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Recruiting now - Confidential Experimental Study in London, UK - £15 Amazon vouchers

recruiting experimental study cognitive tests paid study

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#1 rt0466

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Posted 17 February 2019 - 05:22 PM

Recruiting for a confidential experimental study


If you take modafinil and/or methylphenidate (Ritalin) without prescription (i.e. you have not been diagnosed with ADD/ADHD) and would/may be interested in participating in a lab-based study about the use of cognitive enhancing drugs please email me, Rachel Teodorini at teodorr2@lsbu.ac.uk using an email address that does not identity your name.


You may only participate if you are over 18 years of age, you have not been diagnosed with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, and you are not currently taking any prescribed medications for any mental health problem.  Participants will be awarded for their participation with £15 in Amazon vouchers.  If you would like to participate in the study you will be provided with an information sheet explaining what the study will involve. 


The study will take place at London South Bank University, located in Elephant and Castle, London, UK from now until the end of April/May 2019 and participation will take 75 minutes.


Please provide a false name/ pseudonym and ensure that the email address you provide will not identify you.


The email address you provide will be stored on password protected computers only accessible by the researcher, Rachel Teodorini.  It will only be used to contact you for possible participation in a lab-based study. Your email address will be deleted in June 2019, at the end of the funding period for my PhD.


Please also note that if you do provide an email address you are under no obligation to participate in this lab-based experiment and may also opt out at any time during the experiment. 


Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: recruiting, experimental study, cognitive tests, paid study

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