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Ecstacy or MDMA, cure for social phobia, s...

Raptor87's Photo Raptor87 03 Aug 2012

I've heard several anecdotes on potential cure´s for anxiety, extreme shyness and so on with the aid of MDMA.

What I am wondering is, has anyone done this? Does it work long term? Could you tell me about your experience?

Finally, where the hell can one get such therapy?
Edited by Brainfogged, 03 August 2012 - 10:14 PM.

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medievil's Photo medievil 03 Aug 2012

MDMA massively improved my SA but that only was because of being able to enjoy social interaction the next day after taking it as my sa was gone then and over the weeks it aided me in learning social skills and confidence

protoject's Photo protoject 04 Aug 2012

I was an abuser, so I can definitely say that abusing it is the wrong option and that this might cause brain damage or organ failure, as well as tolerance to the drugs beneficial psychological effect.

However, I do think MDMA has amazing potential as a medicine. First of all , very infrequently at a regular dose it might help , especially combined with psychotherapy.

if used at low doses and someone's looking to use it over the long term, so I would say 20 mg or so might be okay. but I'm no doctor. I just think that someone can reap benefits like anxiolysis and helping social problems, and it can be a good antidepressant, at this low dose. Not sure if frequent dosing is maintainable at that level, but since it's so low, I would assume there to be no adverse effect on its own. It wouldn't be strong enough to overpower the body and the mind in an obstrusive way, and it wouldn't be strong enough to cause much tolerance, and it would probably be out of your system faster so that you could receive the effect again.

All conjecture of course.

Maybe it's possible, or maybe not. I'm not sure if that effect would be strong enough for everyone to get the therapeutic benefit they are seeking.

FDA Approved's Photo FDA Approved 05 Aug 2012

I've taken different dosages on nights out and it did make it significantly easier to talk to people etc. when I was on it, but on the day after I take it (when i am on the comedown) it makes it worse. If you want to combat shyness/stage frieght or something similiar I would recommend that you look into beta blockers (I am interested in them, but I havent tried them so I cannot recommend more than to look into them).

Blink's Photo Blink 05 Aug 2012

On 100 mg you will love yourself and others unconditionally. When you look into someones eyes you will immediately feel "I know you" and "We are the same". There is no fear. So of course it will remove all signs of shyness and social phobia. However it's not something one should take regularly since it increases oxidative stress in the brain.


Raptor87's Photo Raptor87 07 Aug 2012

It seems the results come from pure MDMA and not Ecstacy. So we need to take E out of this equation.

Is it possible to give yourself selftherapy with MDMA.

Reformed-Redan's Photo Reformed-Redan 08 Aug 2012

It seems the results come from pure MDMA and not Ecstacy. So we need to take E out of this equation.

Is it possible to give yourself selftherapy with MDMA.

Self therapy with MDMA sounds like a bad idea. You could find yourself in a worse state after the "self therapy session".

medievil's Photo medievil 08 Aug 2012

I was an abuser, so I can definitely say that abusing it is the wrong option and that this might cause brain damage or organ failure, as well as tolerance to the drugs beneficial psychological effect.

However, I do think MDMA has amazing potential as a medicine. First of all , very infrequently at a regular dose it might help , especially combined with psychotherapy.

if used at low doses and someone's looking to use it over the long term, so I would say 20 mg or so might be okay. but I'm no doctor. I just think that someone can reap benefits like anxiolysis and helping social problems, and it can be a good antidepressant, at this low dose. Not sure if frequent dosing is maintainable at that level, but since it's so low, I would assume there to be no adverse effect on its own. It wouldn't be strong enough to overpower the body and the mind in an obstrusive way, and it wouldn't be strong enough to cause much tolerance, and it would probably be out of your system faster so that you could receive the effect again.

All conjecture of course.

Maybe it's possible, or maybe not. I'm not sure if that effect would be strong enough for everyone to get the therapeutic benefit they are seeking.

At treshold doses it felt rather anoying (like some treshold "orgasmic" feeling added to it but in a weird level hard to explain lol) AMT (wich was actually used as a antidepressant, MDAI wich i trialled for a few weeks in treshold doses and things like 4FA are far better sero releasers for therapeutic use).

Thorsten3's Photo Thorsten3 08 Aug 2012

I've only ever got comedowns from E, never from MDMA. MDMA leaves me with an afterglow and seems to allow me to progress with inter personal relationships.

I haven't taken either though for about 5 years now. I don't have access to it.

I think the damage to my brain was through a very bad cannabis habit (made me pychotic eventually and definitely contributed to my bad mental health) and bad ecstasy batches (well, a combination of the two during a time when my brain was still clearly developing from ages 18-22). The comedowns from some of these E tablets were just awful. You go from being in heaven to hell in an instant.

MDMA may also have done damage but I only ever got hold of it about 6 or 7 times. But yeah, no crash with MDMA...

Who knows whether it would be neurotoxic in potentialy theraputic threshold doses
Edited by Thorsten2, 08 August 2012 - 06:21 PM.

Raptor87's Photo Raptor87 09 Aug 2012

MDMA therapy

MDMA experience
Edited by Brainfogged, 09 August 2012 - 01:38 AM.

medievil's Photo medievil 11 Aug 2012

I tried a low dose of 4FA today and its definatly interesting,

It feels alot more therapeutic then mpa as its alot less euphoric in low doses however it seems alot more functional, because of the sero release it also seems to work better for my OCD and it doesnt cause any anxiety at all, nor any mild tremors wich most stims cause for me.
Very interesting, ill see how it goes

Debaser's Photo Debaser 14 Aug 2012

MDMA will certainly solve social phobia and anxiety and shyness whilst you are on it. It's just an absolutely wonderful feeling. Implicit trust and a feeling of togetherness and love for everyone around you. I would recommend taking it at some kind of event with lots of people who are also taking it, and where you can dance to repetitive music. Even if you don't like any of those things I said, you will when you're on MDMA and you'll have a significantly better time.

I'm not sure about MDMA for long-term use. I have no idea about low dosages, but generally I wouldn't recommend it. MDMA drains you. You have the best night of your life whilst on it, but then you need to recover. Of course, on a lower dose it won't be quite so strong, but we can learn a lot about what a drug is doing by what it does at higher dosages. I'd say the fact that tolerance builds and if you take it frequently you'll get less and less benefit until it's doing nothing means that it should not be used as a long-term solution.

However, it really can open up your eyes and make you perceive things differently even after it's worn off. That feeling when you are on it, try to remember how you feel. I usually find that for a few weeks afterwards I'm more social and more talkative and less afraid of talking to strangers. For the following 3 days I usually have an afterglow. I don't even feel bad, just content. I think it can change the way you think and the way you perceive things. A bit like how CBT gets you to change the way you think about things, MDMA forces those changes, and you might continue thinking like that afterwards.

I certainly generally recommend that anyone who is shy or socially anxious try it at least once. At the very least it'll be the best night of your life. And there's a chance that you'll have lasting changes. I'm a much more open person since. Of course, over time the "bad thoughts" and social anxiety "what ifs" creep back in, but I'm in a better place than I was before. Think of it like having your eyes opened. How can you make yourself be more open and social if you don't know what it's like to be like that? Envisioning yourself being confident is a common method people advise for being more confident.
Edited by Debaser, 14 August 2012 - 08:33 PM.

Raptor87's Photo Raptor87 17 Aug 2012

From the anecdotes I hear that it is something you do once, a strong dose with a therapist guiding you through. As of I know, pure MDMA last´s for a short time. Does anyone know more about this?

Major Legend's Photo Major Legend 17 Aug 2012


At the initial examination, there were no statistically significant differences in any of the neuropsychological test scores between persistent Ecstasy-naive subjects and future Ecstasy users. However, at follow-up, change scores on immediate and delayed verbal recall and verbal recognition were significantly lower in the group of incident Ecstasy users compared with persistent Ecstasy-naive subjects. There were no significant differences on other test scores.

Our findings suggest that even a first low cumulative dose of Ecstasy is associated with decline in verbal memory. Although the performance of the group of incident Ecstasy users is still within the normal range and the immediate clinical relevance of the observed deficits is limited, long-term negative consequences cannot be excluded.

This scares me, I wonder how powerful its effects are. Personally i've done hard drugs a few times in my life (meaning literally maybe like 5-7 times in my life), and today i'm still a bit paranoid that i've been "changed", ever since my strong drug experiences in college, I went through a phase and I think for better or worse i came back a different person, I just don't have the the same "mental persistence" as I used to, but that might just be because i'm a grown up now.

Still maybe i'm reading too much into it, I mean pretty much everyone has done E/MDMA at some point in their lives, would it be safe to assume the damage will heal itself? pretty scary that something can damage cognition in one dose
Edited by Major Legend, 17 August 2012 - 06:11 PM.

NeuroticNeurons's Photo NeuroticNeurons 19 Aug 2012

MDMA was a wonderful experience for me. I would say I am not horribly shy or anything, but I run out of conversation quite quickly. However, when I am on MDMA, I am so much more interested in what the other person is saying, and I can always think of a relateable story. Any nevousness I would have had is completely gone my confidence is always at its maximum. It doesn't really help me in the long term though. Once the effect wear off I always go back to normal.

The simple way to put it for me is this. You are exactly the person you want to be while on MDMA, exerything in perfect. Then you feel slightly depressed about going back to normal the next day, but at least you know it is possible to be exactly who you want to be.
Edited by NeuroticNeurons, 19 August 2012 - 09:36 PM.

gman7104's Photo gman7104 20 Aug 2012

ecstasy can be very beneficial, however it is more of a one-time life changing experience that would help, as taking it more than a few times will cause serious depression and the exact opposite of what your looking for. The problem is, the experience is so amazing it is extremely difficult to "just do it once"

Adamzski's Photo Adamzski 20 Aug 2012

Where on earth would I get MDMA? at home in AU I could get Ecstacy very easy but I would have no idea where to get MDMA.

And yeah everyone should experiance a bout or two of E

gman7104's Photo gman7104 21 Aug 2012

Where on earth would I get MDMA? at home in AU I could get Ecstacy very easy but I would have no idea where to get MDMA.

And yeah everyone should experiance a bout or two of E

ask your friends, its always around somewhere. Just make sure you buy from someone you trust, E pills can be a risky game if you don't know what your getting. I always suggest that people buy testkits so you know for sure whats in your pill.

jonnyD's Photo jonnyD 21 Aug 2012

There are some hidden places in the internet where you buy nearly every legal or illegal drug (good quality compared to the "street stuff").
Google "the amazon.com of illegal drugs".
Sounds a bit complicated at first but it is easy and (more or less) safe.

Adamzski's Photo Adamzski 21 Aug 2012

Yes! I know of this site and have had a look. I think LSD would be the easiest thing to order from there. A tablet or two of something other than cocain or heroin should be able to slip through as well.

You can also order hitmen, its the way of the future haha

Adamzski's Photo Adamzski 21 Aug 2012

There are also some legal analogues of MDMA, has anyone tried these? or have a source?

Searching for these, I found this


Wow great if I ever get cancer I really like the idea of having mega doses of extacy rather than chemo
Edited by Adamzski, 21 August 2012 - 04:59 PM.

jonnyD's Photo jonnyD 21 Aug 2012

There are also some legal analogues of MDMA, has anyone tried these? or have a source?

Searching for these, I found this


Wow great if I ever get cancer I really like the idea of having mega doses of extacy rather than chemo

The only mdma replacement that i would recommend for anybody is methylone (bk-mdma). It is kind of mdma light.
Most of the other stuff is dangerous in my opinion.

Adamzski's Photo Adamzski 21 Aug 2012

great, you can get it here http://buy-jwh.com/?...;cid=67;stock=3 for as low as 2 euro a gram

Steve_86's Photo Steve_86 29 Aug 2012

There are also some legal analogues of MDMA, has anyone tried these? or have a source?

Searching for these, I found this


Wow great if I ever get cancer I really like the idea of having mega doses of extacy rather than chemo

That depends where you live. MDMA analogues like bk-MDMA are highly illegal in Australia. I would hate for someone to mistakenly order some and get in legal trouble or have their house raided like a friend of mine did.

Steve_86's Photo Steve_86 29 Aug 2012

Where on earth would I get MDMA? at home in AU I could get Ecstacy very easy but I would have no idea where to get MDMA.

And yeah everyone should experiance a bout or two of E

I live in Perth and I've had MDMA crystals a number of times so I'm sure there is a lot more of it over east. It's tricky to get but its definitely out there. Just make sure you test its fake 3/4 of the time.
Edited by Steve_86, 29 August 2012 - 11:21 AM.

Steve_86's Photo Steve_86 29 Aug 2012

Regarding OCD Magic Mushrooms are an AMAZING cure. I have mild OCD and a dose of Psilocybin mushrooms will almost cure my OCD for up to a week after. This is also supported by research, if you do a search for journal articles there's quite a bit of info http://www.ncbi.nlm....pubmed/17196053 etc.

Mushrooms are also great for migraines.

Beth's Photo Beth 31 Aug 2012

Im not so sure MDMA is good way to cure anxiety. I'm sure you'll be anxiety free whilst rolling, but mandy's effects are short lived.

Male Wistar rats were treated with 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA, 'Ecstasy') using either a high dose (4 x 5 mg/kg over 4 h) or low dose (1 x 5 mg/kg over 4 h) regimen on each of 2 consecutive days. After 10 weeks, rats were tested in the social interaction and emergence tests of anxiety. Rats previously given either of the MDMA dose regimens were significantly more anxious on both tests. After behavioral testing, and 3 months after the MDMA treatment, the rats were killed and their brains examined. Rats given the high-, but not the low-, dose MDMA treatment regimen exhibited significant loss of 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) and 5-HIAA in the amygdala, hippocampus, striatum, and cortex. Quantitative autoradiography showed loss of SERT binding in cortical, hippocampal, thalamic, and hypothalamic sites with the high-dose MDMA regime, while low-dose MDMA only produced significant loss in the medial hypothalamus. Neither high- nor low-dose MDMA affected 5HT1A receptor density. High-dose MDMA increased 5HT1B receptor density in the nucleus accumbens and lateral septum but decreased binding in the globus pallidus, insular cortex and medial thalamus. Low-dose MDMA decreased 5HT 1B receptor density in the hippocampus, globus pallidus, and medial thalamus. High-dose MDMA caused dramatic decreases in cortical, striatal, thalamic, and hypothalamic 5HT2A/2C receptor density, while low-dose MDMA tended to produce similar effects but only significantly in the piriform cortex. These data suggest that even brief, relatively low-dose MDMA exposure can produce significant, long-term changes in 5-HT receptor and transporter function and associated emotional behavior. Interestingly, long-term 5-HT depletion may not be necessary to produce lasting effects on anxiety-like behavior after low-dose MDMA.


jonnyD's Photo jonnyD 31 Aug 2012

Im not so sure MDMA is good way to cure anxiety. I'm sure you'll be anxiety free whilst rolling, but mandy's effects are short lived.

The behavior change and the anxiety free feeling while beeing on MDMA can definatly have long lasting therapeutic effects.
On the other hand repetitive MDMA use will increase anxiety/social phobia.

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Heraclitean's Photo Heraclitean 02 Sep 2012

I am surprised that MDMA is being discussed as a cure for anxiety and OCD. Is there any evidence of this being the case? By evidence I mean of the scientific sort, not anecdotal reports, in which in this case I place no stock in, as such a mood altering drug is bound to cause attachment in those who felt at the peak of their life on it.
I've never taken it myself: the idea of loving everybody and becoming overwhelmed with bliss sounds sentimental and uninteresting, but intuitively the thought that MDMA can cure anything strikes me as about as unlikely that cocaine can cure neurasthenia, or that heroin can cure neurosis.

I am open to be proven wrong, as always.