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Remapping The Net

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#1 ZooL

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Posted 02 November 2002 - 04:12 PM

A complete remap of the brain in to an electronic version, this is interesting.

There is a man in England, he tests himself hes hooked up to nodes and it records his nerve pulses and stuff he wears this device t6hat transmits it back to a central computer in his house. (By the way he only does this in his home)
He records daily actions and his whole body is monitored brain legs arms finger the works.
Well he is working on reversing his experiment, with these "Recordings" of his nerve pulses and brainwaves, hes is playing them back and it is astonishing truly incredible.

Now recently i have seen prosthetics using his theories and what not, that is incredible, it is stupendeous. Now i get the imagination goin, what if you could remap you spirit/soul/self knowing of exsistence. Record it, not just memory wise but physically, like a cd image. I know the parallels between nerve impulses brainwaves are different thant attaining immortality but there is a parallel there. the whole recording thing.

#2 Bruce Klein

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Posted 02 November 2002 - 05:10 PM

Welcome Zool,

Any links for this?

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#3 quicken

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Posted 04 November 2002 - 08:00 PM

Sounds like Kevin Warwick and his work is somewhat controversial. Try looking here:


and here:




#4 Lazarus Long

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Posted 05 November 2002 - 05:56 AM

Actually I have refered to some of his activities in the cyborg threads but I think his attempts were significant if not a bt trivial. Significant in that he attempted to apply Joy's Six Web hypothesis but trivial in that all he really tested was the ability to sense his presence and thus provide better functionality for E-pliances.

These are the future products over the coming decade of wireless devices and appliances, I just call them E-pliances for short. Refrigerators that give water on demand and phones that dial a name called out. The sophistication of the chip he implanted the first time was little more then what we use now to track pets.

I think the first true cybernetic links willl be in peole that get connected to fully functional robotic devices with cerebral heads up virtual controls. But Warwick did succeed at grabbing global coverage.

#5 caliban

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Posted 29 January 2003 - 10:47 PM

As mentioned elsewhere , I have invited the above mentioned Prof. Warwick to give a talk at our Institute in two weeks time.

Any suggestions about questions that he could be asked?

#6 Mondey

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Posted 30 January 2003 - 07:29 PM

Hey folk,
recording nerve impuls is not everything. To get a complete reboot for your brain, you would also need information about were in the brain the single cell is located, what kind of receptors this cells has, what chape, what active genes. Only to boot the recorded nerve signals onto a nother brain wouldn't do it. So to get a complete recording we should think about to get more information about these thinks and possibilities to record them. Has anybody ideas how to do this. In our institut some are doing stuff in this direction, they try to find out how short and long time memories are recorded in the brain, but they also don't know a way to record these changes over time.


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#7 ocsrazor

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Posted 31 January 2003 - 07:43 PM

Hi Gang,

Thought I would weigh in with the insiders opinion. Warwick is kind of considered a grandstanding poseur in the neural implants field. To the people in the field, his research is not very exciting and kind of silly. The monkey motor cortex research at Duke in the Nicolelis lab and the visual implant work at Utah in the Normann lab are probably the most advanced at this time for in vivo work. Our lab is using an in vitro system, currently recording through ~10,000 neurons through 60 channels electrically and simultaneously observing firing patterns visually. We are trying to comprehensively understand neural signalling at every level before moving on to larger systems. We have already begun to interface biology to robotics and are beginning to get some interesting data. Gotta run now, but I'll put up some comprehensive links later.


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