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Looking for help

energy brain fatigue

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#1 jerrytan

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Posted 22 December 2019 - 06:31 AM

Hi! I'm new here. I'd love to get back to a normal level of energy. Right now, and for most of the past few years, my energy has been in toilet. I had brain surgery last year and assumed that would solve my problems but.... it didn't. Details in my intro post: https://www.longecit...got-big-issues/


I've been browsing through the forum and seeing a lot of information about protocols, supplements, theories, etc. This is all fascinating but I'm new this and don't know where to start. If I could gain any significant boost in energy, it would be a game changer for me. I've already thrown thousands of dollars and countless time at this problem, and I don't work, so my money is dwindling. Thanks in advance any help!

Edited by jerrytan, 22 December 2019 - 06:33 AM.

#2 ibtisam_midlet

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Posted 22 December 2019 - 08:18 AM

why you don't try some strong drugs (meth), it will works for some years, then you might death because addiction/craving.


and yes before someone start attack on me, i just want to tell you that the depression life is rough that what you can thing, living 3 years happy is better then 50 years of torture, that's my opinion, i have the right to give it (if i don't have the right i will buy it *-*)


you can try using ibogaine to avoid that.

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#3 jerrytan

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Posted 22 December 2019 - 12:03 PM

I'm starting to think that asking strangers on the internet for advice wasn't so smart. Lol

I'm not depressed. You're right, though, that depression is rough. I've had it before and have found that taking probiotics boost and stabilize my feeling of mental wellbeing more than anything. Haven't tried meth, don't plan to. Of course that's not my problem...

I don't know what's broken with my overall ability to produce energy, but I imagine that's where the solution lies. Not solving the problem just means I/we don't know enough, as far as I'm concerned.

Edited by jerrytan, 22 December 2019 - 12:13 PM.

#4 ibtisam_midlet

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Posted 22 December 2019 - 01:42 PM

I'm starting to think that asking strangers on the internet for advice wasn't so smart. Lol


you asked strangers to get new ideas, because you can get new ideas by your self.

here we are just trying to help each others, i thing-ed you have severe depression because you have do a brain Surgery which i will not do for my self if i in your place


-and surely there's a solution somewhere in the middle-


you didn't tested the life of high baseline happy productive people, if you try it once (using meth) you will rather die then stopping it. We are a group of bad luck humans


other then that the "middle" for me isn't the middle for you, because you set the middle using your cognitive abilities based on the configuration of your brain neurotransmitters, which is my configuration, because we aren't the same person, DNA, life experience


lets try to be more Understandable, whats about modafinil? it's not addictive she will give you just the enargy and she have slow tolerance and the better that we can see you the 100 with it :]

Edited by ibtisam_midlet, 22 December 2019 - 01:47 PM.

#5 CWF1986

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Posted 22 December 2019 - 07:57 PM

I've heard shooting up the meth w/ heroine works better.  You know, a speedball.  Get w/ the program Ibtisam  ;)


Okay okay but srsly, have you looked into things that helps the brain make connections?  Bacopa is just one that comes to mind.  There's some other more powerful targeted approaches as well on the boards.  I don't know a lot of the particulars on that subject, I just thought it might be another direction to look into.  


In the interim while you wait to see if those kinds of things will work which if they do it will take time as measured in months to years, have you tried stimulating options like adrafinil/modafinil, sulbutiamine, or bromantane or the other side of things trying calming agents like valerian, passionflower, or phenibut.  Heads up, don't take phenibut if you have a proclivity towards addiction.  

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#6 jerrytan

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Posted 22 December 2019 - 08:00 PM

I haven't tried any of the drugs you listed. Brain connections do sound worth exploring though. I've had some increase in energy from GHRP and BOC-157 but they didn't raise my baseline, meaning that I still "crash." They just make the time between crashed more bearable.

I'll look into the other drugs you mentioned. I'm wary of diminishing returns and desensitization so I'm kind of picky for as a reckless as I am.

#7 CWF1986

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Posted 22 December 2019 - 08:18 PM

I haven't tried any of the drugs you listed. Brain connections do sound worth exploring though. I've had some increase in energy from GHRP and BOC-157 but they didn't raise my baseline, meaning that I still "crash." They just make the time between crashed more bearable.

I'll look into the other drugs you mentioned. I'm wary of diminishing returns and desensitization so I'm kind of picky for as a reckless as I am.


Keep in mind that some things are best cycled.  While there's no addiction or dependence on sulbutiamine, it does stop working after several days to a couple weeks so you'd need to cycle it.  

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#8 ibtisam_midlet

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Posted 22 December 2019 - 08:30 PM

I've heard shooting up the meth w/ heroine works better. You know, a speedball. Get w/ the program Ibtisam ;)

Okay okay but srsly, have you looked into things that helps the brain make connections? Bacopa is just one that comes to mind. There's some other more powerful targeted approaches as well on the boards. I don't know a lot of the particulars on that subject, I just thought it might be another direction to look into.

In the interim while you wait to see if those kinds of things will work which if they do it will take time as measured in months to years, have you tried stimulating options like adrafinil/modafinil, sulbutiamine, or bromantane or the other side of things trying calming agents like valerian, passionflower, or phenibut. Heads up, don't take phenibut if you have a proclivity towards addiction.

I'm against opiates and must of downers baby.

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