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anti-aging debate on AARP

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#1 reason

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Posted 11 April 2003 - 01:28 AM

The eloquent amongst us should jump over to AARP today, read the debate on anti-aging and reversing the aging process linked from the front page (top right) and make some good comments. The AARP is pretty inflential in US political circles...


The debate itself: http://community.aar...ges/?msg=451.18

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#2 raver

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Posted 27 April 2003 - 01:19 PM

Reason -

After reading the AARP thread, I was impressed that so many Seniors argued in the "Quality of Life" vein for supplementation and lifestyle choices. My recent experience with watching 4 parents and parents in-law approach declining health in their eighties, is that they tend to put more "trust and faith" in traditional American medicine, not realising that expensive designer drugs (and the undesirable side effects and interactions that accompany them) or body part removal (surgery) are the ONLY OPTIONS that most MD's consider.

Also, as the bodies' subsystems begin to deteriate, and the degenerative diseases begin their run, it is stunning how they feed each other and each little set-back seems to compound into a problem that worsens with every attempted treatment. I am also shocked that conservative elders, who blasted recreational physcological drug use when we were young (MJ/LSD etc) now are sitting or lying in assisted living centers and nursing homes screaming each night for more opiates (oxycontin and percatin, etc) to "ease thier pain" and to "help them sleep".

I suggest that those chasing immortality without priorities on healthy mind/body should spend 8 hours wondering around a nursing home some Saturday.


Edited by raver, 27 April 2003 - 06:11 PM.

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