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Could ISRIB treat brain damage caused by inhaling leaded gasoline?

brain damage isrib

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#1 FunSponge

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Posted 22 August 2018 - 01:13 PM

Hey Folks, hope you can help me out, I just paid 25 dollars to ask this question.


I got addicted to huffing leaded gasoline as a kid, I now have numerous neurological and psychiatric disorders, I have zero quality of life, Iv spent the past 20 years isolated and suffering, I came across ISRIB, in this article it says it can treat nuerodegeneration and not just improve memory / cognition so thought maybe it could help my situation.




My motor functions are fine but nothing else seems to work, I can't experience the most basic of sensations / emotions, before abusing solvents I was known to be intellectual, charismatic, life was going great, the whole six months I was huffing my brain and my life gradually deteriorated to almost nothing, my IQ dropped drastically has did social skills and almost everything else good I ever had going for me, I got major depression, severe anxiety and paranoid psychosis and its been that way ever since,    


My psychiatrist is only able to treat symptoms and I'm really not that much better, Iv read these symptoms can only be managed and never fully cured, I hallucinate almost 24/7 its almost impossible to think rationally and clearly, Iv asked to see a nueropsychiatrist, Iv seen a neurologist before who ran cat scans which showed no damage but from what I read this type of damage is microscopic you would need a flair scan to see it, the chemical toluene in gasoline is meant to destroy the mylein sheath, I also read chronic huffers of non leaded gasoline make a full recovery after 15 years of abstinence, there neurological and cognitive ability is identical to someone who never huffed however in the case of leaded gasoline the damage is permanent with no chance of improvement. 


Iv looked into HBOT before but maybe ISRIB could heal the physical damage in my brain and stop me from having psychiatric disorders, maybe get me back to how I used to be, I know the drug hasn't even gone to human trials could be another decade till its on the market, I'm 35 now do not have the luxury of time, I found this website by typing where to buy ISRIB and seen people with TBI'S trying to do the same thing as me.


Please let me know your thoughts as to whether this could help me.


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#2 Voulezvous

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Posted 22 August 2018 - 05:59 PM

Three thoughts- you need a medical advocate, someone who will sit down with you and list every avenue to pursue.
-Contact research hospitals. Maybe write a letter explaining your situation and make many copies. Don’t hesitate to follow up as often as it takes.
-Look into fulvic minerals for chelation and cellular support.

#3 FunSponge

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Posted 22 August 2018 - 07:16 PM

Thank you for the reply, My gp is my only medical advocate, he knows my situation and there's really not much else he can do, I have asked him to find me a nueropsychiatrist or recommend some other specialist, someone that could do more for me then he or my regular psychiatrists can, I'm pretty much on my own here and it's extremely difficult just to be able to concentrate let alone find possible solutions to brain damage,if people with T.B.I's are on here chasing ISRIB then it's worth a shot, Iv heard from another member chemical brain damage as a similar effect to Parkinson's, it's only gotten worse over the years, sorry I'd love to have a professional in my corner doing this for me but I don't, the neurologist that I saw said nothing can be done for me, if there's a chance ISRIB can work then I have to try, can anyone please weigh in on if it could be effective?

#4 FunSponge

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Posted 23 August 2018 - 06:43 PM

If not ISRIB is there any other nuerogenic drugs that could help me?, I made a reddit post and there's another guy who has a similar condition from abusing solvents, he's seen improvement from NSI 189 and BPC 159.

Can anyone help me out here?, I'm not in the U.S I don't have access to specialists.

#5 FunSponge

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Posted 26 August 2018 - 10:09 AM

Stem cell looks promising, would it be possible to try this treatment in Ireland / UK?, can anyone help me out here, I found a medical research hospital in Dublin as suggested, do I try contacting them myself?

#6 tunt01

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Posted 26 August 2018 - 12:53 PM

I've no idea the peculiarities of your specific circumstances, but I'd look into Beta NGF.  There is a youtube video that was produced by a member here on administering intranasal beta ngf.

#7 FunSponge

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Posted 26 August 2018 - 01:28 PM

I watched the video didn't really say much about the drug and nothing in the comments, don't think I'm in a position to be able to treat myself anyway but thanks for the info, I think stem cell could be a better option, I found a medical tourism site in the states that offer relatively cheap stem cell therapy in India would need to be wary of scams though.

#8 Painkillerrr

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Posted 30 August 2018 - 11:38 AM

You could have lost like 20-30 or more % of your brain’s neurons, hard to say if isrib could help you. Stems therapy are still being studied you could get a brain cancer. In Ireland / UK There are specialist contact them instead of stranger on internet

#9 tunt01

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Posted 30 August 2018 - 12:57 PM

I watched the video didn't really say much about the drug and nothing in the comments, don't think I'm in a position to be able to treat myself anyway but thanks for the info, I think stem cell could be a better option, I found a medical tourism site in the states that offer relatively cheap stem cell therapy in India would need to be wary of scams though.


See the thread in this forum on beta NGF. 

Edited by tunt01, 30 August 2018 - 12:57 PM.

#10 FunSponge

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Posted 30 August 2018 - 02:34 PM

I'm trying to find out info here, painkiller your the only one that gave me some sort of an answer, What kind of specialist should I be looking for?, I'm trying to get my psychiatric to refer me to a nueropsychiatrist, seems like a decent first step, Iv seen a neurologist before who only confirmed my motor functions were fine which I already knew.

#11 Painkillerrr

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Posted 30 August 2018 - 03:41 PM

You would need a neurologist, maybe try another one?

Edited by Painkillerrr, 30 August 2018 - 03:42 PM.

#12 Painkillerrr

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Posted 08 September 2018 - 09:02 AM

Dude i have found 2 interesting stuff that seems to be able to restrore cognition, one enhanced gray matter volume, which could "help" with the neurons you probably lost

#13 FunSponge

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Posted 08 September 2018 - 02:52 PM

Thank you painkiller, what are they?, there's another guy on reddit suffering from tbi, from the research hes done he says ISRIB really is the miracle cure, I have a psych appointment this week and Im asking to be referred to a nuero psychiatrist, already asked my GP but only a psych doc can refer, maybe they can do the right kind of scans to see exactly where the damage is, if so I could pay for the stem cell treatment even it is 10,000 its my brain and my life on the line, you would think in the past 10 years Iv been telling my situation to doctors they already would have referred me to a specialist by now, I cant live like this anymore, I cant access memories, I'm no longer me, I can't feel emotion or any other sensations, I have psychosis 24/7, in my bedroom, when im driving, when Im in town, when Im in the gym, I have no relationships with anyone, I live as a ghost,  I'm a 35 year old virgin who's unable to experience sexuality, most days I really feel like ending it like today, before the solvent abuse my life was the polar opposite of this which makes it all the more shit, imagine loosing every good quality you ever had, imagine loosing all of the people in your life, ending up with major depression, chronic anxiety and psychosis and spend the next 20 years of your life alone and suffering, I'm trying to look at all options for treatment but don't have the concentration to research myself, I need a professional.   

#14 FunSponge

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Posted 24 September 2018 - 04:19 PM

My GP won't refer me to a neurologist, fuck sake it's something I really need and I'm told no, I'll try my psych doctor, I'm been put on clozapine as other psych meds don't seem to be working but no progress on brain repair, I can't be the only person that's screwed his brain up abusing solvents there should be some treatment protocol for this.

#15 FunSponge

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Posted 25 September 2018 - 02:10 PM

I got the results from the MRI I got in 2014, it's says no pathology identified, this means there's no brain damage?, I'm bat shit crazy from living with psychosis, that started after the gasoline, if the clozapine could at least fix that I'd be happy enough, maybe that's the only damage the gasoline did although I have read this kinda of damage wouldn't show up on an MRI as its not structural.

#16 Sicko

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Posted 28 December 2020 - 12:01 PM

Hey, I know the last post here was in 2018, but I came across it and wanted to mention trying to actually get the lead out of your system and brain. I have started chelating metals using the "Andy Cutler Protocol". From what I know, DMSA can chelate lead. But from what I've gathered, it is dangerous to chelate on high doses that are spaced too far apart, so the Andy Cutler Protocol does low doses ever 3-4 hours for 72 hour rounds. I've started and have done about 6 rounds of dmsa myself. Can't say I've experienced much difference from it, but the whole idea is that it is a slow process, and therefore safer. The Andy Cutler Protocol is mostly for mercury chelation, and doing rounds of alpha lipoic acid is the goal. Also they say you need to make sure there aren't mercury amalgams on your system when you start chelating, or any other chronic exposure I suppose.

Here's info on the Andy Cutler chelation protocol:

Here's an article about heavy metal detoxing and chelation:

It is very important to be careful about this though, as they say it's necessary to follow the Andy cutler protocol and doing these timed rounds and starting slower.

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