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please disable adblockers

whitelist ads adblockers adverts advertisement adblocker adblock advvertising

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#1 caliban

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Posted 15 January 2016 - 03:06 AM

Many people use a modification to their web browser that aims at suppressing or eliminating advertisements. 
This is usually quite a sensible thing to do, perhaps especially on web forums. 
(background): With the advent of social media, the 'traditional bulletin board'-style internet forums faced a major challenge. Many closed down, some offered only 'peeks' at their content, some have taken a 'viral' approach where they don't tell users which content is 'sponsored'  and others went for all-out intrusive advertising. LongeCity has avoided these approaches - we have deliberately not 'gone facebook' because we believe a forum structure is a superior information repository. We have kept the forum open to all readers- nobody needs to register to read, only if they want to contribute to the conversation. Advertising on LongeCity is never covert and always clearly identified as such. And we have NOT gone for intrusive advertising- at least we hope we haven't.
If you really think that there is too much advertising, please tell us! We want to strike the right balance- and YOU want us to as well, because you want more informed people to come to this site as well as making sure that it generates revenue for the common cause. This is an important conversation to be had - but in order to contribute, you need to be able to see the adverts in the first place!  
People DO find the some of the advertising here worthwhile and relevant. They click on it. Every day. Clicks get converted to sales. And this means not only that LongeCity can continue to fund its running costs, but more importantly generates a little revenue that we can put towards our non-profit mission. 
I am NOT trying to convince you to click on, or even notice the ads. But at least allow for a chance that, one day, you just might. That chance is lost if you cannot see the ads at all. 
Well, maybe you have never clicked on an ad in your life and are firmly resolved that you never will, no matter how relevant, interesting, creative. Fine. But please consider that LongeCity gets rewarded even for the 'impression' that the advert has been made to your browser. Thus, by simply visiting the site you can support our mission at no cost to yourself -but only if your adblocker is disabled.       
Lastly, an important detail: Periodically, we FEATURE things that are currently of note in a carousel in the upper right corner of the screen. Alongside the newsletter, this is the most important place to highlight initiatives. Sometimes, one of these items is an advert. But whether that is the case or, not the carousel is the type of script that is automatically suppressed by most adblockers. 
Hence: if we really can't convince you to 'whitelist' all of LongeCity in your adblocker (and if that is the case, please let us know why not?) at least authorize selectively that carousel in the upper right corner, to make sure you are kept up-to date.
The instructions on how to do that vary between browsers, programmes and versions, so we cannot cover them here. Similarly, we don't have the capacity to start a separate discussion with these companies regarding 'whitelisting' LongeCity by default. It is, again, up to you and the relationship you want with this community.            
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#2 Antonio2014

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Posted 15 January 2016 - 09:27 AM

I don't find Longecity ads particularly disturbing. I have never used an adblocker, but also never clicked on an ad either (never found anything interesting, and anyway I don't have much money). Nevertheless, I will keep an eye on Longecity ads to see if I find something interesting, and I will consider becoming a member.

Edited by Antonio2014, 15 January 2016 - 09:40 AM.

#3 hav

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Posted 14 November 2017 - 06:14 PM

Do not use any adblocker, do not find the LongeCity ads in the upper right corner at all annoying, and I see the ads just fine. But there appears to be defective adblocker detection scripts out there and you seem to be running one. Lately I've been getting an adblocker warning every time I log in to LongeCity. Not as annoying as some sites that detect a false positive and won't let you in at all... might have to implement an adblocker-blocker blocker ;)



#4 caliban

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Posted 14 November 2017 - 07:05 PM

That's odd. Can you please share some details about your browser setup? Even if you were using blockers you should get a cookie that ensures you don't see the warning every time you come back. 

#5 hav

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Posted 26 March 2018 - 02:20 AM

Sorry... didn't follow this topic so I didn't realize you responded till I just revisited. Did that just now.

No change in the detection issue. No adblockers but I get the warning.  I'm using Mozilla Firefox Quantum v60.  It's been updated numerous times since I first mentioned it (I think I was on v57 back then) but no change in behavior.  Nothing special about my config.  Javascript is allowed. I just tried logging in with a Microsoft browser and did not get the warning suggesting your detection script might be wired for that browser.

#6 bladedmind

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Posted 26 March 2018 - 06:27 AM

I use Firefox 59.0 with ublock Origin 1.15.18 adblocker, set to off for Longecity.  I verifiably have the adblocker off, but the Longecity sign-in believes that I have an adblocker on.  


#7 hav

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Posted 05 April 2018 - 09:46 PM

I've stopped getting the addblocker warning message a few days ago.  If it's a server side update, Thanx!



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