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I really need help… please

brain health mental health depression

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#1 Derin105

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Posted 01 May 2021 - 11:53 PM

I want to start off by saying I’m 29 I’ve had depression to various degrees my whole life. I was diagnosed with panic disorder and can’t find a medication that works for me. I’m pretty healthy. 170lbs 6”1.

When I have an attack I can take a lorazepam and it works well. Unfortunately when it wears off the next day I get rebound anxiety like crazyyyyy and I get really depressed. My depression is very negative and melancholic. I never think about food and I constantly ruminate about my next panic attack. I can’t literally focus on anything. I react very negatively to SSRIs. Completely blank. Last time I tried lexapro at just 5mg I went crazy on it. Anger aggressions etc.

My question is . I know there is different subtypes of depressions. But I feel maybe my depression is caused by the panic attacks. But generally speaking. I feel sad a lot. Very despondent. 0 appetite and will. Complete anhedonia. What do I do at this point?

#2 Derin105

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Posted 02 May 2021 - 12:02 AM

As a side note. Eating causes me massive anxiety. So I limit how much I eat throughout the day. If I have a full meal I’ll go into a panic. I get extremely overstimulated

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#3 pamojja

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Posted 02 May 2021 - 08:39 AM

As a side note. Eating causes me massive anxiety. So I limit how much I eat throughout the day. If I have a full meal I’ll go into a panic. I get extremely overstimulated


What you typically eat?

What is your life-style?

What other modalities beside pharmaceuticals you already tried, to process sadness, anger or panic?

#4 Derin105

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Posted 02 May 2021 - 01:30 PM

I eat whatever I can. Usually dinner. And maybe some snacking in between but the constant state of dread and anxiety is insane. Makes it extremely difficult to focus on anything but the panic and depression.
In addition. My panic attacks never use to cause me as much physical symptoms now it’s accompanied by high blood pressure which is causing more anxiety during the day and night. Ruining sleep
I’ve barely slept in 3 days
I’ve been to the emergency room twice the last two night. Because I’m so overwhelmed. They check my heart and said everything is fine. My blood pressure is high but the doctor didn’t seem worried. They gave me Ativan and sent me home. Knowing it will ruing me long term by taking it. I feel lost

#5 pamojja

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Posted 02 May 2021 - 02:27 PM

I eat whatever I can. Usually dinner. And maybe some snacking in between but the constant state of dread and anxiety is insane.


Everything as processed foods laced with high fructose-glucose corn-syrup and omega-6 oils?


No nutritious real unprocessed foods?


At least the essential omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins and minerals addtitionally supplemented?


How can you consider any of the trillions bodily processes working properly, if you only feed it toxic chemicals and no real nutrition? Would any car work for very long that way?



My panic attacks never use to cause me as much physical symptoms now it’s accompanied by high blood pressure which is causing more anxiety during the day and night. Ruining sleep
I’ve barely slept in 3 days.


Starting high blood pressure would in most cases rapidly respond to healthy nutrition along with supplementation and lifestyle-changes.



I’ve been to the emergency room twice the last two night. Because I’m so overwhelmed. They check my heart and said everything is fine. My blood pressure is high but the doctor didn’t seem worried. They gave me Ativan and sent me home. Knowing it will ruing me long term by taking it. I feel lost


Medical care doesn't care much about chronic conditions if you or a hired caretaker doesn't. If you feel lost, you're a perfect canditate for their business-model. You have to wake up and take responsibilty for your health yourself!



You didn't answer my other questions:


What is your life-style?


What other modalities beside pharmaceuticals you already tried, to process sadness, anger or panic?


But if the answers are as toxic as above on diet, you are actually doing everything to remain in the conventional sick-care system.


You could start by collecting copies of every lab-test done in the past (liver and kidney enzymes, electrolytes, CBC, glucose and lipid metabolism, hormones) to get advise where you problems are. But if your unwilling or unable to address those issues with nutrition and life-style-changes afterwards, its all in vain.


Noone - no helper - could force you to do what it takes.

Edited by pamojja, 02 May 2021 - 02:36 PM.


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Posted 02 May 2021 - 03:25 PM

And in the meantime, fire up netflix and watch "Neal Brennan: 3 Mics" - you are not alone, he's gone through some crazy things trying to treat his depression, maybe one of those things would work for you even if it didn't for him.

#7 Derin105

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Posted 02 May 2021 - 07:26 PM

I supplement a plant based multi and fish oil daily. I try and eat well. When I do eat. My lifestyle is obviously home bound. I’m too afraid to have panic attacks anymore

#8 Derin105

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Posted 02 May 2021 - 07:30 PM

Last night ended up at the er again. On my way in the car I swear my heart got to a point where it was racing so fast that it was doing weird jolts and slow downs and weird things. Worst attack I’ve ever had. Got to the er and they did and ecg and said everything is fine . Is that actually possible?

#9 kurdishfella

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Posted 03 May 2021 - 04:09 AM

Maybe by the time you got to the ER your attack had stopped and so it appeared fine. you live in cali so I suggest weed

#10 pamojja

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Posted 03 May 2021 - 11:34 AM

What you typically eat?

What is your life-style?

What other modalities beside pharmaceuticals you already tried, to process sadness, anger or panic?


I supplement a plant based multi and fish oil daily. I try and eat well. When I do eat. My lifestyle is obviously home bound. I’m too afraid to have panic attacks anymore


3 posts later you still didn't answer 'what' you typically eat, or what other modalities beside pharmaceutical you tried to address your difficult emotions.


Your home-bound lifestyle is bred by the unfounded believe it would prevent panic attacks. While in reality it caused you to go to the ER exactly 3 times the last 3 days!


You're obviously not ready for what it takes. What for you have to punish yourself with your lifesentence? Or, for example, your parents?

Edited by pamojja, 03 May 2021 - 11:35 AM.

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#11 poonja

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Posted 06 May 2021 - 01:09 PM

My former girlfriend was a nurse and suffered from panic attacks and found great relief from daily klonapin.  Normally used for seizures but used off label to limit panic attacks.

#12 Turnbuckle

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Posted 06 May 2021 - 06:04 PM

User Reviews for Propranolol to treat Panic Disorder


There are drugs with higher user ratings, but propranolol works by cutting the feedback loop between anxiety and heart rate, so it should have no rebound anxiety.


Drugs used to treat Panic Disorder

#13 Advocatus Diaboli

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Posted 08 May 2021 - 12:47 AM

If you decide to try propranolol be heedful that it must be tapered if you decide to stop using it. In addition, propranolol is a beta blocker and there exists the possiblility that disturbances in CNS (central nervous system) function might occur.

Edited by Advocatus Diaboli, 08 May 2021 - 12:58 AM.

#14 Turnbuckle

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Posted 08 May 2021 - 10:48 AM

The good thing about propranolol is you likely won't have to use if forever. The link between heart rate and anxiety is in part a learned one. So once you break that link, it should fade with time.

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#15 BioInfinite

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Posted 06 June 2021 - 03:14 AM

Yeah propranolol worked quite well for my anxiety. They say it just limits the physical symptoms of anxiety, but in my experience the mental symptoms also to a degree, after all it reduces the effects of adrenaline in the body and norepinephrine in the brain. However if you go that route start on a low dose (10mg) and don't go too high (more than 80mg).  I found beyond 80mg it made anxiety worse but everyone is different. It did seem to train me not to be anxious in certain situations, like Turnbuckle says.


I used to have resting heart rate of 120 and too much adrenaline at night. But I discovered that was because I had very high histamine levels from foods. So I cut out things like tomato (especially concentrate), spinach, and all high histamine foods and my heart rate/adrenaline levels improved dramatically without the propranolol. Some people react to other 'amines' in foods, and glutamates (both trigger anxiety for me) or salicylates (not sure what symptoms they cause in other people as I'm not sensitive to them).


If I eat cheese, avocado, chinese food with added MSG, or meat thats more than 3 weeks past slaughter (builds up in amines), I get anxiety and agitation. I also get anxiety from gluten. Try the elimination diet, worked for me.



Edited by BioInfinite, 06 June 2021 - 03:21 AM.

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