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L onge C ity       Advocacy & Research for Unlimited Lifespans

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  • Submitted: Jul 22 2014 11:36 AM
  • Views: 3257

ciltep v2

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forskolin artichoke extract l tyrosine caffein

Ingredient Dosage Frequency Administration
L tartrate L carnitin 500 mg Daily mornings with meal to combat ache upregulation
Forskolin 30 mg Daily mornings with meal
Artichoke extract 1,000 mg Daily mornings with meal
L tyrosine 1,000 mg Daily mornings with meal
caffein 200 mg Daily mornings with meal

Darkly Origins
Oct 08 2014 04:12 PM

Greetings, would you be able to recommend the most useful in your opinion, or most noticeable in potency and/or effect(s) to me from your current list/stack?  It would be most appreciated. Thank you for your time.




Jacob A. Eder;.

Oct 20 2014 01:30 PM
L tartrate L carnitin 500 mg Daily mornings with meal to combat ache upregulation


How does this works for you? Is L tartrate carnitine better than ALCAR in preventing ache upregulation? Where do you base this on? Thanks