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The root cause of many modern psychological problems?

porn internet addiction anhedonia

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#1 Mind

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Posted 02 December 2018 - 12:52 PM

For years I have seen thousands of people posting here in the forums about psychological problems (depression, anhedonia, sexual problems, etc...), primarily men.


Everyone is constantly looking for a new drug to cure them (just like most people seek the easiest option to cure any disease or problem).


IMO, most modern mental problems stem from Internet addiction, and for men...porn addiction.


Here is an old video about the problem that is probably even more relevant today 


Spend time away from your phone, social media, and the Internet, and a lot of your psychological issues will likely go away. Take more drugs and you will probably end up worse off (in most cases).

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#2 Dichotohmy

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Posted 02 December 2018 - 06:06 PM

I agree that there is a cohort of people out there who are so lacking in self-awareness and introspective ability, that they are unaware that their own lifestyles and maladaptive habits, like over-use of internet, porn, video games, and substances, is the root cause of chronic psychological or even physiological problems. Ultimately, from what I've intuited, these folks also tend to have some deeply ingrained biases or other blinders on, so that when you point out poor lifestyle choices and maladaptive habits, the advice falls on dead ears. The very lack of self awareness and introspective ability that traps people in such a cycle also makes those people unable to consider obvious advice like this.


On the other hand, I think that cohort of people, for whom this thread is aimed, is relatively small in percentage of the total population whose lives are a mess. I think a far larger cohort of people do have some sort of poorly-understood cause for their psychological issues, like immune-related issues, disadvantageous genetic predispositions or epigenetic changes, other primary biological issues, or mistreatment due to misdiagnosis. For them, lifestyle interventions won't make much if any difference. And thus, if this larger cohort of people just so happens to make poor lifestyle choices and maladaptive habits, it is a coincidence or natural consequence of reward and stimulation seeking due to leading an inherently crappy life.


Of course, there is also the 3rd option that choices can be a contributing factor for people who are ill by no fault of their own. Here, choices don't create the problem but reinforce or contribute to some degree. So, it's important for people to realize that living the lifestyle of a shut-in internet neckbeard is not good; but this truth is so obvious and common sense, surely few are surprised to learn it. In essence, suggesting lifestyle interventions is highly disingenuous a lot of the time, because people whose issues are chronic are likely to already understand and already have explored and exhausted lifestyle interventions and not seen improvement.

Edited by Dichotohmy, 02 December 2018 - 06:11 PM.

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#3 BrankLucas

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Posted 03 December 2018 - 01:08 AM

Let me guess, you never personally had any mental health issues that went beyond needing to stop using the internet as much? And summarizing most people's problems as a side effect of using the internet too much or watching too much porn? Are you attempting a comedy bit?


If yOu'Re SUicidAl, JUst eXeRCIse aNd StoP wATChing Porn. if yoU'RE pooR, JuSt GET A joB. if i dON't PerSOnaLlY HAVE THiS prObLem, YOu pROBABLy Don'T Either

Edited by BrankLucas, 03 December 2018 - 01:12 AM.

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#4 jack black

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Posted 03 December 2018 - 03:46 PM

OP, you're either a prick posting this just to still controversies, or your are really poorly informed. not sure which.


True, I had various soft addictions in the remote past, but not anymore. And yes, drugs/supplements helped/help me immensely. It was a 3+year journey to figure out by trial and error what helps me.


if you want really to talk what is the root cause of most of mental health issues (actually likely contributing to the addictions you mentioned), it's the neurotic personality. easy to check on the big 5 personality tests.

Edited by jack black, 03 December 2018 - 03:47 PM.

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#5 Mind

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Posted 03 December 2018 - 07:11 PM

I fully acknowledge there is a wide spectrum of mental disorders of varying magnitude and of varying origins, however it is not trolling to point out the negative effects of screen time, social media, and various Internet addictions (including porn).


The cumulative research that our modern lifestyle (lack of exercise, poor diet, Internet addiction) has many negative side effects, is vast.


On the other side, the positive research on exercise, good nutrition, meditation, are equally as vast.

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#6 MankindRising

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Posted 03 December 2018 - 11:03 PM

I fully acknowledge there is a wide spectrum of mental disorders of varying magnitude and of varying origins, however it is not trolling to point out the negative effects of screen time, social media, and various Internet addictions (including porn).


The cumulative research that our modern lifestyle (lack of exercise, poor diet, Internet addiction) has many negative side effects, is vast.


On the other side, the positive research on exercise, good nutrition, meditation, are equally as vast.

Problem is if you ban yourself from internet, electronics and implement exercise and live healthy people will think your a weirdo, especially if you dont use social media/new iphones. The same thing that will make one feel more normal in theory can also backfire. Lets say your in a waiting room (and trust me Im a prime example of this) instead out of insecurity/addiction like most the teenagers do these days by eyes only on cellphone, I prefer to flirt with women around me, but heres the problems haha, most women also are only zoned in on their cellphones. The entire world is fucked up im telling you. Also not using your phone during 'boredom moments' is considered awkward nowadays it seems. Back in the days people were fine with doing absolutely nothing, nowadays society forces you to always do something.


Anyway Im glad I missed out on growing up with iphones and all that, its just bad news for people. People become arrogant, inhumane, picky, insecure, obese and unhealthy (both physically and mentally). In fact with my autistic traits I seem more normal than most youngsters these days, the world is a friggin joke!

Edited by MankindRising, 03 December 2018 - 11:05 PM.

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#7 sant2060

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Posted 04 December 2018 - 05:42 PM

My mom had all of mentioned problems basically all of her life. My maternal grandfather also.

Both have hardly touched phones, internet, porn or whatever.

There is no simple answer or silver bullet for psychological problems, no matter how much we all would like there is.

Illness like any other, shit happens.
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#8 Mind

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Posted 04 December 2018 - 06:06 PM

My mom had all of mentioned problems basically all of her life. My maternal grandfather also.

Both have hardly touched phones, internet, porn or whatever.

There is no simple answer or silver bullet for psychological problems, no matter how much we all would like there is.

Illness like any other, shit happens.


True. Mental illnesses have always existed and have various origins, but there is an increase in recent years, increases in ADD/ADHD, anhedonia, depression, suicide, impotence, etc. This is well studied. Research would suggest that this increase is likely due to various addictions (social media, phones, Internet, gaming, porn, etc...) and a poor diet combined with lack of exercise.

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#9 MankindRising

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Posted 04 December 2018 - 06:26 PM

True. Mental illnesses have always existed and have various origins, but there is an increase in recent years, increases in ADD/ADHD, anhedonia, depression, suicide, impotence, etc. This is well studied. Research would suggest that this increase is likely due to various addictions (social media, phones, Internet, gaming, porn, etc...) and a poor diet combined with lack of exercise.

I believe this has been posted/said few times before but ill say it regardless:


In the past when people didnt had the modern knowledge nor the advanced meds to treat diseases/illness the weak would simply die. That includes those with poor motivation, mental disorders, obesity.

While it might sound harsh, the same meds that are saving the poor little souls will also be the reason why generations of the future will be more weak/have more genetic flaws.

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#10 BrankLucas

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Posted 04 December 2018 - 08:42 PM

I believe this has been posted/said few times before but ill say it regardless:


In the past when people didnt had the modern knowledge nor the advanced meds to treat diseases/illness the weak would simply die. That includes those with poor motivation, mental disorders, obesity.

While it might sound harsh, the same meds that are saving the poor little souls will also be the reason why generations of the future will be more weak/have more genetic flaws.


Long time lurker here (couple of years so to speak).

Became interested in medicine, supplements, health and life extension  in general after a rough period where I was in social isolation. The information digging in an attempt to 'cure' myself from Aspergers and ADHD became somewhat of an obession admittedly but hey we all have our drawbacks.

Anyway, Im 35, male, from The Netherlands, have symptoms of starting arthritis, subclinical hypothyroidism (autoimmune related I think) and looking to both receive and share information in an attempt to make the world a better place for all of us.


You should change your username to CringeRising. I can only imagine how much differently your "flirting with women" around you goes than you describe it on here when you lack such self awareness.

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#11 MichaelFocus22

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Posted 05 December 2018 - 10:29 PM

  It's hard to really say what is the cause of all the problems we seem to face and where it comes from. I came from a very traumatic childhood and from a very young age I felt different. I recall constantly feeling isolated and alone from my peers many of times, because I was developmentally younger. I recognize I never experienced much love as a child and that's definitely manifested with attachment issues and with women in general. There was a recent study that demonstrated, that many of the affects of smoking cause ADHD. They exposed female maternal rats to smoking and all the baby rats had ADHD-like symptoms. My grandparents were smokers and I was exposed to smoke from a young age. Then again, my life is very complicated, it could be genetic, it could be fluoride, it could be diet. It's hard to pinpoint what the issue is really. I've been studying this issue for years now and I've yet to find the primary cause of ADHD-PI. I understand the underlying mechansims and what not but nothing that gives a clear indicator on how to improve one's life. We are all seeking cures because are lives are being stolen from us as we speak. My life I've wasted hundreds of hours seeking to get stimulated because of underarousal, imagine all the different things I could have done with that time If I was a privileged neurotypical. I agree porn should be banned period. From a young age of 9 I masterbated to all times of hardcore pornography and it corrupted my innocence from a young age. I would seek out the most hardcore forms of form to get a rush and it allowed me to hide from my problems. This addiction is probably the hardest of all addictions to stop doing because the withdrawl and ceasing to stop masterbating is very very hard to stop doing. I'm my 90th effort so far. Obviously, it's affected my chances with women and being a virgin of 21  and barely even kissing a girl at 20 definietly affects your self-esteem. Most of the time, when I was on pornography I couldn't hold a conversation with the opposite sex and felt immasculated. I engaged in video game addictions for hundreds of hours seeking to run from my problems on numeruous occasions, which I attribute to the ADHD, as well. I don't know what the answer is anymore. Frankly, I 'd rather be medicated again and will seek new medications at some point but the army doesn't permit, that so I will cope for the time being until I have lots of money.  Pornography is a corrupting influence that ruins your soul, anyone who says otherwise is a liar. Porn is like heroin except it doesn't kill you.  If you think about it all the things I seek, are friends, money, sex, and competence. Video games channel your competitive drive and keep you a prepubscent child. Why are 35 year old still playing kids games? When did this become normal? We've let it become the new norm and hence why society continues to decay. I know if I was normal I could easily make new innovations, if I simply had enough dopamine to sustain my activities.  We need to focus on quit being toxic in this forum and be open to new ideas, he may have innovations we haven't thought off. Let us remain positive and have hope. I do believe many young men are in crisis and we don't know what to do anymore. I know I am, the world is complicated and instant gratification, seeing naked women and ignoring responsibility is attractive but is this really your life? Am I ashamed of myself? All the time. Is it an excuse? No it isn't. I continue to seek therapy, structure my days and workout despite my failure on a regular basis. I will not stop until I find a cure, even if it's meaningless because if I don't who will? All i can say is that hardcore pornography is disgusting and will ruin you and your children. If I could go back and time and do it again, I would have never touched any of that fucking shit. I was given it at a young age without realizing the devastating consequences it would have. ADHD-PI is evil because it hiijacks your brain. Good insights & and goodluck.

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#12 BrankLucas

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Posted 05 December 2018 - 11:20 PM

  It's hard to really say what is the cause of all the problems we seem to face and where it comes from. I came from a very traumatic childhood and from a very young age I felt different. I recall constantly feeling isolated and alone from my peers many of times, because I was developmentally younger. I recognize I never experienced much love as a child and that's definitely manifested with attachment issues and with women in general. There was a recent study that demonstrated, that many of the affects of smoking cause ADHD. They exposed female maternal rats to smoking and all the baby rats had ADHD-like symptoms. My grandparents were smokers and I was exposed to smoke from a young age. Then again, my life is very complicated, it could be genetic, it could be fluoride, it could be diet. It's hard to pinpoint what the issue is really. I've been studying this issue for years now and I've yet to find the primary cause of ADHD-PI. I understand the underlying mechansims and what not but nothing that gives a clear indicator on how to improve one's life. We are all seeking cures because are lives are being stolen from us as we speak. My life I've wasted hundreds of hours seeking to get stimulated because of underarousal, imagine all the different things I could have done with that time If I was a privileged neurotypical. I agree porn should be banned period. From a young age of 9 I masterbated to all times of hardcore pornography and it corrupted my innocence from a young age. I would seek out the most hardcore forms of form to get a rush and it allowed me to hide from my problems. This addiction is probably the hardest of all addictions to stop doing because the withdrawl and ceasing to stop masterbating is very very hard to stop doing. I'm my 90th effort so far. Obviously, it's affected my chances with women and being a virgin of 21  and barely even kissing a girl at 20 definietly affects your self-esteem. Most of the time, when I was on pornography I couldn't hold a conversation with the opposite sex and felt immasculated. I engaged in video game addictions for hundreds of hours seeking to run from my problems on numeruous occasions, which I attribute to the ADHD, as well. I don't know what the answer is anymore. Frankly, I 'd rather be medicated again and will seek new medications at some point but the army doesn't permit, that so I will cope for the time being until I have lots of money.  Pornography is a corrupting influence that ruins your soul, anyone who says otherwise is a liar. Porn is like heroin except it doesn't kill you.  If you think about it all the things I seek, are friends, money, sex, and competence. Video games channel your competitive drive and keep you a prepubscent child. Why are 35 year old still playing kids games? When did this become normal? We've let it become the new norm and hence why society continues to decay. I know if I was normal I could easily make new innovations, if I simply had enough dopamine to sustain my activities.  We need to focus on quit being toxic in this forum and be open to new ideas, he may have innovations we haven't thought off. Let us remain positive and have hope. I do believe many young men are in crisis and we don't know what to do anymore. I know I am, the world is complicated and instant gratification, seeing naked women and ignoring responsibility is attractive but is this really your life? Am I ashamed of myself? All the time. Is it an excuse? No it isn't. I continue to seek therapy, structure my days and workout despite my failure on a regular basis. I will not stop until I find a cure, even if it's meaningless because if I don't who will? All i can say is that hardcore pornography is disgusting and will ruin you and your children. If I could go back and time and do it again, I would have never touched any of that fucking shit. I was given it at a young age without realizing the devastating consequences it would have. ADHD-PI is evil because it hiijacks your brain. Good insights & and goodluck.


Most people don't have a problem with porn or video games, YOU have a problem with porn and video games. The solipsism, unabated narcissism, and complete lack of self-awareness of most people to assume that everyone else is exactly like them is beyond irritating. Your brain is defective like many of us, and it's not your fault, but you would get addicted to anything. Porn and video games didn't steal your life away, your own mental illness did. We don't ban steak for everybody because children can't digest it, and we haven't gotten rid of all painkillers because certain drug addicts use them, so why should the rest of us suffer because YOU can't handle it?


And this verbal diarrhea thread called a hypothesis is not "innovative" or even new, any more than a rich kid who wears Canada Goose and drives a Mercedes Benz to high school is "innovative" for proposing that the impoverished just need to get a job. It's ignorant and condescending, and reeks of privilege, and actively makes things worse for the rest of us who don't have it so good as to go through life pretending being normal is as easy as playing less video games. Including you who has bought into the brainwashing. And calling out toxic behavior is not toxic, this thread is aggressively ignorant, it in itself is toxic.

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#13 pamojja

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Posted 06 December 2018 - 12:05 AM

Am I ashamed of myself? All the time.


Don't beat yourself up for something nobody could know if the cart came before the horse. For example myself never had any mental problems. Even now at a bid advanced age with loads of physical and financial problems I'm still basically at ease.


Once some years ago even I run into excessive internet porn for some months due to an almost burnout (it really helped to distract from the problem..), but as soon as the cause for this burnout was eliminated I lost interest completely again.


Don't confuse a symptom with it's cause. Though beating oneself up for a symptom does of course also become the cause for further symptoms after some time.

Edited by pamojja, 06 December 2018 - 12:08 AM.

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#14 MankindRising

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Posted 06 December 2018 - 12:34 AM


You should change your username to CringeRising. I can only imagine how much differently your "flirting with women" around you goes than you describe it on here when you lack such self awareness.


So what, I accept and embrace who I am, something you seem to lack by looking at your response. I have made profound improvements in my life over the last decade, have close to double the average income than what is considered normal in my country and have a fair share of relationships with women, though admittedly not years and years with single partner.

Then again in modern society theres not much left of what would be called marriage in the past.


So in the future if you got nothing usefull to say just be silent, cause you know jack shit about me you little man.


Also considering you spend most of your time digging through others people their post history maybe you should get a life instead of pretending to be a walking dictionairy.

Edited by MankindRising, 06 December 2018 - 12:38 AM.

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#15 MichaelFocus22

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Posted 06 December 2018 - 02:25 AM

Most people don't have a problem with porn or video games, YOU have a problem with porn and video games. The solipsism, unabated narcissism, and complete lack of self-awareness of most people to assume that everyone else is exactly like them is beyond irritating. Your brain is defective like many of us, and it's not your fault, but you would get addicted to anything. Porn and video games didn't steal your life away, your own mental illness did. We don't ban steak for everybody because children can't digest it, and we haven't gotten rid of all painkillers because certain drug addicts use them, so why should the rest of us suffer because YOU can't handle it?


And this verbal diarrhea thread called a hypothesis is not "innovative" or even new, any more than a rich kid who wears Canada Goose and drives a Mercedes Benz to high school is "innovative" for proposing that the impoverished just need to get a job. It's ignorant and condescending, and reeks of privilege, and actively makes things worse for the rest of us who don't have it so good as to go through life pretending being normal is as easy as playing less video games. Including you who has bought into the brainwashing. And calling out toxic behavior is not toxic, this thread is aggressively ignorant, it in itself is toxic.



                          I'm not sure where this hostility is coming from, but your comments are not very positive, I was simply sharing my own experiences. I'm actually a very high functioning individual at a good university managing my problems. Thank you very much. Equating steak with pornography is utterly ridiculous, their is no equivocation between the two.  Pornography studies have shown has  the effects of heroin on the brain. The very act of masterbation releases huge quantities of drugs in the brain. What is the purpose of pornography exactly? Secondly, Why are you engaging in these  poor compare and contrast arguments. Porn is simply a drug, a visual one that is largely marketed towards men, who have many problems who seek to hide in the virtual world because they refuse to address their problems. I don't have these issues anymore, because I toke responsibility for myself that doesn't mean I'm cured. I assure you I'm not even close to brainwashed but engaging in AD-hominem attacks against a person, you don't even know isn't going to get you anywhere.  It seems to me you have seen all times of pornography if you feel it such a productive mechanism within society? I mean I've seen a few thousand hours of it and I'm sure most men of have down  a bit less. If I were to do a hasty generalization and claim 500 hours per man, that might be wrong but is probably accurate.  Now, what effects could this have on the brain? Porn promotes impulsivity an unnatural objectification of women and instant gratification. It corrupts the soul because all you identify with is a present pleasure rather than the future reward. I've met many chronic masterbators who's live are in shambles and they would often complain like myself, issues with women.


                                            Men's primary drive is women. Sex is the greatest motivator possible and it's are evolutionary purpose. It's no surprise that men are so frustrated because they aren't able to fulfill that purpose and they become prepubscent little boys in men's bodys. Playing old video games, watching tons of youtube videos, binging the web, and doing the bare minimum because they know their life has been a waste. I'm not saying this is everyone but it's becoming a fairly common trend. Your comment is toxic period. So why don't you give us a bit more positivity then claiming to be the know all. I thought I knew it all and that was after years of study and I'm still as ignorant as ever. Mental illness is only one aspect, of my life but these were the mechanisms, in which it was channeled into. It's like giving a heroin  needle to a young boy, who has genes meant for addiction and to pretend it played no role in delinquency is bullshit. I'm not blaming it, I'm stating that it probably has a significant affect on our lives and in my view, needs to be regulated. Porn should NEEDS to be banned. It's a disgusting vile method of lobotomizing your drive and be to a lowly achieving individual. I would never let my children ever touch it. The withdrawal symptoms are absolutely horrible. I would not want them to experienced what I experienced. Their are two ways to approach an issue constructively and destructively, porn is destructive. It serves no functional purpose other than to get high. Anything less is a lie, because that's what I used it for when I watched the most hardcore forms of pornography imaginable. Finally, I actually can handle it but that isn't the issue. Should we let these degenerate activities be allowed in society? If we could handle it, then we wouldn't have millions of porn addicts. Now would we? Why do anything when you can just pop open your phone? That's how easy it is. Like I said I would ban it permanently and put these porn companies out of business.  It's immoral and evil period. Anything less is supporting degenerate impulse of the mind. It's pretty easy to be a naysayer, but what suggestions do you have? What are your solutions? Everyone has an equal voice and his is useful.  It's all interesting that you keep stating that, many people aren't alike, but this is so far from the truth. Many people are more similar than dissimilar.  So I don't see this point either. 

Edited by DrewMichael21, 06 December 2018 - 02:59 AM.

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#16 MichaelFocus22

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Posted 06 December 2018 - 02:31 AM

So what, I accept and embrace who I am, something you seem to lack by looking at your response. I have made profound improvements in my life over the last decade, have close to double the average income than what is considered normal in my country and have a fair share of relationships with women, though admittedly not years and years with single partner.

Then again in modern society theres not much left of what would be called marriage in the past.


So in the future if you got nothing usefull to say just be silent, cause you know jack shit about me you little man.


Also considering you spend most of your time digging through others people their post history maybe you should get a life instead of pretending to be a walking dictionairy.

  Congrats the path to enlightenment is a painful gruesome path but a worthwhile One. :)

#17 CWF1986

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Posted 06 December 2018 - 04:29 AM

True. Mental illnesses have always existed and have various origins, but there is an increase in recent years, increases in ADD/ADHD, anhedonia, depression, suicide, impotence, etc. This is well studied. Research would suggest that this increase is likely due to various addictions (social media, phones, Internet, gaming, porn, etc...) and a poor diet combined with lack of exercise.


Let's not forget environmental toxins.  This includes pesticides many of which act as xenoestrogens which mess with reproductive health, air quality, phthalates (found in plastics) which again muck with reproductive health, all kinds of carcinogens in air, water, and food.


There's also a lot more broken families than there were in the past.  


I'm not saying the addictions you listed don't contribute to depression.  I'm only saying that they're one piece of a much larger puzzle.  

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#18 John250

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Posted 06 December 2018 - 05:23 PM

It appears EMDR therapy is a cure for this as well as many issues not just trauma related. My insurance covers it I think I’m going to try it out.

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#19 Mind

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Posted 06 December 2018 - 05:39 PM

Let's not forget environmental toxins.  This includes pesticides many of which act as xenoestrogens which mess with reproductive health, air quality, phthalates (found in plastics) which again muck with reproductive health, all kinds of carcinogens in air, water, and food.


There's also a lot more broken families than there were in the past.  


I'm not saying the addictions you listed don't contribute to depression.  I'm only saying that they're one piece of a much larger puzzle.  


Thanks for the reminder about the low level toxins in the water and food supply. I suspect some contribution from those as well.

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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: porn, internet addiction, anhedonia

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