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Is Lamictal the Cure for Generalized/Social Anxiety?

anxiety glutamate lamictal lamotrigine sodium channels gaba gabapentin aspartate topamax glutamate antagonist

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#1 Supplement

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Posted 07 February 2021 - 10:08 PM

Obviously Lamictal (Lamotrigine) is known for it's anticonvulsant properties and treatment of bipolar disorders. This is because it inhibits the voltage-dependent sodium channels. This inhibits the release of glutamate and aspartate, the two dominant excitatory neurotransmitters in the central nervous system. I believe that glutamate is the prime cause of anxiety (besides low GABA sensitivity).


Why do I tell you this? Because for several decades we have been trying to find an ultimate and (hopefully) permanent cure for anxiety. Benzos haven't helped me, antidepressants haven't helped me, GABAergic supplements haven't helped me, NMDA antagonists haven't helped me, brain inflammation supplements haven't helped me... But Lamictal potentially can.


Unlike other anticonvulsants which act on the voltage-dependent calcium channels, Lamictal is unique. These anticonvulsants such as Gabapentin, Pregabalin, and even Phenibut are all prone to rapid tolerance and absolutely severe withdrawals. This is because they increase GABA. I hate to sound like ScienceGuy, but we need to socially distance away from anything that acts on GABA.


People have had luck with supplements that inhibit glutamate in some form or way, I haven't had such luck. Even Memantine failed to reduce the crippling anxiety that I suffer from.


So Lamictal might be the golden bullet everyone with "treatment-resistant" anxiety has been looking for. I plan to take my first dose later today.


I just thought I'd share this with you to see if anyone else had come to the same conclusion. Wish me luck.







#2 Believer

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Posted 09 February 2021 - 10:38 PM

Gabapentin is but good luck getting it prescribed

Lyrica (pregabalin) is also good for social phobia but not as good as gabapentin


Lamictal has high propensity for stevens-johnson syndrome deadly skin reaction

I got allergic reaction, couldn't tolerate

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#3 Supplement

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Posted 09 February 2021 - 11:12 PM

Gabapentin is but good luck getting it prescribed

Lyrica (pregabalin) is also good for social phobia but not as good as gabapentin


Lamictal has high propensity for stevens-johnson syndrome deadly skin reaction

I got allergic reaction, couldn't tolerate

I've been prescribed Gabapentin for several years and I still suffered from generalized anxiety. Lyrica mogs Gabapentin, it's more potent.


I'm worried about SJS, but I don't plan on using the Lamictal for long. Just enough to balance out my glutamate with my GABA.

#4 Believer

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Posted 09 February 2021 - 11:48 PM

You will have to look at the GAD enzyme which has reduced function in almost all ethnic Europeans, especially northwestern and eastern Europeans. Reduced function of this enzyme is the primary cause of elevated glutamate and low gaba in most people of our ethnicity.



Several things can and do increase function of this enzyme, including gabapentin

and pyridoxal-5-phosphate (p5p, coenzyme vitamin B6).

I think normal vitamin B6 may work as well to increase function/production of this enzyme.

Lots of vitamin B6 analogues like emoxypine SHOULD in theory be able to work as well but from my experience I can only ever feel P5P increasing gaba/lowering glutamate.


The primary symptom of excessively elevated glutamate and low gaba is body itching and stress attacks and irritability, also voice stuck in high tone (shouting when speaking) as well as increased sensitivity to physical and psychological pain -> if you fall your body hurts more than it should, if someone calls you ugly it hurts you more than you should.


I wish I could tolerate lamictal as it works against asocial (lack of motivation to be social) tendencies which I have and I have yet to find anything that works to make me social except extremely high dose risperidone makes me unable to tolerate social isolation even for an hour.


If you find anything that increases the DESIRE to be social, please share it I would be grateful :)

#5 Supplement

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Posted 10 February 2021 - 12:45 AM

You will have to look at the GAD enzyme which has reduced function in almost all ethnic Europeans, especially northwestern and eastern Europeans. Reduced function of this enzyme is the primary cause of elevated glutamate and low gaba in most people of our ethnicity.



Several things can and do increase function of this enzyme, including gabapentin

and pyridoxal-5-phosphate (p5p, coenzyme vitamin B6).

I think normal vitamin B6 may work as well to increase function/production of this enzyme.

Lots of vitamin B6 analogues like emoxypine SHOULD in theory be able to work as well but from my experience I can only ever feel P5P increasing gaba/lowering glutamate.


The primary symptom of excessively elevated glutamate and low gaba is body itching and stress attacks and irritability, also voice stuck in high tone (shouting when speaking) as well as increased sensitivity to physical and psychological pain -> if you fall your body hurts more than it should, if someone calls you ugly it hurts you more than you should.


I wish I could tolerate lamictal as it works against asocial (lack of motivation to be social) tendencies which I have and I have yet to find anything that works to make me social except extremely high dose risperidone makes me unable to tolerate social isolation even for an hour.


If you find anything that increases the DESIRE to be social, please share it I would be grateful :)

I've taken and megadosed P-5-P several times and still noticed no change. I was also taking it with taurine and zinc since they promote GAD enzyme expression and still no noticeable change.


Take Vorinostat along with a gabapentinoid and you'll definitely want to be social.

#6 Believer

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Posted 10 February 2021 - 01:26 AM

I've taken and megadosed P-5-P several times and still noticed no change. I was also taking it with taurine and zinc since they promote GAD enzyme expression and still no noticeable change.


Take Vorinostat along with a gabapentinoid and you'll definitely want to be social.

What exactly are your symptoms of too much glutamate and too little gaba if you mean neurotransmitter levels and not receptor specific activity?



What is Vorinostat's mechanism of action in combo with a gabapentinoid? I am very interested in your proposal. Which gabapentinoid would you suggest?

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#7 jack black

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Posted 17 February 2021 - 07:39 PM

i've been taking a low dose of lamictal for a few years now and while it helps some, it's not a cure.

same with a low dose SSRI that i take from time to time when the anxiety/depression is intolerable.

the most helpful thing i found was the old lowly propranolol taken before high stress/high anxiety scenarios. that enables you to do "exposure therapy" and learn to function in those stressful moments. with time the need to take propranolol will be less and less.


BTW, thanks for the tip on the GAD enzyme. I didn't know it but the symptoms seem to match me well. i'll look it up more.


PS: i checked my 23&me results and my rs769407 (GAD1) is the major (normal) allele. interestingly, my spouse, who has generalized but no social anxiety, is homozygous for a minor variant. But! there is a connection between gluten (in gluten sensitive types) and GAD: https://selfhack.com...ects-of-gluten/

i'm gluten sensitive and try to stay away but relapse a lot.


Edited by jack black, 17 February 2021 - 08:19 PM.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: anxiety, glutamate, lamictal, lamotrigine, sodium channels, gaba, gabapentin, aspartate, topamax, glutamate antagonist

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