheFountain 24 Jul 2009

I wonder if plastic surgery has dysgenic effects because it sends false signals of genetic quality to potential mates. I think we have good evolutionary reasons for considering some unmodified people more "attractive" than others; yet plastic surgery can give less than genetically optimal people better reproductive opportunities than they would have had otherwise.

What do you mean by 'genetically optimal'? People are genetically different. Unless you are deformed or diseased or otherwise screwed you work within your genetics. The way a person looks is not the height of genetic signaling either (all too often I have seen ugly men with beautiful women).

Apes in the wild all look the same. The way one acts has to do with genetic signaling there. As long as you are as healthy as you can be within your genetic framework you are going to attract someone else. Otherwise if you have elephant man syndrome or something, that is another story. I find all this talk of optimal genetics quite hitlerian and misguided.

Where I am moving to intelligent men have a far greater reproductive opportunity than stupid quasi-apes who watch UFC while punching each other in the chest. In fact those types of men repel women there. In other places (like southern america) they are considered the genetic optimals.
Edited by TheFountain, 24 July 2009 - 05:04 AM.

forever freedom's Photo forever freedom 24 Jul 2009

Oh, so the freedom for someone to do something stupid and ruin themselves? No, that is not freedom, someone should at least have a permit or some phsycyitrist before they proceed dead on with a surgery. Your thinking to simple, it's not that simple, freedom has a lot of barriers.

Think about what you're saying and the implications of this mindset...

Let's ban guns then, because otherwise people will have the freedom to do something stupid and ruin themselves (like their children accidentally killing someone).
Let's ban alcohol and cigarettes, because people may ruin themselves with it.
Let's ban cars because people may ruin themselves and others in a car accident.
Let's ban psychiatric drugs because people may get addicted to it and ruin themselves even more.
Let's ban all foods that are too harrmful to health.

I could go on and on... this is a fun exercise actually.

Your definition of "freedom" is upside down IMO. It reminds me of an excerpt from Orwell's 1984:

"...men in the mass were frail, cowardly creatures who could not endure liberty or face the truth, and must be ruled over and systematically deceived by others who were stronger than themselves. That the choice for mankind lay between freedom and happiness, and that, for the great bulk of mankind, happiness was better. That the party was the eternal guardian of the weak, a dedicated sect doing evil that good might come, sacrificing its own happiness to that of others."

And then there's part of the Party's motto that "Freedom is slavery".
Edited by forever freedom, 24 July 2009 - 05:31 AM.

rwac's Photo rwac 24 Jul 2009

Your definition of "freedom" is upside down IMO. It reminds me of an excerpt from Orwell's 1984:

"...men in the mass were frail, cowardly creatures who could not endure liberty or face the truth, and must be ruled over and systematically deceived by others who were stronger than themselves. That the choice for mankind lay between freedom and happiness, and that, for the great bulk of mankind, happiness was better. That the party was the eternal guardian of the weak, a dedicated sect doing evil that good might come, sacrificing its own happiness to that of others."

That reminds me, I should read 1984 one of these days.

Anyway, I really dismissed the OP as making a funny post.
My Humor-Detector must be busted, I was about to make a joking post, right before the serious discussion started.

Boondock's Photo Boondock 24 Jul 2009

It's up to the individual to do what they want with their body.

I'm actually not even negative about plastic surgery. Already attitudes towards certain procedures are positive. Who criticizes people for getting their teeth straightened? Or for getting their poky ears pinned back? The only problems with it imo are that it can be done badly, and that people with BDD can end up getting unwarranted treatment that will never satisfy them.

kismet's Photo kismet 24 Jul 2009

Oh, so the freedom for someone to do something stupid and ruin themselves? No, that is not freedom, someone should at least have a permit or some phsycyitrist before they proceed dead on with a surgery. Your thinking to simple, it's not that simple, freedom has a lot of barriers.

Yes, freedom to do something stupid! Everything else is a travesty of justice. Period. Although, I'm not saying that people who are mentally sick should necessarily be allowed to kill themselves, but the criteria for such disorders are already firmly established. Neither am I saying that a surgeon has no right to refuse a patient...
But no one will allow you to rape our universal rights to self-ownership. I can't begin to understand how anyone can openly advocate rape FFS.
Edited by kismet, 24 July 2009 - 12:01 PM.

Ben's Photo Ben 24 Jul 2009

I may have freedom in my name, but to stop someone from messing up their lives using plastic surgery just because their boyfriend/girlfriend left them is going to leave them depressed for the rest of their lives. What is free about someone doing stupid then suffering from depression and extremely low self esteem due to the surgery? There isn't, that is why plastic surgery should be banned, now, I've been looking at tons of plastic surgery photos, and the majority of the Now photos seem worse than the before. Now we all know Michael Jackson, Plastic surgery just made things worse. The plastic surgery industry just wants to make millions of dollars, and they are going to keep ruining lives from regrettable decisions people make. Plastic Surgery is one of the worst things a natural healthy person can do to themselves, unless they have a condition where they don't have eyelashes, plastic surgery is good for that. But I think that plastic surgery should be banned from healthy natural people and be used to just treat birth defects.

I suggest you reflect carefully on what you've written in this thread. I could pull out and correct every single error of judgement you make and show just how your perspective lacks maturity and scope. I wont though, because I can't be bothered, and you'll most likely continue in the state you are. I really hope you are just very young.

Cyberbrain's Photo Cyberbrain 24 Jul 2009

I may have freedom in my name, but to stop someone from messing up their lives using plastic surgery just because their boyfriend/girlfriend left them is going to leave them depressed for the rest of their lives. What is free about someone doing stupid ...

Banning plastic surgery, which I think is a form of transhumanism, would be a disposition in ones individual freedoms.

People should have the complete freedom to do as they please with their body as long is it does not harm others.

Just because you think it's 'stupid' doesn't mean it should be banned. Let's ban piercings, tattoos, and cosmetics while we're at it.

Cyberbrain's Photo Cyberbrain 24 Jul 2009

I've heard your argument 10 thousand times already. It's quasi naturalist crap.

I've heard them too. It's bioluddism, the complete opposite of transhumanism.

Oh, so the freedom for someone to do something stupid and ruin themselves? No, that is not freedom...

That right there is the essence of freedom!

Yes people will make incredibly stupid decisions in there life, but that doesn't mean that we should ban everything to prevent them from making those decisions. There would be no end then. Let's ban trans fats - there's no end!

The best thing we can do is to educate people and let them decide for themselves.

ImmortalityFreedom's Photo ImmortalityFreedom 24 Jul 2009

I suggest you reflect carefully on what you've written in this thread. I could pull out and correct every single error of judgement you make and show just how your perspective lacks maturity and scope. I wont though, because I can't be bothered, and you'll most likely continue in the state you are. I really hope you are just very young.

My point is, Plastic surgery is wrong, and the MAJORITY* of them go wrong or the patient does not like it. Changing the way someone looks is completley wrong, why would you do such a thing, you don't gain self-esteem from changing the way you look as a person but rather changing your take on reality. It is all about mentality, not physicality, because you all know that old saying, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder". So, you say the freedom to do something stupid is ok because it's their choice huh, what about drunk drivers? What about plastic surgery patients who have had gained negative thoughts about themselves due to the plastic surgery causing them to become depressed, insomniac, etc... And you know that if they can't sleep throughout the night, then they will have to go to work the next morning, to drive... If a person is not fully conscious and aware of their surroundings due to lack of sleep, then they will most likley get into an accident, and I have seen people who barley got any sleep who drop plates and silverware constantly. You guys are thinking too simply...

Plastic surgery = unhappy results most (45%) = Depression & Insomnia = Tired Morning = Accident.
Edited by ImmortalityFreedom, 24 July 2009 - 02:54 PM.

kismet's Photo kismet 24 Jul 2009

I will do what Ben-Aus did not do. Please someone call the logic- and rationality-police, this post clearly violates our "constitution"!  :|o

My point is, Plastic surgery is wrong [define right and wrong, read some philosophy e.g. moral relativism, nihilism,etc. Think about the world and then come back with that absolute statement.], and the MAJORITY* of them go wrong or the patient does not like it. Proof? (= reference to scholarly publication)

Changing the way someone looks is completley wrong [that's your opinion. No matter how often you assert it, that's not proof.], why would you do such a thing [because they want to change how they look], you don't gain self-esteem from changing the way you look as a person but rather changing your take on reality [I'd tend to call that "naive" or "idealistic", because in realitiy people are not isolated from the society and the way society views them. Aristoteles termed the word "Zoon politikon", read up on it]. It is all about mentality, not physicality, because you all know that old saying, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" [yes and it's still as wrong as ever. The common perception of beauty can be well-explained using biology, evolutionary theory, science, etc. Furthermore there are quite a lot of statistics that correlate beauty with [increased] success. I'm sorry to break it to you, but life is damn unfair - being beautiful has a million advantages. ]. So, you say the freedom to do something stupid is ok because it's their choice huh [exactly], what about drunk drivers? We already said without harming others, please red the responses. What about plastic surgery patients who have had gained negative thoughts about themselves due to the plastic surgery causing them to become depressed, insomniac, etc... [The structure of your sentence is: what about insert XY who had nightmares from ABC, let's ban ABC! Example: what about all the children who suffer from reading Wikipedia -- hey why not  censor wikipedia? Please elaborate why your thought only applies to plastic suergery and not the indefinite number of other dangerous subjects. I'm not trying to divert attention, it is more a reductio ad absurdum of your post: why did you focus on one subject out of an indefinite number of dangerous (even more dangerous and easily bannable) activities?] And you know that if they can't sleep throughout the night, then they will have to go to work the next morning, to drive... If a person is not fully conscious and aware of their surroundings due to lack of sleep, then they will most likley get into an accident, and I have seen people who barley got any sleep who drop plates and silverware constantly. You guys are thinking too simply... [I don't even have a clue what you are talking about, I'll guess and come up with the best possible refutation, though. What about those people who suffer the same way from their lack of self-esteem prior to the surgery?]

Plastic surgery = unhappy results most (45%) = Depression & Insomnia = Tired Morning = Accident [low self-esteem prior to operaton -> unhappy -> depression & insomnia...].

I know destroying your argumentation was not necessary, because you did a good job yourself. However, I wanted to point out avenues that you could explore to educate yourself on some topics, i.e. to find out why 94% of our members consider your post to be "wrong" (and I think I'm putting it mildly still).

On a somehwat tragically funny and related note. There was a bodybuilder who regularly took >100mg of zinc and after some time he started to regularly fall asleep while driving and almost killed himself and others. Do you know why? Turned out he suffered from severe anemia (either due to copper or iron deficiency, or both, caused by the massive zinc overdose). Geez, what crazy irony is that? Still, we shouldn't ban all supplements, now should we?
Edited by kismet, 24 July 2009 - 05:19 PM.

ImmortalityFreedom's Photo ImmortalityFreedom 24 Jul 2009

I will do what Ben-Aus did not do. Please someone call the logic- and rationality-police, this post clearly violates our "constitution"!  :|o

I know destroying your argumentation was not necessary, because you did a good job yourself. However, I wanted to point out avenues that you could explore to educate yourself on some topics, i.e. to find out why 94% of our members consider your post to be "wrong" (and I think I'm putting it mildly still).

On a somehwat tragically funny and related note. There was a bodybuilder who regularly took >100mg of zinc and after some time he started to regularly fall asleep while driving and almost killed himself and others. Do you know why? Turned out he suffered from severe anemia (either due to copper or iron deficiency, or both, caused by the massive zinc overdose). Geez, what crazy irony is that? Still, we shouldn't ban all supplements, now should we?

Well, first, this topic is about Plastic surgery, not suppliments. To have a take on what you just said, does not happen anywhere near as much as plastic surgery wrong-doings do, An estimated 13 percent of people 70 and older are anemic. Now, should you ban supplements for kids? Yes because in fact, 22% of children use suppliments. What you say does not match the quadratic reasoning of my topic, millions of people get plastic surgery, and millions of people suffer from post-surgery phsycological illnesses. Why is is then that Sarah Blewden’ from womens boxing, now because of that surgery she is banned. Plastic surgery should be banned unless there is a medical reason, but to change someones physical appearence is just absurd and should be banned just as as steroids (unless for medical reason, rarley...).

immortali457's Photo immortali457 24 Jul 2009

Well, first, this topic is about Plastic surgery, not suppliments. To have a take on what you just said, does not happen anywhere near as much as plastic surgery wrong-doings do, An estimated 13 percent of people 70 and older are anemic. Now, should you ban supplements for kids? Yes because in fact, 22% of children use suppliments. What you say does not match the quadratic reasoning of my topic, millions of people get plastic surgery, and millions of people suffer from post-surgery phsycological illnesses. Why is is then that Sarah Blewden' from womens boxing, now because of that surgery she is banned. Plastic surgery should be banned unless there is a medical reason, but to change someones physical appearence is just absurd and should be banned just as as steroids (unless for medical reason, rarley...).

Should weighlifting be banned also???....lol....it changes ones appearance. Making ones monster of a nose smaller is such a terrible thing aint it.....lol.....look at the poll results....get a clue.

ImmortalityFreedom's Photo ImmortalityFreedom 24 Jul 2009

Should weighlifting be banned also???....lol....it changes ones appearance. Making ones monster of a nose smaller is such a terrible thing aint it.....lol.....look at the poll results....get a clue.

But thats malleable, if you don't weightlift for several weeks, your muscles will go back to normal so it's not nothing permentant.... Plastic surgery will be there for the rest of your life. The poll may be overboard, but there are alot of people on imminst who in one poll I saw that was called, "what would you do to change your appearence" and alot of them picked plastic surgery so this is probably some correlation with the forum... And you, im not sure, maybe just peer pressure. But I have a valid point.

mustardseed41's Photo mustardseed41 24 Jul 2009

peer pressure....huh????? I'm through with this silly thread.

forever freedom's Photo forever freedom 24 Jul 2009

I suggest you reflect carefully on what you've written in this thread. I could pull out and correct every single error of judgement you make and show just how your perspective lacks maturity and scope. I wont though, because I can't be bothered, and you'll most likely continue in the state you are. I really hope you are just very young.

I agree. Apparently what we say falls on deaf ears (or blind eyes in the case of text). And the more ImmortalityFreedom says the more of a fool he looks like, he'd be much better off just admitting he was wrong here (who isn't ever wrong!?) and following on with life. But the worst is that he can't see the several undeniable flaws in his thinking... hence won't realize/admit to be wrong.

There's the saying that the wiser the person the more he realizes how little he really knows.
Edited by forever freedom, 24 July 2009 - 11:58 PM.

kismet's Photo kismet 25 Jul 2009

But I have a valid point.

Yeah, lay down the crack pipe. This is one of the most seriously disturbed topics I've read in a while.
Edited by kismet, 25 July 2009 - 01:07 AM.

ImmortalityFreedom's Photo ImmortalityFreedom 25 Jul 2009

Well then, come along, go get your plastic surgery =), Enjoy America, this is how we roll!

advancedatheist's Photo advancedatheist 25 Jul 2009

What do you mean by 'genetically optimal'? People are genetically different. Unless you are deformed or diseased or otherwise screwed you work within your genetics.

Babies apparently prefer to look at symmetrical human faces. We have neurological hard-wiring from birth to recognize genetic quality.

The way a person looks is not the height of genetic signaling either (all too often I have seen ugly men with beautiful women).

Women will hook up with beta males (Mr. He'll-Have-to-Do) when they can't attract the alpha males they prefer.

Apes in the wild all look the same.

Apparently not to other apes.

Where I am moving to intelligent men have a far greater reproductive opportunity than stupid quasi-apes who watch UFC while punching each other in the chest. In fact those types of men repel women there. In other places (like southern america) they are considered the genetic optimals.

High-IQ men in the U.S generally don't go around fathering lots of babies.

Luna's Photo Luna 25 Jul 2009

We live in a society which grows on perfection.
We see ourselves in the mirror every day, we see others all around us, men like pretty girls and we like to be happy with ourselves when we glance at the mirror.

Society created standards for beauty and everyone tries to achieve it. more and more people achieve it and the standards go up.
Hairless bodies, shiny hair, perfect skin and face, this created shaving and waxing products, hair creams, skin creams, make up, conditioners, peeling creams, moisturizing creams, hair gels and what not.

One person uses it and looks better than the rest, others start using it and everyone climbs until someone finds another way to improve their show.

Then there are bones and cartilages, skin defects and many others which some were lucky and some were unlucky at birth or throughout their lives, then comes plastic surgery.
a woman was born without the full attractive lips, she can now afford a surgery.
maybe you have a huge nose that is disturbing for you and others to look at, you can fix it.

it is true, surgeries have a risk, they might go wrong! then again, maybe people had them change their lives for the better.
the higher percentage was for the better. it is only that every time again someone with an opinion like yours tries to brainwash others showing only the bad ones and tries to convince that each and every one of the surgeries is a terrible thing and tries to strike fear and disgust in others.

Then, no, not all surgeries are bad, not all surgeries are awful, most actually have great results.

The really hard part is competing with photoshopped models :|o

I didn't put much of example for guys look on this because I don't think I ever had a guy talking about how to improve his looks.. except for my friend Tal, but he simply says he wants to work and improve his physic shape and looks.. It seems to work! ;) for him anyways :)

kismet's Photo kismet 25 Jul 2009

Oh, we're already up to 2 people advocating rape and oppression. Care to chime in #2?

Well then, come along, go get your plastic surgery =), Enjoy America, this is how we roll!

Lay down the crack pipe.
Edited by kismet, 25 July 2009 - 11:53 AM.