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Post Piracetam Use, Cocoa Addicted, please...

Klyde Chroma's Photo Klyde Chroma 05 Apr 2011



Hello all! I am new to posting here thuogh I am a long-time lurker :) First let me say that I absolutely adore the flow of intelligently communicated info throughout these forums. I am extremely grateful to have discoverred them.... Second let me express my plea, as I am in dire straights at the moment....

My current status is cocoa addicted. My primary question is what does the withdrawal/ stopping entail with a very raw diet and routine aerobic exercise?.... Now I would love to leave it at that... but you see the situation is not quite that simple.... also before a brief you on my background and how I found myself in this mess it is worth noting that when I say "cocoa addicted" its more like cocoa dependant (8-12tlbs a day, 1-2 directly before bed or I cannot sleep).....

As for my background it goes something like this.... I have been ENTIRELY sober of any supplement or drug for a number of years. This past october I began playing around with different brain-aiding supplements ( I use the term "aiding" because my aim wasn't quite precise at points) first trying 5-htp to calm my anxious OC tendencies.... which really werent bad at all in hinesight.... Then I moved onto trying to tinker with different amino's to achieve different effects.... Though I feel embarrased to admit it now, I found myself quite easily able to maniplulate myself into a pleasantly manic state which yielded great productivity for a time.... However I began to simply feel warped by december and chose to stop most of that and stumbled upon Kava.
I know kava is in a different direction than most of what I was doing up until that point... or at least I know that now.... but at the time I only knew it worked very well in combination with other "natural" CNS depressants and used the Kava root beverage in combo with Valerian, Gaba, and some assorted other "sleep well-naturally" advertised products...... Fast forward to febuary and I feel more warped.... Kava and all else is quit yet I still believe thianine, gaba, cocoa and my routine vitamins (consider all bases coverred in that regard) to be safe and continue those with the addition of Piracetam.

Febuary into March I steadily had Piracetam throughout the day, thianine and gaba at night and cocoa throughout. Come march I am super manic, Piracetam I realize must go, Gaba and thianine and substances that should aid in relaxing me at this point in the evening are seeming to cause increased anxiety to the point of muscle discomfort (shaky as hell)... I realize all this stuff must go.....

So a few weeks ago I develop an infection and/or allergic reaction to something two days after quitting the Piracetam. This lands me in the hospital at which point I stop everything as the reaction I had to something was so severe it proved life threatenning..... I am now eating only raw whole foods for the time being and continued my cocoa habbit which seems to be the final frontier here.

However this also seems the most difficult step in this process for me.... I have these sudden bouts of anxiety for no apparent reason, have become cocoa obsessed in my kitchen ( 5 am still concocting cocoa treats) and just become completely unhealthy with the stuff.... Yet when I try to cut it out I really feel "warped" once again....

I'm so sorry this post is so long.... I'm also sorry I posted this is multiple rooms here as I felt it appropriate in a few different areas... But please understand my plea here.... I am truly desperate for help. Not precisely just in stopping the cocoa but getting some advice I how to simply regain control over my grey matter. I feel highly impulsive which is very unlike me, really affixed on the cocoa, having difficulty paying attention to things that don't demand it of me yet on the other side of the coin I still feel manic, am highly productive and have very good word recall. Lastly it is also worth mentioning that the infection/allergy combo I dealt with was very severe, I sufferred edema to tune of 20lbs retained fluid practically overnight!So I am also wonderring if my current cognitive malfunction (obsessed, manic, cocoa involved, anxiety ridden insomnia) is a result of things rebalancing in that regard.....

There is more I can add to all this to further illuminate the issue but I've basically summed it up in this essay-esque post...... Please someone shed some light on the cocoa problem alone if nothing else!!

Thorsten3's Photo Thorsten3 05 Apr 2011

What sort of cocoa do you eat? Is it the raw stuff or has it been processed in any way? Is it the powder or the nibs? Where do you buy it/source?

I take 2 tbs of cacao nibs each morning and it makes me high for most of the day so I can't really understand the need to frequently dose.

The reason for my first few questions is because you might be buying from a crap source that is giving you shitty cacao. This might be an explanation for the see-saw effects you are getting from it. Otherwise you might be overly sensitive to it and therefore feel the need to constantly dose. Other than that you might have some sort of impulsive nature going on there where you feel the need to be intoxicated by the drug. Did you do similar things with piracetam and 5HTP? So Piracetam made you manic? Me too. Maybe you should give Lithium Orotate a try to stabalize yourself? Lithium is serotonergic in its nature and will calm your brain right down. Start at 5mg and work your way up to 20mg if you feel it neccessary.

Try high dose EPA. You could try reshi to calm down. If you are after energy to replace the cocoa buzz try schizandra, rhodiola or codyceps but take them chronically and again the source from which you buy is very important. Try things that are designed to work for your body and not against it.

Maybe ditch the cocoa as well and go see a doctor? Your impulsivity and a manic symptons from these compounds might be a sign that there is something not right here.
Edited by Thorsten, 05 April 2011 - 04:43 PM.

niner's Photo niner 05 Apr 2011

hey Klyde, welcome to posterdom! Sounds like you're manic all right. I think I'd find a doc with a lot of experience in bipolar conditions, and at least get access to the full pharmacopoeia, as well as an expert opinion. I don't really have much to add to Thorsten's recommendations, which sound pretty reasonable. Actually, there is something that just occurred to me- four years ago I was hospitalized with a hideous infection (Legionnaire's disease) and had the same edema thing that you did. I swelled up like a balloon, or so they tell me, since I was unconscious (thank god) at the time. Anyway, my magnesium level got really whacked out, and they were administering it to me for weeks in a crappy oxide formulation and wondering why they couldn't get my levels up... Why don't you try 4-600 mg magnesium daily, in a decent form like glycinate. Try a large-ish dose of fish oil along with it. Maybe 4 grams a day, but try to back the dose off eventually to 1-2 gm/d. All that cocoa means you're getting a large dose of oxalate, and that is going to tie up calcium; maybe magnesium too- I'm not sure about that, but Mg and Ca are both dications. The amount of cocoa you're currently using is definitely not good for your health, so you really need to cut it way back. Good luck with it.

health_nutty's Photo health_nutty 06 Apr 2011

I would recommend gradually cutting back dosage:
week 1: 90%
week 2: 80%

unsweetened cocoa powder isn't really bad for you in sane doses. Maybe just cut back to 2-4 tablespoons so you don't get too much iron (or lead!).