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I Need advice on my stack....

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#1 jamfropsi

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Posted 02 May 2006 - 07:55 AM

Hey whats up people? I was wondering if someone can please comment on my stack, be it good, bad, or maybe even concerns pertaining to interactions or add on suggestions (or things to throw out). My goal for this stack is to help improve memory (short term memory isn't that great), mood, and my focusing issues (school)....(i have add/adhd tendencies) also i sometimes have characteristics/symptoms that resemble that of aphasia. Okies here is my stack:


Ok there it is. Also i only plan on running this for about 3-4 months at a time (fall&spring semester) and plan on taking each everyday until the semester is over. So what do you think? Also thanx a lot in advance............Lata people

p.s. im also taking other supz for bodybuilding and overall health (mainly) but i highly doubt they would have any interactions with this based on my readings but if you guys think there might be sum issues or know of certain suppz that interact with the list i have above then plz do let me know, okies? thanx

p.s. pt. 2. Also glad to finally be aboard the forum.....

Edited by jamfropsi, 03 May 2006 - 12:48 AM.

#2 doug123

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Posted 02 May 2006 - 08:19 AM

Wow, that's a lot of stuff. Did you start taking all that at one time? Are you taking anything besides what you listed? Tried any prescription drugs? Have you ever been tested for ADD or ADHD, depression, or perhaps diagnosed with a serious health condition?

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#3 jamfropsi

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Posted 02 May 2006 - 08:51 AM

I haven't taken those yet but i plan on taking it come this fall, and i'd gradually add in each one or start off with a really low dose of each. I don't take any prescription drugs nor do i plan to. I haven't been tested but ive read up on the symptons and read some case studies from class text books (psychology major) and it looks like i have some of the characteristics. I might not have it full blown but like i stated, i do notice some of its characteristics....But no i haven't been tested nor diagnosed. And yes i will be taking other stuff but those are just anti-oxidants,creatine,immunity boosting, and things for joint pain. If you think something in there is unnecessary then please do say. Also if anyone was wondering i planned on getting these in bulk to keep it economical

Edited by jamfropsi, 03 May 2006 - 12:47 AM.

#4 doug123

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Posted 02 May 2006 - 07:47 PM

When folks are considering taking like 20 supplements, that generally infers they feel they are deficient and are trying to compensate -- adding a huge list of supplements that are questionable in terms of efficacy might just be a big waste of time. And dude: I swear, at least half of the folks I have spoken with who were taking like 20 or more supplements that have never tried an attention deficit drug like Strattera, Modafinl, d-ampetamine, etc. -- once they try one of these -- seem to forget about nootropics altogether! I try to tell them that both work -- however, the cholinergic agonists such as the racetams have much more subtle effects that usually do not manifest for at least a month of therapeutic dosage.

I think you should probably go see an MD and get a sample of an ADD or ADHD drug -- I first ususally suggest Provigil (the main metabolite of adrafinil), then Strattera, possibly Wellbutrin -- then-- if none of these work -- big daddy dopamine -- d-amphetamine. I suppose you could order adrafinil and try that. Adrafinil is not a controlled substance in the USA, so you can import it legally; so as long as if your liver is in good shape, I suppose you could try a 600mg dose and see what you think before getting into modafinil.

After you figure out whether or not you have an attention related disorder, get back to us; there are some "nootropic" drugs that seem to improve memory. If one cannot pay attention, there can't be much to remember!
Here is an EXCELLENT article about adrafinil (page one is visible here):


You can order adrafinil from:

http://qhi.co.uk/ky.asp?i=Adrafinil (cheapest, however you must fax or send in a signed I & D form before you can order)

http://www.biogenesi...i-adrafinil.asp (fastest delivery)

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#5 jamfropsi

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Posted 03 May 2006 - 12:59 AM

hey thanx for the advice. I think i might just research it a bit more before commiting to it.

Edited by jamfropsi, 18 January 2007 - 05:45 AM.

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