Well, I finally have some time to dedicate to moving ImmInst to our brand new dedicated server, which is being provided by our forum sponsor Canaca. Actually, Canaca staff are even assisting in the move, at least the initial testing phase so far. We're in the process of doing a test run of copying the entire website/database to the new server. Assuming all goes well, the actual move should happen some time in the next 48 hours. I won't know the exact time until shortly before, so I'm posting advanced warning: expect intermittent outages! Depending on the exact circumstances of the move, the forum might be disabled for up to a couple hours (well, possibly more, but only if something goes wrong), though I'm hoping we can keep the downtime minimal.
Also depending on the exact circumstances of the move, the forum might be operational but really really sloooooww, at least until the move is completed.
Anyway, you've all been warned. I'll post updates in this topic as new information is available.