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              Advocacy & Research for Unlimited Lifespans


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review: LongeCity Crowdsourced Initiatives

'Crowdsourcing' information is at the heart of how LongeCity operates.
Consequently, almost all of Longecity's initiatives are community-led.
Some examples of projects we have crowdsourced in the past: 

BOOK: The Scientific Conquest of Death: Essays on Infinite Lifespans
[2004] Commissioned and edited by the LongeCity community, this book brings together perspectives from scientists, doctors and philosophers to share their perspective on Longecity’s mission..
FILM: Exploring Life Extension 
[2005] Featuring an introduction into the scope on Longecity’s mission, through interviews with scientists and philosophers, this feature length documentary was entirely produced, filmed and edited by LongeCity volunteers. 
Cryonics Hardship Charity
[2008, 2010, ongoing] The LongeCity community supported dying individuals who were unable to afford a cryonic suspension as last resort. Ever since, we maintain a collection for such emergencies.  
Crowdsourced PRODUCT: Life extension multivitamin
[2010-11]. The unique formulation VIMMORTAL for a multivitamin supplement was invented, refined, developed and licensed entirely from the Longecity community forums and made available for sale in  [Forum Group
Folding @Home 
[2010-11] When Stanford launched the first ‘distributed computing’ project with a life science angle, LongeCity recognised the outreach potential of such initiatives and sponsored a friendly competition to bring more contributors on board and to accelerate the project. [Forum Group]
Soil for SENS
 [2005-6] Lead: J.Schloendorn. John turned to the LongeCity community and beyond in search for exotic soil samples that might contain microbes which could help to break down age-related protein build-up in humans. 
[ forum thread  / publication

Mouse Studies @Home
[2013] Lead: AgeVivo. Longecity supported the idea of setting up a network of “citizen scientists” looking to analyse the diet of their pet mice for life extension benefits. 

Fight Aging’ for SENS
[2013-15] Lead: Reason. While not its main platform, Longecity has always showcased the phenomenally successful ‘Fight Aging’ fundraiser in support of the SENS foundation co-ordinated by our former director Reason and other partners. 

Base Victor 
[2020] Lead: Kevin. When COVID19 struck Victor, a young aging researcher  found his internship terminated and his visum in peril. With community support we managed to help place Victor at an LongeCity Affiliate Lab. 

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  In addition to these community initiatives, Longecity has also 
taken the crowdfunding approach to research projects.