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I see the Light

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#1 Lazarus Long

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Posted 02 April 2003 - 03:34 PM

This is an elegant example of how an experimental model like Michaelson/Morely can be demonstrated by how we look at data, not just record it. This is an interesting observation and cannot be too easilly discounted; even though it may turn out to be "our" enhancement technology working too subtly for our own detection yet. Another alternative obviously, is that it is time to test our presumptions and seek alternative explainations.

Enjoy [!] [>] Full Article & Links

Hubble Pictures Too Crisp, Challenging Theories of Time and Space
50 minutes ago Add Science - Space.com to My Yahoo!

By Robert Roy Britt
Senior Science Writer, SPACE.com

Clarity is what astronomers and the public have come to expect from the Hubble Space Telescope. But the sharpness with which Hubble photographs distant galaxies has scientists pondering why the pictures are not blurry, as some new calculations suggest they should be, and whether some basic assumptions about space, time and gravity might have to be rethought.

The photographs, of very distant stars and galaxies, were analyzed to test a fundamental aspect of quantum theory, which is a collection of widely held ideas about physics at the invisible level of atoms, and how these ideas relate to conceptions of physics on the grandest scales of the universe.

Conventional thinking is that space and time can be thought of together as a sort of foam. As light travels through the foam, it ought to be disrupted, ever so slightly, such that by the time it crosses much of the universe it would render only blurry pictures when gathered by a precision telescope. Put simple, Hubble ought to see a pixilation effect when photographing distant objects.

It does not. Hubble pictures are crisp and clear, no matter the distance to the object.

And that, say two separate teams of researchers, might mean there are flaws in quantum theory.

The newest study was led by Roberto Ragazzoni of the Astrophysical Observatory of Arcetri, Italy and the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy in Heidelberg, Germany. Ragazzoni told SPACE.com the expected quantum effect is like a subtle version of the blurring caused by Earth's atmosphere, which makes stars twinkle.

When light arrives from a distant object, Ragazzoni explained, some parts of the light's wave should be retarded with respect to others, because each would take slightly different paths through the foam. Light will appear to come from positions around the actual source, causing a blur.

Ragazzoni's team studied Hubble pictures of a galaxy more than 5 billion light-years away and, separately, an exploding star 42 million light-years distant.

"You don't see a universe that is blurred," he said. "If you take any Hubble Space Telescope Deep Field image you see sharp images, which is enough to tell us that the light has not been distorted or perturbed by fluctuations in space-time from the source to the observer."

The research will be published April 10 in the journal Astrophysical Research-Letters.

Similar results came a few weeks ago from scientists using a slightly different technique at the University of Alabama in Huntsville. Richard Lieu and Lloyd Hillman used separate Hubble images and a more complex analyzing technique to examine galaxies that are at least 4 billion light-years away.

They did not find the expected quantum effect, either.

Light is said to move in very small but measurable quanta, or quantum bits. Time is supposed to move in correspondingly miniscule quantum bits. The bits fit in with Einstein's theory of general relativity, which describes physics at the large scale of the universe. Einstein said time, gravity and the fabric of space are different manifestations of the same phenomenon.

In recent years, theorists have refined all this thinking and determined a pair of quanta -- the Planck length (one trillion-trillion-trillionth of a meter) and a similarly miniscule packet of Planck time -- that should be the smallest measurable. Below these thresholds, things should become fuzzy: If light's travel is quantized, it would in theory be variable in units below the Planck limit.

"If time doesn't become 'fuzzy' beneath a Planck interval, this discovery will present problems to several astrophysical and cosmological models, including the Big Bang model of the universe," Lieu says.

Other theorists say the new results must be taken into account, but they say not enough is known about the way light does or should behave below the Planck interval to draw firm conclusions yet.

One challenge for theorists, if the studies by Lieu and Ragazzoni are on track, is that the instant of the Big Bang would involve an infinitely hot and dense condition -- something current theory does not allow.

Edited by Lazarus Long, 02 April 2003 - 03:39 PM.

#2 Lazarus Long

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Posted 22 May 2003 - 09:19 PM

Is the beginning ofa serious search for "Sub Space Communication" [?]
Quantum Communication Between the Stars?
By Seth Shostak
SETI Institute
posted: 07:00 am ET 22 May 2003

Earthlings haven’t made many deliberate broadcasts to extraterrestrials, but in 1974, as part of a ceremony at the economy-sized Arecibo radio telescope, the observatory staff arranged to beam a three-minute message to a few hundred thousand stars in the constellation of Hercules.

The message consisted of a simple picture showing the structure of our solar system and the structure of ourselves – DNA and its chemical building blocks. Innocuous enough.

What was not so innocuous was the reaction. England’s Astronomer Royal was aghast at the thought of our freelance pinging of unknown galactic inhabitants. Despite the fact that the message was short and directed to a globular cluster 21,000 light-years distant, he felt that we might be endangering ourselves by "shouting in the jungle."

Given the brevity and remote target of this broadcast, such concerns were surely overwrought. But the point is worth considering: Would anyone deliberately beam high-powered signals into space? Can we assume that extraterrestrial societies would broadcast in ways that would mark their location as plainly as a flag on a golf green?

Maybe they don’t have to. Walter Simmons, a physicist at the University of Hawaii, together with his colleague, Professor Sandip Pakvasa, have come up with a clever scheme that would allow interstellar broadcasters to keep the coordinates of their home planet secret. These two scientists have been researching quantum information theory for a while. Their trick is to forego conventional electromagnetic signals (light or radio) – made up of large, organized "waves" of photons – in favor of individual, quantum-entangled photons.

There is more to this than merely substituting a small task force for a large army. Individual photons can be quantum mechanically related – they can have buddies, if you will, with which they share information. Each buddy is sent separately by the broadcaster, and reunited with his pal at the receiving end. They deliver their message only when they’re brought together.

In practical terms, the way this might be accomplished is that each member of a photon pair is sent in opposite directions from the broadcaster’s home planet. One might be beamed a light-year to the left, and the other a light-year to the right. They would be aimed at mirrors that would redirect them to the target star system. Additional non-paired photons could be sent along as well, to swamp the presence of these message bearers, somewhat like using disorganized street crowds to hide a task force.

At the receiving end, the photons that came from one mirror or the other would be indistinguishable from cosmic background noise. But the quantum-entangled buddy photons would unite to form a microscopic image – a picture. The picture, of course, could contain all sorts of interesting information that sophisticated aliens might wish to share with us or others in the Galaxy.

As noted, the image would be quite small. Looking at it would disturb it in such a way that Heisenberg’s famous uncertainty principle would come into play. In fact, by reading the message, all the information about its origin would be lost. It’s somewhat akin to communicating with bottled messages thrown into the sea. The message arrives, but the sender keeps his location secret.

In fact, this new scheme is better than bobbing bottles. There’s no ocean to scramble the lines of communication. According to Simmons, "it’s fairly straightforward to target specific recipients, and it wouldn’t be hard for the transmitting society to methodically send messages to large numbers of star systems, one after the other."

Could quantum messaging dominate interstellar communication? Could this be the preferred way to get in touch with unknown cosmic beings? If so, it offers an appealing resolution of the famous Fermi Paradox, which asks "if the Galaxy is teeming with intelligence, why don’t we see evidence for it everywhere?" Perhaps the evidence is everywhere – washing over us right now in a shower of quantum-encrypted messages.

We don’t have the technology to look for such signals today, although Simmons expects that we could possibly construct it within a decade or so. "Meanwhile, we should continue our SETI searches," he adds, "we should absolutely do that." After all, there are many ways to get in touch. It’s just that some of them don’t carry a return address.

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Posted 22 May 2003 - 09:24 PM

OK. My cranium just exuded the sound of one sapience boggling. . .

Why'n'heck didn't I run across this challenge to the Planck constant earlier? I'm gonna have to revise my entire understanding of how to research, it seems - not to mention my understanding of how everything goes together!

Back to the drawing board!!! Er, CAD!! Er, Photoshop! Er, ... something or other...

#4 Lazarus Long

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Posted 22 May 2003 - 09:44 PM


More than Meets the Eye Found in 3,000 Galaxies
By Robert Roy Britt
Senior Science Writer
posted: 09:30 am ET 22 May 2003

A new study of galaxies orbiting other galaxies shows the pairs are bound by much more than what meets the eye, indirectly revealing that invisible matter dominates them.

The results, announced late yesterday, provide further confirmation for the already solid case that most of the matter in the universe is invisible.

Dark matter, as astronomers call the mysterious stuff, has long been suspected of existing. Without it, theorists can't explain how the stars in individual galaxies orbit as they do. Nor can the gravitational maintenance of large-scale clusters of galaxies be explained.

Several studies have shown that just 4 percent of the universe is observable matter. Dark matter makes up 23 percent. The bulk of the universe's mass-energy budget is an even more mysterious thing called dark energy.

In the new study, which confirms these numbers, researchers examined the motion of about 3,000 small galaxies that each orbited a larger, brighter galaxy. Scientists know how a given amount of mass should orbit another object of a certain mass. The mechanics of this is well understood in our solar system, for example, where dark matter is not a factor in the travels of planets around the Sun.

On larger scales, however, concentrations of dark matter force gravitational alliances between galaxies that can be noted based on the distance between the galaxies and the speed with which they orbit each other.

"Our results imply the presence of dark matter," lead researcher Francisco Prada said in a statement.

Prada works at the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy in Germany and the Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias in Spain. His team used data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey.

The study "is important because it is a direct measurement of some of the properties predicted for dark matter," said one of Prada's colleagues, Anatoly Klypin of New Mexico State University.

The finding is not surprising. Other recent studies using different methods have reached the same conclusion. What's left now is for astronomers to figure out what dark matter actually is.

Dark Energy

Other recent Studies

What is Dark Matter?

#5 Lazarus Long

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Posted 22 May 2003 - 09:51 PM

Here are a couple of links back to a related articles on the recently discerned Relativity of Relativity. Or in otherwords the Speed of Light is not quite a constant, relatively speaking. I think these two threads sort of parallel each other so I am linking them but I do not yet want to merge them without a true Unified Theory that is. :))

Relativity, Quanta, Superstrings and Black Holes

Cosmic Mysteries to ponder

Edited by Lazarus Long, 22 May 2003 - 09:57 PM.

#6 Lazarus Long

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Posted 24 May 2003 - 12:38 AM

Taking A Shot At Einstein
Sun May 18, 8:00 PM ET U.S. News & World Reports

Even if João Magueijo had not advocated castrating an editor at a prestigious science journal, and even if he hadn't suggested that rival physicists, ostensibly brilliant like Magueijo, were just posers--in short, even if Magueijo were a less colorful rebel, his ideas would have attracted attention. After all, he is taking on Einstein, and ever since we placed Einstein on a pedestal, we have been titillated by the idea of knocking him off. Magazine editors know that putting the antic-haired genius on the cover, perhaps over the words Faster Than the Speed of Light--the somewhat misleading title of Magueijo's recent book--all but guarantees sales.

And yet Magueijo, a physicist at Imperial College, London, is for real, and he is not alone. As we near the end of our first century in a relative universe, challenges to Einstein's theory are in the air. They are respectful challenges; even Magueijo isn't proposing to throw relativity out the window, any more than Einstein junked Newton. "We get E-mail and letters all the time from amateurs who think they have found a mistake in Einstein's theory," says Lee Smolin, a physicist at the Perimeter Institute in Waterloo, Ontario. "That's not what is going on here." If relativity is wrong, it is wrong by such tiny amounts or in such particular circumstances that you have to go to great lengths to find the error.

But there is optimism these days that, by studying light from the distant universe, researchers may soon be able to measure such smaller-than-nano deviations. They may need to find them, if they are ever to create a unified theory of all the forces of nature. To fulfill that dream, which obsessed Einstein after he turned 40 or so, physicists may have to tinker with the theory he invented when he, too, was a young revolutionary, disguised as a patent clerk. They may have to bend his best-known principle: the one that says the speed of light is an absolute, always and everywhere the same, and faster than anything else.

C is special. That principle was born in 1905, when Einstein wedded space and time into something called spacetime. Until then, in Newtonian physics, space and time were separate, independent of each other and of the things in them. Time flowed at the same rate for everyone, and space was a fixed stage on which the universe played out its history. Nineteenth-century physicists filled that stage with a mysterious, invisible "aether," a medium that transmitted light waves the way air transmits sound waves. The aether was assumed to be at absolute rest, a fixed "reference frame" for all motions.

No one could ever detect the aether, though; in the 1880s, Albert Michelson and Edward Morley tried ingeniously and failed. And after Einstein proposed his theory of special relativity two decades later, physicists realized they should give up on absolute space and time. Einstein postulated, first, that the laws of physics don't prefer one reference frame over another, as long as each is moving at a constant velocity. Second, he said that c, the speed of light, will appear exactly the same to every observer, in every frame of reference.

A century later, that second postulate still defies common sense. It says that if you're driving down the highway at a quarter the speed of light, you'll still see the photons from your headlights racing ahead of you at light speed--not three-quarters light speed. If I'm coming from the opposite direction at half light speed, I'll still see your photons approaching at c--not 1.5 times c. Since speed is just space divided by time, and we both agree about the speed of light, we can't possibly agree about space and time. You say my clock is too slow and my yardstick has shrunk (not to mention my whole car). Maddeningly, I say the same about you. The one thing we agree on, aside from c itself, is the distance covered by the photons in the weird new reference frame of four-dimensional spacetime.

It might be a relief to learn that physicists were talking about chucking this deeply strange theory. But just as Einstein made only minute corrections to Newton in everyday life--to really feel the effects of special relativity, you have to move at a large fraction of light speed--the proposed changes to relativity would have only subtle, hard-to-detect effects. Yet the stakes are big: the quest for a single theory that would unite general relativity, Einstein's later theory describing gravity, with quantum mechanics, the theory describing the forces inside the atom.

Physicists are taking many paths to this "quantum gravity" grail, but in all of them spacetime itself, instead of being continuous, is made of quantum bits. "It's like the difference between sand and water," says Giovanni Amelino-Camelia of La Sapienza University in Rome--except that the spacetime grains could be around a hundred billion billionth the size of an atomic nucleus. At this "Planck length," named after the father of quantum physics, gravity would no longer be described by general relativity but by the new theory.

It's also where you run into a conflict with special relativity, Amelino-Camelia found a few years ago. Because measurements of length depend on the velocity of the observer, two observers could end up disagreeing about whether a physical process was taking place at the Planck scale or not, and which laws applied. One would say the process was governed by quantum gravity; the other would say general relativity.

After a long struggle--"three years of frustration and a couple of evenings of success"--Amelino-Camelia came up with a way around this absurdity: "doubly special relativity." The math is not simple, but the basic idea is. To the maximum speed limit that Einstein set, Amelino-Camelia would add a minimum length, below which space could not contract, no matter how fast the observer moved. That limit would be the size of the spacetime quanta.

That minimum length comes at a cost, however: The speed of light would no longer be a constant. The more energetic a photon, Amelino-Camelia's calculations indicate, the faster it would navigate the minefield of quantized spacetime. If you were to pit blue photons against red photons in a race across the Atlantic, Amelino-Camelia says, the blue ones--being slightly higher in energy-- would win by about 0.000000000000000000000000001 of a second.

The effect on light speed would be much more dramatic at the fantastic energies that prevailed in the primordial fireball of the big bang--and that's where Amelino-Camelia's ideas intersect with the very different approach of cosmologist João Magueijo. On a rainy winter morning a few years back, Magueijo was brooding about some of the most nagging problems of cosmology. As he walked across an athletic field at Cambridge University, he writes in his book, "the answer seemed to drop from the sky." (He later learned that a Canadian physicist named John Moffat had beat him to the epiphany.) Just allow light to travel much faster in the first fraction of a second after the big bang--quadrillions upon quadrillions of times faster--and the problems would be solved.

Take the so-called horizon problem. From beyond the farthest galaxies comes a faint emanation called the cosmic microwave background, the afterglow of the big bang. It looks almost exactly the same in every direction, meaning the hot gases it came from must have had almost exactly the same temperature. When the background was emitted, around 300,000 years after the big bang, light had had only 300,000 years to travel. Yet the universe was already tens of millions of light-years across. Its opposite sides could not have exchanged light or heat. Short of an incredible fluke, how could they have evened out their temperature?

The widely accepted but still unproven solution is the inflationary-universe theory. It says that the opposite sides of the universe were originally in contact, because the universe was much smaller in its first instants than the standard Big Bang theory suggests; it then underwent an infinitesimally brief but exponential inflation that swept its parts far out of contact with each other. Walking in the rain, Magueijo discovered what to him seemed a more elegant solution: The different regions of the early universe were in contact not because it was smaller but because light traveled much faster--fast enough to connect them. The laws of physics must have changed since then, drastically slowing light.

Lately, though, he and Smolin have proposed something a little more moderate: that this varying speed of light might be grounded in doubly special relativity. Amelino-Camelia's theory that the speed of light depends on its energy doesn't require the laws of physics to change, unlike Magueijo's original idea. Light might have traveled vastly faster in the hot early universe simply because its energy was so much higher then. "That you could be comfortable with," says Smolin.

Real world. Well, maybe. Many physicists aren't ready to take any of these ideas too seriously for now. But real-world tests could change that. Amelino-Camelia and Magueijo can both point to puzzling astrophysical observations that their theories may be able to explain. Ultrahigh-energy cosmic rays that special relativity says should never be able to make it to Earth--but that have been showing up at cosmic-ray observatories in recent years--might make sense in doubly special relativity. "For us to be mentioned in astrophysics reviews as one of the possible explanations--you have no idea what that means," says Amelino-Camelia.

Similarly, though no one has reported a direct observation of the speed of light changing over cosmic history, a tantalizing hint comes from something called the fine-structure constant. The fine-structure constant is a number that determines the size of the energy jumps that atoms make when they absorb photons and get excited, and it depends on c, among other things. For years now, a team of astronomers led by John Webb of the University of New South Wales, Australia, and his colleagues Victor Flambaum and Michael Murphy have been compiling observations of how atoms in gas clouds billions of light-years away absorb light. From these observations they can calculate the value that the fine-structure constant had billions of years ago and compare it with measurements today. They find evidence that it has increased by around a thousandth of a percent over the past 10 billion years. If other researchers confirm the effect, a gradual decrease in c will be a plausible explanation.

But perhaps the most direct evidence that something is amiss with c could come from GLAST, an orbiting gamma-ray telescope that NASA (news - web sites) is planning to launch in 2006 or 2007. GLAST will observe bursts of gamma rays--ultrahigh-energy light--from far-off galaxies. If doubly special relativity is correct, the more energetic gamma rays should travel faster and should tend to arrive at the telescope first--by about a millisecond, Amelino-Camelia says, after a billion-year race. That would be strong evidence that Einstein was wrong. But also that he was pretty darn close.

#7 Lazarus Long

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Posted 14 July 2003 - 06:26 PM

Accelerating Universe theory dispels dark energy
Tweaking gravity does away with need for strange forces.
3 July 2003

Posted ImageSome theorists think the Universe is filled with a mysterious dark energy, a sort of negative gravity.

The accelerating expansion of the Universe can be explained without invoking a force of dark energy, a group of US physicists is proposing1. Gravity alone might be driving everything apart with ever-increasing speed, they claim.

"The fact that the Universe is speeding up might be the biggest mystery in all of science," says Michael Turner of the University of Chicago. "Really big problems require crazy new ideas - and ours is right up there with the craziest." He hopes others will build on the idea, or knock it down.

In Einstein's theory of general relativity, matter alters gravity by curving space-time, like a bowling ball on a rubber sheet. Turner and his colleagues have added a term to Einstein's equations that strengthens as the Universe flattens.

The change has little effect on a young Universe, which is small, tightly packed and curvy. But after ten billion years of spreading, the new factor becomes powerful.

"We've blasphemed by changing Einstein's equations," says Turner. "The reward is that we find the natural state of an empty Universe is speeding up, and our Universe is getting emptier." The tweak to gravity also explains cosmic inflation - the Universe's mushrooming in the moments after the Big Bang.

Describing the Universe's early and late stages in a single stroke is appealingly economical, agrees cosmologist Pedro Gonzalez-Diaz of the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas in Madrid, Spain.

"This could eventually lead to a more general theory for the evolution of the entire Universe," he says.

Growth area

In 1998, observations of exploding stars showed that the Universe is expanding at an ever-increasing rate. This was a huge surprise - most experts thought that the expansion should be slowing down.

Some theorists reckon that the vacuum energy of space - subatomic particles that wink in and out of existence - is driving matter apart. Others argue that the Universe might be filled with a mysterious dark energy, a sort of negative gravity, also known as quintessence.

Compared with changing gravity, such theories require "a preposterous amount of tinkering" to make them fit the observations, says Turner's Chicago colleague Sean Carroll. But the new idea also needs much fine-tuning to produce a realistic picture, counters Gonzalez-Diaz.

Modifying relativity can let dark energy in by the back door, warns John Barrow of the University of Cambridge, UK. The amendment is mathematically equivalent to adding an anti-gravitational force, he says: "In a sense, this is another quintessence theory in a mathematical disguise."

If gravity does behave as Turner's team suggests, the cosmic speed-up should be gentler than one powered by dark energy. Observations of more exploding stars and distant galaxies in the early Universe, planned for the next decade, may help to measure the Universe's acceleration precisely enough to settle the debate.

Carroll, S. M., Duvvuri, V., Trodden, M. & Turner, M. S. Is cosmic speed-up due to new gravitational physics?. : Preprint, http://xxx.lanl.gov/...stro-ph/0306438 (2003). |Article|

© Nature News Service / Macmillan Magazines Ltd 2003

#8 Lazarus Long

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Posted 08 October 2003 - 07:51 PM

Well I think we will soon consolidate or at least better link some of these articles on theories of Space/Time and the Nature of the Universe. too many ideas are begining to overlap.

Sometimes in science the hardest idea is to be able to let go of an elegant and seemingly desirable hypothesis that is just not supported by the facts. They die hard but in their death they are reborn as a more accurate understanding.

These threads demand a cursory review along with the one I am posting this in:

Who is Peter Lynds? (Pages 1 2 )
Paper Breaks Ground on Nature of Time

New Clues To Nature Of Mysterious Dark Energy
A new study of supernovae

Cosmic Mysteries to ponder
New knowlege brings new questions

The Cyclic Universe
An Alternative to the Big Bang Model

Scientists Say Universe May Be Soccer-Ball Shaped
1 hour, 15 minutes ago
Wed, Oct 08, 2003 Science - Reuters

LONDON (Reuters) - Scientists said Wednesday the universe could be spherical and patched together like a soccer ball -- and it may not be infinite.

Jeffrey Weeks, a MacArthur Fellow based in Canton, New York, and researchers from the University of Paris and Observatory of Paris analyzed astronomical data which suggests the universe is finite and made of curved pentagons joined together into a ball.

In research reported in the science journal Nature on Wednesday, the scientists said data from NASA's Wilkinson Microwave Anisotrophy Probe (WMAP), which maps background radiation left over from the Big Bang, is not consistent with an infinite universe.

"Since antiquity, humans have wondered whether our universe is finite or infinite. Now, after more than two millennia of speculation, observational data might finally settle the ancient question," Weeks said.

In a commentary on the research, George Ellis of the University of Cape Town in South Africa, said if Weeks and his colleagues are correct we might indeed live in a small, closed universe.

#9 Lazarus Long

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Posted 08 October 2003 - 11:27 PM

Here is the actual Nature article and a reference to the BBC http://news.bbc.co.u...ure/3175352.stm review which also is nice in its own regard. Here is the link to the full text article for those that are subscribers to Nature Magazine.

Nature 425, 593 - 595 (09 October 2003); doi:10.1038/nature01944

Posted Image
Dodecahedral space topology as an explanation for weak wide-angle temperature correlations in the cosmic microwave background


1 Observatoire de Paris, 92195 Meudon Cedex, France
2 15 Farmer Street, Canton, New York 13617-1120, USA
3 CEA/Saclay, 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex, France
4 Laboratoire de Physique Théorique, Université Paris XI, 91405 Orsay Cedex, France

Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to J.R.W. (weeks@northnet.org).

The current 'standard model' of cosmology posits an infinite flat universe forever expanding under the pressure of dark energy. First-year data from the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) confirm this model to spectacular precision on all but the largest scales. Temperature correlations across the microwave sky match expectations on angular scales narrower than 60° but, contrary to predictions, vanish on scales wider than 60°. Several explanations have been proposed. One natural approach questions the underlying geometry of space—namely, its curvature and topology. In an infinite flat space, waves from the Big Bang would fill the universe on all length scales. The observed lack of temperature correlations on scales beyond 60° means that the broadest waves are missing, perhaps because space itself is not big enough to support them. Here we present a simple geometrical model of a finite space—the Poincaré dodecahedral space—which accounts for WMAP's observations with no fine-tuning required. The predicted density is 0 1.013 > 1, and the model also predicts temperature correlations in matching circles on the sky.

Full Text

Posted Image
Universe could be football-shaped
Finite cosmos may be smaller than we think.
9 October 2003

The Universe could be shaped like a soccer ball, say mathematicians1.

The idea is prompted by data from NASA's Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) satellite. This sees back to when the Universe was about 380,000 years old, and reveals the all-pervading radiation left over from the Big Bang - the cosmic microwave background.

There are fluctuations in this background, like waves in the sea. They are the legacy of the small lumps in the early Universe that gave rise to stars and galaxies.

An infinite Universe would contain waves of all sizes. The WMAP did not see any very large waves. This points to space being finite - for the same reasons that you don't see breakers in your bathtub.

The best explanation for these observations is that the cosmos is a Poincaré dodecahedral space, says a team led by Jeffrey Weeks, an independent mathematician based in Canton, New York. Mathematical models of a spherical, solid Universe edged by 12 curved pentagons produce the patterns seen in the background radiation without any special fine-tuning. "It fits the data surprisingly well," says Weeks.

The dodecahedron is "a nice solution", agrees cosmologist Janna Levin of the University of Cambridge, UK. But other geometries could produce similar patterns in the microwave background, she warns. "It's going to be a surprise if the Universe has chosen such a beautiful platonic form," she says. "And I'd be surprised if the Universe was so small."

Most physicists assume that the Universe is infinite, explains Levin. But Einstein's theories actually say nothing about whether the Universe stops or not.

Posted Image
The answer could be in the CMB
Bouncing back

A journey of 60 billion light years across a dodecahedral Universe would bring you right back to Earth. Like a circumnavigation of the globe, it would be a seamless ride: there would be no obvious point at which one 're-entered' the Universe.

The most distant objects would be visible in opposite directions, although they would be seen at different ages. Trying to spot the same galaxy in two different places "would be like trying to recognize the same person viewed at age 50 face-on, and at the age of 7 from the top of their head, in a crowd of billions," says Weeks.

There's a better chance that we might be able to recognize repetitive patterns in the microwave background. If background radiation had travelled far enough to meet itself, it would create circular patterns, like intersecting ripples on a pond.

Astrophysicist Neil Cornish, of Montana State University in Bozeman, is one of a team that is looking for these circles. The researchers will present their latest results at a cosmology conference beginning on Friday in Cleveland, Ohio.

So far, their search has drawn a blank. "There is a little room left for the small-Universe idea, but not much," Cornish says.

Weeks remains optimistic, however. He thinks that the telltale circles might be hiding in parts of the WMAP data that have yet to be analysed.

Luminet, J.-P. et al. Dodecahedral space topology as an explanation for weak wide-angle temperature in the cosmic microwave background. Nature, 425, 593 - 595, doi:10.1038/nature01944 (2003). |Article|

© Nature News Service / Macmillan Magazines Ltd 2003

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#10 chubtoad

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Posted 08 October 2003 - 11:37 PM

Here is another article on the dodecahedral shape of space.


Space Seen as Finite, Shaped Like a Soccer Ball
By Robert Roy Britt
Senior Science Writer
posted: 01:00 pm ET
08 October 2003

Scientists have kicked around many possibilities for the shape of the cosmos and whether or not it has a boundary. Now one group says the big house is set up something like the surface of a soccer ball, with cosmic patches stitched together to form a decidedly finite universe.

The structure can also be likened to a funhouse of perplexing mirrors generating multiple images of one reality.

But the new theoretical conjuring is no joke. It's based on real-world observations of radiation leftover from the Big Bang, data that do not fit the current leading view of an infinite universe.

The strange geometry has been suggested before. What's new is how neatly it fits with the latest data. After some two millennia of speculation, the scientists involved in the work say, observations may be on the verge of determining whether the universe is infinite or finite. 

An infinite or open universe would result from an infinite amount of matter. A finite amount of matter would generate a finite, or closed universe.

Back to where you started

The new idea involves blocks of space "with opposite faces abstractly glued together," the researchers write in the Oct. 9 issue of the journal Nature. An object sliding off an edge of one block will instantly slide into view at the edge of its opposing block.

In a telephone interview, researcher Jeff Weeks, a freelance mathematician and co-author of the Nature paper, explained the geometry.

Imagine a sheet of paper with the left and right edges rolled toward one another to make a cylinder, Weeks suggests. Suppose you could shrink and stand on the paper. Start at the seam and walk west in a straight line.

"Nothing funny happens along the way." Weeks says. "Then lo-and-behold you're back at the starting point and surprised to be there."

How the universe works
Visualized here in 2-D, an object exiting a seam of the universe reappears on the opposing face. The geometry is known as a flat torus.


Adding complexity
In a 3-D universe, the flat torus is mathematically extended to the far more complex dodecahedron, with six opposing pentagonal pairs, as shown here. In real space, according to the new theory, the faces and the edges do not actually exist, but if you could cut the universe open, the dodecahedron would become apparent.

Now if you could roll the sheet of paper in two directions -- without the inevitable crumpling -- so that things moving off the top would appear at the bottom, then you'd have created a universe much like the one Weeks and his colleagues imagine.

The real universe is more complex than a sheet of paper, of course.

The new study, led by Jean-Pierre Luminet of the Paris Observatory, suggests the universe is a dodecahedron -- a complex pattern of 12 pentagonal shapes -- with opposite faces connected up in pairs, like the opposite edges of the sheet of paper described above. A traveler exiting the dodecahedron through any face returns from the opposite face.

The dodecahedron is geometrically tweaked so that it makes a spherical universe -- one that can be likened to the look of a soccer ball.

Multiple images

If the theory is right -- and the researchers say more work is needed to bear it out -- then light should experience the same travel patterns as you did while walking around the paper cylinder. That would mean astronomers should be able to find multiple images of a single object in space. Weeks thinks of it this way: On the paper cylinder, a person could look east and west and, in both directions, see light coming from a single object that's on the far side of the cylinder.

The concept has implications for space travel, or at least for pondering its potential extremes.

"Hypothetically speaking, if you head off into space you can travel in a straight line and come back to the starting point," Weeks said. "But it would take a long time."

This latest twist on decades-old theory arose from observed density fluctuations in cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation, a leftover of the early days of the universe. The density fluctuations are in essence the vibrational overtones of space, the researchers say. Just as the vibrations of a bell can't exceed the size of the bell, the density fluctuations of space can't be larger than space itself.

But measurements of the CMB, provided recently by NASA's WMAP probe, do not match up with expectations set by cosmology's leading model, which maintains the universe is geometrically flat, but infinite. Some fudge factors are needed to reconcile theory with what's been observed.

No boundaries

The dodecahedral model explains the observations with no fudging required, says George Ellis, a mathematician at the University of Cape Town in South Africa. For anyone who is bewildered by the idea of infinite space, the new model could prove slightly comforting. It suggests we live in a relatively small, closed universe, Ellis writes in an accompanying analysis for Nature.

"This topology, unlike many others, is supported by" the WMAP data, says Ellis, who was not involved in the study.

If the universe is closed, though, then what is beyond the universe? Weeks took his best shot at answering this confounding question:

"The universe is finite," he said, "but there's no boundary to it," implying that there is no beyond, or that if there is, then its nature is left to your imagination and is outside the closed system that astronomers can ever hope to see.

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