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Looking for potent anti cancer supplement / drug


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#1 Preventionisthekey

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Posted 27 November 2019 - 06:11 PM

Hello, 2 years ago I had an ulcer on the hard palate that didnt heal ,i get it biopsed pretty fast and the biopsy was inconclusive, the lesion showed some atypia but not enough to be classified as dysplasia 

It was a huge shock to me, i dont know why i get it 

The ent told me to see him every 6 month so he can check the lesion, but i totally refused to live with it and i get it totally removed with a clear margin  ,the lesion healed and let a kind of osteoma, i get a scanner  with contrast for it and it was normal 


btw there is only one case of cancer in my family : my mother died of breast cancer,she managed to live  17 years with a metastatic cancer thank to the great oncologist in France 



So now 2 year later now im still shocked, I want to avoid cancer at any cost 


This is my current regimen : 




- metformin 1500 mg per day :  a very small study found that it can   heal oral dysplasia 

- statin   :  found a lot of study about its anti cancer activity 

- curcumin longvida : for its anti inflammatory effect and anti cancer propreties, it has healed /reversed oral  dysplasia on some studies

- EGCG :  anti cancer effect against oral cancer

mebendazole / febendazole anti cancer activity 

- beta glucan +naltrexone : for immun system



i'm mainly looking for supplement /drug that  : 


- inhib egfr ( epithelial growth factor ) 

- inhib cox-1 or cox 2

- anything that can block cancer from escaping the immun system



Potential cause of the lesion : 


- very bad oral hygiene ? dont really brush my teeth but i changed 

 - silent reflux ? have silent reflux for years 

- chronic dry mouth ? i have chronic dry mouth for years 

- poor diet ? i probably eat vegetables once per month ...

- anxiety ?   my anxiety has already suppressed my immun system : i got shingles some  years ago  ( after not sleeping for 4 consecutive days) 



#2 Preventionisthekey

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Posted 27 November 2019 - 10:04 PM

just to make some clarification  : 


- i got a lot of dental work since my childhood  

 - i hd a catastrophic oral hygiene : i brushed my teeth every 2 years maybe 

- catastrophic diet    


i dont know if it can cause such a thing 


btw i  will order a genetic testing from 23andme and upload the raw data on prometheus , just to see if i have any  hereditary cancer


i have 3 brother and none of them have cancer





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#3 Moyshekapoyre

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Posted 28 December 2019 - 01:10 AM

According to recent research, most chronic disease may be caused by S. mutans, the bacteria which causes cavities.


So yeah, I'd expect you to be extremely ill if you don't brush your teeth at all. Having said that, ordinary tooth paste isn't very good. I used to get cavities every year using ordinary tooth paste. I switched to plain baking soda 9yrs ago and never had a cavity since then. However, when I have forgotten my baking soda on trips etc, I have gotten bad mouth infections, which I cured by swishing DMSO.


For cancer, try a tea of Salvia miltiorrhiza root, and 200mg palmitoylethanolamide dissolved in virgin red palm oil with black pepper and curcumin. 


All these supplements will help your anxiety.


But. You need to eat vegetables. Nothing is a substitute for veggies.

Edited by Moyshekapoyre, 28 December 2019 - 01:11 AM.

#4 Seganfredo

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Posted 28 December 2019 - 02:49 AM

You're on your lucky day.

I was a med student, my dad had cancer (and I crashed with a severe HPA axis dysregulation with dysbiosis/IBS and every serious autoimmune disorder you can find on Google) so all I've done over the last few years is obsessively research for a way to finally beat cancer (and CFS/HPA axis dysregulation/IBS/ autoimmunity).

My father should have been loooong gone by now (he was terminal with 3 months max to live a year ago), but he gets his doctors baffled and puzzled every time he visits them, as his tests show he's closer and closer to remission. He's just not 100% by now cause the disease is of the bones, MM, which isn't fast to respond - 5-6 more months and we'll definitely hear docs say the cancer is gone.

I've actually wrote a book on how to beat cancer where I put all my discoveries.

Your supplements are pretty good and I have listed them in the book, but they do not come even close to LDN, autohemotherapy (draw 20ml venal blood, apply to deltoids and butt sides), ozone/hydrogen peroxide therapy, blood electrification, and some others. Each of these will devour poor cancer faster than a fat kid can eat cookies, but when used in tandem they're the bomb.

Do search for those, do one or two of them (I do all of them on myself too with the exception of h2o2/o3 which I'm starting asap) and remain calm and certain of your good health for the rest of your long, healthy life.

Edited by Seganfredo, 28 December 2019 - 03:01 AM.

#5 Moyshekapoyre

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Posted 28 December 2019 - 02:55 AM

You're on your lucky day.

I was a med student, my dad had cancer (and I crashed with a severe HPA axis dysregulation with dysbiosis/IBS and every serious autoimmune disorder you can find on Google) so all I've done over the last few years is obsessively research for a way to finally beat cancer (and CFS/HPA axis dysregulation/IBS/ autoimmunity).

My father should have been loooong gone by now (he was terminal with 3 months max), but he gets his doctors puzzled every time he visits them, as he's closer and closer to remission. He's just not 100% by now cause the disease is of the bones, MM, which is slow to respond.

I've actually wrote a book on how to beat cancer where I put all my discoveries.

Your supplements are pretty good and Ihave listed them in the book, but they do not come even close to LDN, ozone/hydrogen peroxide therapy, blood electrification, and some others.

Do search for those, do them (I do them myself with the exception of h2o2/o3 which I'm starting asap) and remain calm and certain of your good health for the rest of your long, healthy life.


I've read of all that before, but have not heard of any evidence of it curing HPA axis dysregulation or cancer. How can I find the book you wrote?

#6 Seganfredo

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Posted 28 December 2019 - 03:20 AM

"Of all that" what? I've offered some 6 different strategies.

My book's not available in English unhappily. Go to Google scholar, type the names of the therapies and "cancer". That's how you can find trustworthy evidence.

On oxidation therapies, read The One Minute Cure, it's in English. Will help you a lot.

I've read of all that before, but have not heard of any evidence of it curing HPA axis dysregulation or cancer. How can I find the book you wrote?

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#7 Moyshekapoyre

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Posted 28 December 2019 - 04:42 AM

Drat, and I don't speak Portuguese, altho it is pretty similar to Spanish... 


Thanks for the link to the One Minute Cure. I'll have to read that. 


I actually did experiment on myself with H2O2 and LDN and blood electrification for a while, but noticed none of the claimed benefits for my immune system or depression which I was struggling with at the time. I might be an outlier.  I never heard of autohemotherapy and I think I will not be experimenting with that, but I appreciate that you have mentioned it.


Btw, I haven't yet researched enough on most of these things, but LDN does not seem to be all that great for cancer compared to cryptotanshinone in salvia miltiorrhiza in my opinion. According to the LDN proponents themselves, it seemed to help, but not cure, about 1/3 of cancer patients that it was tested it on. http://www.ldninfo.o..._and_cancer.htm


Thank you for taking the time to spread your findings!



Edited by Moyshekapoyre, 28 December 2019 - 05:27 AM.

#8 kurdishfella

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Posted 28 December 2019 - 07:24 AM

where is the vitamin c? the most important out of all vitamins and minerals and has shown benefits for cancer and you don't have it.

Edited by farshad, 28 December 2019 - 07:24 AM.

#9 dalack

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Posted 29 December 2019 - 02:36 PM

Like the last poster said, vitamin c plus doxycycline and
Theres already clinical evidence its effective and cheap.

Lisanti with Professor Federica Sotgia carried out trials in 2018 of the antibiotic Doxycycline on cancer reoccurrence in hospital patients resulting in a 40 percent reduction in cancer stem cells in patients, with a near 90 percent response rate.


#10 dalack

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Posted 29 December 2019 - 03:01 PM

Imagine we find out that twenty dollars in drugs that have been around for decades are more effective than quarter million dollar cart t therapies.

Big pharma will not be happy
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#11 Moyshekapoyre

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Posted 29 December 2019 - 09:52 PM

Like the last poster said, vitamin c plus doxycycline and
Theres already clinical evidence its effective and cheap.

Lisanti with Professor Federica Sotgia carried out trials in 2018 of the antibiotic Doxycycline on cancer reoccurrence in hospital patients resulting in a 40 percent reduction in cancer stem cells in patients, with a near 90 percent response rate.



Pretty interesting, altho I don't see why cancer cells would not mutate quickly to overcome this new vector of attack, since it's just a single drug vector, and it doesn't even kill them all. Those cells which survive would reproduce, and the effectiveness of this approach would be gone very fast, from what I understand. They mention in the article that because so little antibiotics are used, this would not contribute to antibiotic resistance, altho I don't think that is good logic. It is often because people don't use enough antibiotics that they develop antibiotic resistance, ironically.


I'd say avoid pharmaceutical antibiotics altogether rather than take low doses. We're already getting low doses of those antibiotics in our meat and milk unless we only buy organic. So if this really works, I'd expect to see people consuming non-organic meat & dairy to have less cancer. 


Also, they say vitamin C is a pro-oxidant in that article. It requires larger doses of vitamin C before it has a pro-oxidant effect.

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#12 Seganfredo

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Posted 29 December 2019 - 10:08 PM

Big pharma ain't happy about none of this, you can count on that.

None of the things I've mentioned will bring to remission "every cancer in every patient", obviously.

There are many other ways that will cure cancers on most people that I haven't mentioned. Some I forgot to mention, others are absolutely immoral and many I don't know.

Fresh lemon juice (not just "vit C") will cure most/all types of cancers on an astounding number of patients for its citric acid content even more than the vit C content, which is also beneficial but can't be compared with. There's a Mexican MD (forgot his name, he's on Twitter) that treats his patients this way with great results.

ALA, α-lipoic acid, is one of the very best supplements possible that may lead singlehandedly to full remissions. Even in healthy ppl it can do wonders as it can fully heal heavily damaged and burdened organs (especially liver).

Doxy+vit C is especially useful even after remission. It kills cancer stem cells (CSCs) which aren't targeted by chemo but not the main tumor, while it obviously will contribute to a full recovery.

There are also diets and food items (ie. freshly blended golden flax seeds with Quark cheese - Budwig cream) that are of great help.

Moy, it's a pleasure to help. I personally use LDN (every night) and blood electrification (haphazardly). I must say they've helped enormously on the long run, LDN being more immediate in its action and the electrification needing very long term and a microscope for you to realize how much it's really helping your body, as it's quite slow acting but nothing short of a minor miracle. My life quality and bloodwork are just not the same after these. But I must say that the star for me personally is the AHT, a shame you're not open to try it out. It QUADRUPLES macrophages for a whole week. The difference it makes is striking in every way. Makes you relax and sleep like a baby without any autoimmune complications, in case you have them. There's a major movement in Brazil made mostly of people who have cured themselves or benefited greatly from it that includes some of the most highly respected doctors on the continent. It's a completely harmless technique (if the practitioner is not a complete moron who'd stick the needle on the patient's/ his own eyes instead of the right places, of course). Yesterday I was playing dice with everyone here at the beach and suddenly felt real bad (a rare occurrence and still lingering symptom of autoimmunity). While in the past I was forced to go to ER and be there for some 15h until it all subsided on its own, I just went to my cupboard, got the material and applied 20ml of AHT on myself. Felt better by the minute, slept like a rock.

Do Google for ye ole doc Dr. Luis Moura. His 1h or so speech on AHT is something to benefit from and keep in mind for your whole life and pass on through generations whether you come from an MD family or not. That's how useful it is.

I wonder about your h2o2 experience. Did you do the full protocol till 25 drops for some days then gradually back to zero and received no benefits? I'm still to try this one. From the data and cases, I expect a major difference on the long run, but we'll see.

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