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Simulating a Signal Transduction Network

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#1 maestro949

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Posted 21 June 2006 - 10:29 AM

Bingo. A spatial, stochastic, modularized, agent-based simulator. Now if we can extend this to allow the agents to dissolve and morph into other agents taking on new properties we have ourselves a base for large-scale full cell simulation. Current object oriented programming languages are not structured well for this. Polymorphic functions are one thing but when it's the objects that are morphing, designing an object model becomes difficult! You almost need a class called "molecule" that when attached to other molecules becomes a new object which takes on potential functions and these functions can fire depending on other molecules in it's immediate vicinity. It would seem you need a new programming language built specifically for this.

Overall this is good though as it demonstrates how you can black box the physics that drives CPU performance through the roof and still get some reasonable simulation data.

Combine this with evolutionary and self-learning software concepts and you could have a simulator that builds itself. Need a few hundred thousand teraflops for that though.


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