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which parts/regions of the cortex trigger...

kurdishfella's Photo kurdishfella 29 Dec 2018

 ~~'''crf1 is not found in the hypothalamus etc'''~~...''Although it has been demonstrated that the levels of CRF1R mRNA transcripts were elevated in the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus (PVN) and amygdala after exposure to immobilization stress in rats''

''amygdala has the most abundant crhr1 protein than anywhere else in the brain''
~~does the nucleus basalis of meynert have a role in anxiety/fear?~~
I was reading an article and came across this sentence:
''in the **cortex**, hippocampus, thalamus, septum, CRHR1 is detectable in glutamatergic and GABAergic neurons. As the limbic system, these regions are linked and, as the current study shows, trigger fear-inducing behaviour in glutamatergic neurons.''
what do they mean by Cortex? Cerebral cortex? how is that involved in fear that is the outer layer of the brain right? ...
and how is septum involved in anxiety same question for thalamus? I know in the hippocampus CRHR1 triggers fear memories. 
Also how come it didn't mention the amygdala, Does the amygdala not have a role in fear inducing behavior? or does it just stimulate fear based on signals it recieves?
''There are four subtypes of the CRH receptor known at present, defined as CRF-1, CRF-2a, CRF-2b, and CRF-2g. Three of these receptors are expressed only in the brain: CRF-1 in the **cortex** and **cerebrum**''
''Fear and anxiety-related brain areas are connected with the **cerebellum**''
''Cerebrum is the largest and the most prominent part of the brain, whereas the cerebral cortex is the outer layer of the cerebrum.
Cerebral cortex is actually a part of the cerebrum.''
excess CRHR1 in hippocampus > Signals the Cerebellum > fear > throws rest of brain regions out of balance
''It’s likewise realized that the hippocampus sends signs to different regions of the cerebrum—the amygdala and the hypothalamus—that have additionally been appeared to control nervousness related conduct.''
* Questions:
1. Which parts of the **Cortex** have CRHR1 receptors and trigger fear-inducing behaviour?
2. What type of fear does the **Cerebrum** give you? It is involved in fear yes, but it does not give you the feelings/stimulation of fear right? that's what the amygdala does.
3. So from what I can conclude these are the areas you need to decrease CRHR1 binding: hippocampus, thalamus, septum~~(missing)~~, **cortex systems(which ones?)** and possibly the amygdala (Basal and central). correct? anything missing?

kurdishfella's Photo kurdishfella 02 Jan 2019

Locus coeruleus

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