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Critique my powder-based pill-free high va...

Biologist's Photo Biologist 02 May 2020

First off all, quercetin is a zinc ionophore and may at >10 gram megadoses prevent coronavirus replication, see extensive discussion here https://www.reddit.c...scov2_as_a_low/ - it is currently going through in vivo clinical trials. The dosage in this stack will however be far too low, but thought I'd mention it.


This is a general health and longevity stack, with extra focus on join and tendon health as I do calisthenics. I'm a 85 kg 35 yr old male in good health. 


I buy all the supplements in powder form which easily cuts cost in half, then I mix at least 1 months worth of powders to make a single multi-supplement powder that I add to smoothies and such, 2 flat tsp pr day (7.5g total) - saving time over taking pills.


Not included I on occasion take Ashwagandha KSM-66 from Jarrows (watch out for liver issues!) and Omega-3 DHA pills (the latter could potentially be included in the formula, but powdered Omega-3 is hard to come by and expensive).



Vitamin D3 = 6500 IU from a 100 IU/mg powder, powders have slightly worse bioavailability than liquid D3, I have measured my serum levels post supplementation.


Let me know if you have any suggestions!

Edited by Biologist, 02 May 2020 - 09:00 AM.

Biologist's Photo Biologist 05 May 2020



Oakman's Photo Oakman 06 May 2020

Interesting, but why is it a longevity stack? I don't see anything unusual or unique about it, to be honest., in fact, it's really a quite minimal stack on a scale of 1-10. 


Not criticizing, just wondering about your rationale re:longevity.


Biologist's Photo Biologist 09 May 2020

Since I'm in my mid 30s, I can afford to wait and my primary concern is that it's safe long term as a baseline, then I can build on it as evidence comes in and as I grow older. What we know the most about and can measure quite easily is aging of your cardiovascular system, so that's the focus of the stack. Off the top of my head:


There is pretty good evidence D3 + K2 MK7 improves blood vessel elasticity, this could have major preventative effect for several aging related diseases from dementia to CVD.

Reducing LDL oxidation also seems key to prevent atherosclerotic buildup, the nr1 cause of CVD?

GSH levels decline as we age, NAC and/or glycine can help buffer the cells most important antioxidant helping prevent dementia and other aging related disease.

The glucosamine sulfate and glycine could help improve tendon strength, another aging related issue.


One clear thing missing is something to combat immunosenescence, where something more aggressive like rapamycin or HGH treatment could be effective.







Edited by Biologist, 09 May 2020 - 12:25 PM.

michael0505's Photo michael0505 09 May 2020

What type of Astaxanthin are you using for that small price ?


Biologist's Photo Biologist 11 May 2020

A 10% powder https://www.extraktm....de/astaxanthin, powders are nearly always cheaper and in fact make taking supplements much more time efficient and customizable. 


Gediminas Jesinas's Photo Gediminas Jesinas 24 May 2020

Isn't astaxanthin more bioavailable with oil and capsules?


Biologist's Photo Biologist 25 May 2020


Isn't astaxanthin more bioavailable with oil and capsules?


Likely, but i don't think it'll weigh up for the added cost plus you could take the powder with some oil to likely improve bioavail.


pamojja's Photo pamojja 25 May 2020

Likely, but i don't think it'll weigh up for the added cost plus you could take the powder with some oil to likely improve bioavail.


That's how I take a mix of powdered supplements, in a glass of water with 1-2 teaspoons of coconut or mct oil, and stevia extract.


aribadabar's Photo aribadabar 30 May 2020

A 10% powder https://www.extraktm....de/astaxanthin, powders are nearly always cheaper and in fact make taking supplements much more time efficient and customizable. 


10g of 10% extract is 1g so that's about $30 for 83x12mg doses. You can get 120x12mg softgels retail for sub $30 every day.

Edited by aribadabar, 30 May 2020 - 11:31 PM.

Rorororo's Photo Rorororo 20 Jun 2020

150mg elemental zinc? That's a lot of zinc. Are you taking a copper supplement with it to avoid a deficiency?

Edit: Just read you have a zinc deficiency. 150mg is still way too much to take long term though, IMO. 30-40mg may be a better option for you to treat a deficiency and it's still 3-4X the RDA.
Edited by Rorororo, 20 June 2020 - 03:14 AM.

pamojja's Photo pamojja 20 Jun 2020

150mg elemental zinc? That's a lot of zinc.


It says zinc gluconate, not elemental. Therefore only about 21 mg elemental zinc.


Rorororo's Photo Rorororo 20 Jun 2020

It says zinc gluconate, not elemental. Therefore only about 21 mg elemental zinc.

14% by weight just saw that...thanks

Biologist's Photo Biologist 25 Jun 2020


10g of 10% extract is 1g so that's about $30 for 83x12mg doses. You can get 120x12mg softgels retail for sub $30 every day.


Thanks for the tip, that seems like a good deal: $26.88 per gram powdered vs $24.95 per gram from Nutricost, but it unfortunately isn't available in Europe and for me the added convenience of not having to take pills makes up for the cost difference regardless.


There might be ways of getting it even cheaper in the US in bulk powder form, worth considering if bioavailability might be worse.



Edited by Biologist, 25 June 2020 - 08:00 AM.

syr_'s Photo syr_ 23 Jan 2022

There is pretty good evidence D3 + K2 MK7 improves blood vessel elasticity,


I assume the K2 is 250ug and not mg.
