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Legality of importing Modafinil into the US?

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#1 emerson

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Posted 08 May 2006 - 02:23 AM

I've found myself more than a little pressed for time these past few months, and that got me thinking about the glowing reports of seizing some free time back from sleep by using modafinil. Unfourtunatly, one of the main reasons I'm so low on time is that I'm in the US right now...where it looks like the drug is a class 4 scheduled substance. However, I seem to still see a lot of people in the US talking about it.

How risky would importing modafinil into the US be? Are we talking about a worse case scenario of a seized package, or a worst case scenario of having an arrest on my record? Might I be better off just shopping around for a sympathetic doctor? Though the problem which immediately springs to mind there is the fact that doing so would eat up as much or more time than I'm hoping to save by shaving off a few hours of sleep every day.

#2 eternaltraveler

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Posted 08 May 2006 - 07:55 PM

Get a prescription from a doctor. I would find yourself an open minded doctor for a lot more reasons than simply getting ahold of some modafinil.

#3 xanadu

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Posted 08 May 2006 - 09:09 PM

I agree with elrond, that's the best way of doing it. However, da sense at airsealed will send it to you. If it was sent to a false name, it would be hard to prove you ordered it. Matter of fact, it would be hard to prove in any case unless you admitted it or paid with credit card and they traced that. Paying by cash or with international money order should work like a charm. If package comes with no questions, fine. If someone comes around asking about it, act dumb. "I know nothing, no-thing!

Better yet, don't bother with it since it's just basicly a stimulant and can lead to other problems.

#4 doug123

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Posted 08 May 2006 - 11:31 PM

How risky would it be? I don't know. There's a chance that your parcel would be opened -- and because it's a scheduled substance that could mean trouble -- jail time and/or fines. There is a work around -- however -- that is, to have whomever is delivering the modafinil to you address the parcel to someone who does not live at your home. That way, you can say..."I have no idea who ordered that...must have been a mistake..."

I don't really want to "endorse" any international vendor and the risk is yours to take...

I've ordered modafinil from India from pharma-orders.com (formerly drugs-one.com) and received at least 10 packages of modafinil with no problems so far...that does not mean odds will work out the same for you...the folks who deliver it do a pretty swell job of making the packages look innocent enough.

As far as price/service-wise -- for sources -- you can go to

www.pharma-orders.com -- I've never dealt with Freedom Pharmacy -- but I have with pharma-orders.com several times -- and they will match fp's price; which is 100 200mg tablets for $112 -- a pretty good deal. These two vendors sell Sun Pharma's "Modalert" or "Modafil";


www.airsealed.com sells modafinil tablets for about $2 a pill -- last time I checked -- and they can sell you smaller amounts -- like $20 for 10 200mg pills -- I think. I have never purchased airsealed modafinil pills, but they appear to be also selling Indian generics -- a generic brand I have not tried. It's not Sun's modafinil, I'm sure da sense could tell you which generic is it as which pharmaceutical company makes it.

I only have one warning -- try your best to get your hands on finished product (the kind with Lot#'s ,expiration dates and all that)-- if you do decide to purchase "bulk" modafinil off of the Internet-- make sure you see results of an assay from a US lab to corroborate the claim on a COA. I would not recommend purchasing bulk drugs from international sources off the web -- unless the COA comes from a respectable pharmaceutical company -- there is already too much of a problem with substandard or fake drugs on the web. I'm not trying to scare people -- I just want you to be aware of the problems you might encounter -- as I would hate to be the one who sent you to an early grave...

look how good these fakes are!

for some lame ass reason my insurance company won't cover Provigil -- my psychiatrist has appealed three times with no luck -- even with multi-colored paper and several references-- they say there is no indication for it -- as if there's an indication for a 27 year old and Aricept... whatever.

Do you have health insurance? If you do, go retrieve the list of psychiatrists in your health network and call them-- tell them you think you have ADD or something and that your "friend" with ADD said it works better than Ritalin...he gave you a sample and it worked great! I don't know...make up some convincing story...I don't know...what I did was take adrafinil for about a year and a half meanwhile monitoring my liver enzymes -- until I got a new doctor whom would prescribe me the 'Vig. It's like $7 a pill without insurance.


#5 xanadu

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Posted 09 May 2006 - 01:02 AM

nootropikamil wrote:

"How risky would it be? I don't know. There's a chance that your parcel would be opened -- and because it's a scheduled substance that could mean trouble -- jail time and/or fines. There is a work around -- however -- that is, to have whomever is delivering the modafinil to you address the parcel to someone who does not live at your home. That way, you can say..."I have no idea who ordered that...must have been a mistake...""

That's basicly just what I said in my post. Good info in your post. The only thing I would want to add to what I said above is that no matter who it's addressed to, they can not prove you ordered it unless you admit it or they got info from the credit card company. Since they have no idea where to look for that kind of info, if you act dumb they will let it drop but then they watch what you order from then on, like a hawk. This I've heard from a number of people. The reason it makes no real difference whose name is on the package is that someone else could have ordered illegal things and sent it to you, made out to your name. It's up to the authorities to prove who ordered it. In theory, they could try to get warrants and go look for bank and credit card info but unless you are a major dealer they are trying to shut down, they have no motivation to do that. Just between you, me, and the wall, if you don't confess that's the end of it.

I'm not telling anyone to order modafinil without a prescription, I'm just pointing out the situation and what your rights are. Don't do anything illegal but if someone ordered modafinil in your name and had it sent to you, that's how you act.

#6 Ghostrider

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Posted 09 May 2006 - 03:20 AM

I've found myself more than a little pressed for time these past few months, and that got me thinking about the glowing reports of seizing some free time back from sleep by using modafinil. Unfourtunatly, one of the main reasons I'm so low on time is that I'm in the US right now...where it looks like the drug is a class 4 scheduled substance. However, I seem to still see a lot of people in the US talking about it.

How risky would importing modafinil into the US be? Are we talking about a worse case scenario of a seized package, or a worst case scenario of having an arrest on my record? Might I be better off just shopping around for a sympathetic doctor? Though the problem which immediately springs to mind there is the fact that doing so would eat up as much or more time than I'm hoping to save by shaving off a few hours of sleep every day.

Hold on there dude. I would not recommend "seizing some free time back from sleep by using modafinil". Your body sleeps for a reason. You cannot simply replace sleep with something else, in this case a stimulant. I took a much weaker stimulant a few days ago called L-Tyrosine and it worked great for the first two days, but on the third, fourth, and fifth days (today) I have felt like utter crap. I feel much more tired than I used to last week at this time. What goes up must come down. Modern science has been pathetically unable to break that rule. I find the same effects from caffine, it can help you study all night just in time to crash half an hour before a final exam. Fortunatually, that has never happened to me, but caffine has lead me up and then down before. I would not put trust in modafinil. Instead, find other areas in your life where you are wasting time and then fix those problems first. Stimulants are not a sustainable solution. What would be better is trying to find something that allows you to get deeper sleep and thus less sleep (what goes down must come up :-)). I am a bit surprised that no one else on this thread has questioned this idea.

#7 t4exanadu

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Posted 09 May 2006 - 05:12 AM

In my own experience with ordering semi-legal and obviously illegal substances overseas, generally speaking, you will get a letter from customs saying essentially "we've seized your package, if you want it, come to us and get it". If you choose not to resolve the issue with them, they keep the package (and do who-knows-what with it), and thats it. I find it hard to believe that they keep any sort of running list of who had packages seized, the work involved in checking all incoming packages against an enormous list of address would be far too time-consuming. That is assuming of course, that they actually seize your package. I have ordered substances far more dangerous (in the eyes of the authorities) than modafinil, and have never ran into problems. I would agree with the others that the best method is the most legitimate one, but if you are going to risk it and order modafinil overseas, you should at least be aware of the potential dangers. Personally I find it very unlikely that you would run into any kind of legal troubles. I get the feeling that customs is far more concerned with the dubious importation of opiates and schedule II stimulants, both of which come into this country in large volumes.

#8 doug123

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Posted 09 May 2006 - 05:31 AM

I agree -- one should NEVER take modafinil in exchange for sleep -- that's a recipe for disaster -- and even partial insanity. A healthy adult should sleep ~8 hours in a night -- if you miss some one night, you better catch up the next. Lack of sleep can lower immune response and might make you go a little loony too.


I wouldn't be so sure that the Feds won't press charges for importing modafinil -- it really depends on who opens the package and what that individuals agenda is.

I know the excessive use of screenshots are frowned upon -- but I think this one is worth a look. If you guys don't like it, let me know and I'll remove it.

Posted Image


Edited by nootropikamil, 09 May 2006 - 06:21 AM.

#9 mejensen1

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Posted 30 August 2007 - 08:58 PM

Great exchange!

#10 revnik

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Posted 31 August 2007 - 12:12 AM

Great exchange!

Great first post, you clearly don't know what you're talking about :)

#11 tracker2208

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Posted 04 September 2007 - 05:53 AM

Since someone already bumped the year old topic I'll throw in my 2 cents. It seems like Visa won't let companies sell to the US. I've been looking around for new sources online for modafinil, and a couple of posts from this forum have come up. I've especially enjoyed the posts from da sensa (or whatever his name is, the Airsealed guy). I've seen that image of the DEA in more than a couple of posts. It may not be safe to order online, but it's not illegal. If you look at the section of law it's quoting (section 957 of title 21) you'll see that there are exceptions, and being an end user is one of them, or as they call it "an ultimate user". As long as you have a prescription and its for legitimate medical use and amounts then I don't see how you would have a problem.
Section 957 of Title 21

#12 quicksilver

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Posted 06 September 2007 - 12:37 PM

I've found myself more than a little pressed for time these past few months, and that got me thinking about the glowing reports of seizing some free time back from sleep by using modafinil. Unfourtunatly, one of the main reasons I'm so low on time is that I'm in the US right now...where it looks like the drug is a class 4 scheduled substance. However, I seem to still see a lot of people in the US talking about it.

How risky would importing modafinil into the US be? Are we talking about a worse case scenario of a seized package, or a worst case scenario of having an arrest on my record? Might I be better off just shopping around for a sympathetic doctor? Though the problem which immediately springs to mind there is the fact that doing so would eat up as much or more time than I'm hoping to save by shaving off a few hours of sleep every day.

No one has ever been arrested for charged for importing lightly controlled drugs in small amounts for personal use. DEA has far bigger guys to worry about. I've been ordering for decades never had a problem.

#13 Rags847

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Posted 23 January 2008 - 02:13 AM

No one has ever been arrested [or] charged for importing lightly controlled drugs in small amounts for personal use. DEA has far bigger guys to worry about. I've been ordering for decades never had a problem.

Do others have the same experience as quicksilver?

#14 mystery

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Posted 23 January 2008 - 05:06 AM

Do others have the same experience as quicksilver?

I may have had some modafinil sent to me by accident from an overseas pharmacy.

I don't mean to endorse any international vendor, but I've had good experience with http://www.antiaging-systems.com

#15 Heliotrope

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Posted 28 August 2008 - 01:06 AM

i'm about to try Airsealed, since they seem to have good unit prices, like bulk powder form of the finils.

Compared to caffiene/Starbucks etc, modafinil definitely seems safer and more cost-effective.

I've a little bit of experience w/ experimenting adrafinil. I'm very careful about taking pills and i think adrafinil works, but of course slower than starbucks, double shot, 5-hour energy drink, expresso drinks etc. i like the results though. i tried adrafinil since there's no legal grey zone, but modafinil is a lower-schedule item, not that high on controlled sub list. if i want to use it, i'd see a psychiatrist/physician. the government has bigger things to worry about than some guy importing a little modafinil.

Edited by HYP86, 28 August 2008 - 01:12 AM.

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