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              Advocacy & Research for Unlimited Lifespans


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LongeCity is a membership based organisation. We are guided by our Constitution (Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws) which is drafted in line with relevant stipulations of the Code of Alabama and US law.

--We are governed by a Board of Directors. (Members with a track record who are considering to run for Director should read this post.)
--Many former Directors still remain as 'Guardians' offering advice and the benefit of their experience. The Guardians take no active role in day-to-day affairs, but they can step in at certain specified points.
--The most important executive functions rest with our 'LeadOfficers'. Directors assume many Lead Officer positions (the Constitution mandates that those roles need to be filled). However, this can be anyone with a proven track record- the best approach is to act as an assistant to a lead officer before taking over the reins.  

Volunteers are the lifeblood and foundation of everything LongeCity does. They can be
- short term, helping out on a specific task or project, or
- long-term, assisting with a specific role, e.g.
----Moderators, who look after forum interactions
----Engineers, who look after the software
----Editors, who look after content
----Hosts, who organize local gatherings
----Advisors, who offer specific expertise to the board 
----Science Fellows, who lead research co-sponsored by Longecity 

There are many other opportunities to become involved.
If you are interested, use the contact form to get in touch.

Incentives for volunteering
Regular volunteers get integrated into leadership decision making processes. 
All volunteers also get 'Thank You' points that they can collect and redeem for small prizes (gift vouchers or free membership).
Lead officers are paid a nominal amount based on activity and expenses.

Directors / Managers
Sven Bulterijs,
Director, Editor
Shannon Vyff,
Director, LeadNavigator
Sebastian Caliban Sethe
Lead Editor
Justin Loew
Treasurer, Secretary,
Richard Kaufman

Lead Moderator:
Bruce Klein Kevin Perrott
Justin Rebo Reason
John Schloendorn Kenneth X. Sills
Aubrey de Grey

Advisor: Bioscience
Ben Best

Advisor: Cryonics
Brian Wowk,

Advisor: Cryonics
Harvey Newstrom

Advisor: Security
John Furber

Advisor: Age Interventions
Michael Rae

Advisor: Supplements
Michael Anissimov

Advisor: AI & Singularity
Steve Hill

Advisor: Content
Featured Volunteers
Ilia Stambler

Moderator: Regions
Adam Karlovsky

Moderator: Australia & New Zealand
Ollie Toth

Peter Caramico

Timothy Hughes

Shawn Bald

Matthew Lake

Matthias Arwe

Joseph Henry
Lee Robinson Petzer
Angelique Velthuysen

Eric Schulke
Kiran Prakash
Jeremy Shepard
  • Bart; Moderator
  • Chrono; Editor; Moderator: Nootropics
  • Edouart; Engineer; Editor
  • George; Moderator: Supplements
  • Droplet; Star Volunteer
  • LS; Moderator: Dental Health